Grow Your Business From Home With Social Media Marketing

Experts know that marketing is an online world now, also known as SMM (Social Media Marketing.) No tool has a tighter grasp on the minds of our people than social media. These sites are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, Reddit, Linkedin, and Snapchat, plus many others that focus on even smaller niches.

phone screen with social media marketing apps
You can run all these great platforms right in the palm of your hand!


These platforms will give you a marketing edge, but only if you master them. There is a lot of noise on the internet nowadays, so it’s important to be bold and clear with your online marketing. Need some starting tips? Here are four:


1. Pick the Right Platform

Whether you’re writing blog posts as your medium or social networks, picking the right platform is the first step. Each one has a different feel and will benefit your company in a different way. Are you a community-based business? Facebook, along with Facebook ads, may be the right way to go. This platform is solid when it comes to building a group with shared interests.


Instagram is less about community and more about visual interaction. For this type of content, your business will need to focus on snappy advertisements that deliver a ton of info in a square picture or video. 


Twitter is another popular choice. Like Instagram, the focus in on quick content. Unlike Instagram, Twitter engages a step further with discussion. The plan here is to capitalize on the snappy conversation by keeping up with replies. This is a great place to hear your customers needs, struggles, and praise. Your user base will interact at a quicker level. Think hard about what your brand wants to say on each platform before you decide.

2.Create Time for Your Social Media Marketing Plan

How much time do you have to devote to your social media platforms? Are you going to be delivering video content through Instagram, or just getting Facebook advertising? No matter what you choose, you need to have a plan ironed out.

woman looking at social media on her phone
Have a spare moment on the bus ride? Take a minute to check in on how your plan is meeting your goals.

Social media campaigns are all over the place. There are apps like Sprout or Hootsuite than assist in community building with schedules. Do you have time to do this yourself, or do you need to hire a content team? Your managing style is important because it will show you not only how your content will be released, but also where your time and effort are needed.


One tip is to use social media analytics to show what your company is already being engaged with. Write down what works and what doesn’t, then adjust your plan to maximize your successes.



3.Engage and Build Your Community


Your target audience needs to feel included. People like to be in a group with others that think like them. This means you should create a group. Your brand is like a banner, paint it in stark colors and know what you’re providing inside and out. People will respond to this, especially if you’re paying attention to your managing plan.


Reach out with social media posts. Not only should you be the business owner, but also the community head. Talk to people that comment and engage with you. Be polite and mind what you say; you’re the voice of your company.


Doing this will not just improve brand awareness, it’ll also get you a dedicated following. Businesses thrive on trust, and you can build it quickly through this organic reach.

4.Measure Your Success

This is where most business owners fail. You’ve got your community. You’ve got your content marketing in full swing. But then that’s it. You don’t measure anything, and you let your business spin around willy-nilly.

social media on a laptop showing business success
You can measure all your business success from your laptop. Check your posts, engagement, and then reuse what works.


Don’t be like others. Stick to your social media marketing strategy from earlier, and don’t be afraid to experiment. When you fail in small ways, it’ll improve your business when you continue on through what works. Success is measured not in the strides you take, but in the way you pick yourself up when you fall.


For small businesses, your brand on social media could make or break you. Most people research, decide, and buy online now, from their phones on the couch. Putting your company in that market place provides excellent exposure and can lead to huge growth. Just follow your plan, and you can find success.


The Beginners Guide To Worker’s Compensation

Do you know everything you need to know about Worker’s Compensation? It’s not a subject many people discuss at the dinner table, but it’s incredibly important to have when running a business in case someone is injured. A small thing like a loose nail or an unstable walkway could spell trouble. 

smiling worker in an office with a be happy sign
It’s easy to be happy when you know you’re covered!

Before an accident happens, it’s imperative for a business owner to understand the terms of Worker’s Compensation coverage, how to qualify as an employee, what it covers, and what it will cost you.

What Is “Worker’s Comp?”

This agreement states that as long as an employee receives wage replacement and medical benefits, the employee will not sue the company for negligence. Meaning, if you’re injured on site due to something workplace related, you’ll be covered for the amount of work you miss plus hospital bills. But, you cannot sue the company specifically for failing to take proper care. This protects employers and employees.

It’s state-mandated, and the particulars change based on your location. EZ.Insure’s agents are familiar with this information, local or not, so by calling us, you’re saving some time.

Good news is, safety regulations are solid nowadays. 

employees with talk bubbles asking about insurance
Your employee may have questions for you during this time. EZ.Insure will give you the knowledge to answer securely.

How Can Your Employee Qualify?

For an injured employee, there are only four checkboxes to qualify:

  1. You must be employed by the company.
  2. Your illness/ injury must be work-related.
  3. Your case must fall in state guidelines.
  4. The employer must have Worker’s Compensation insurance.

What Is / Is Not Covered by Worker’s Compensation? 

Workers Compensation insurance covers most workplace injuries, but you may be refused assistance if your injuries are self-inflicted, occurred during a crime, or if your actions during your sustained injury violated company policy. For example, if your employee happened to sustain an injury while robbing you, rest assured their injury most likely won’t be covered.

The injured employee doesn’t need to be injured “on-site” to be covered. Worker’s compensation can also come into place when your injury is sustained, and it’s job-related. This could be if your company plans a trip overseas for a meeting, and your employee happens to break a limb during the outing. 

When it comes to your medical expenses, you’ll find support with diagnosis and treatment. Depending on your state, it can also provide disability payments, rehabilitation, or retraining. 

This should provide ample cushion for your employees to recover and return to work.

What Are the Costs?

The average cost of a worker’s compensation claim is $38,000 (from 2005). This is a combined total of both the medical side and loss in productivity. That’s a down payment for a house or a mid-size car. 

For a company, the average cost per $100 in employee wage ranges from $0.75 to $2.74. It doesn’t seem that bad, but this does depend on the state. If you’re looking into getting this for your company, contact your local office to get specific information. 

Do Worker’s Compensation Costs Change Per Business Type?

cranes with people working on construction
Depending on what your company does is how much you’ll be quoted for worker’s compensation.

Depending on your company, the money outflow is going to fluctuate. For example, in the office building, your cost per $100 goes down to about $0.12. It doesn’t sound that bad, but it’s because injuries happen less often in this environment.

If you’re a painter or a landscaper, this average jumps up to $7-9/$100. You’ll have to take a look into the work you’re doing, and how it may affect an employee. Your business needs a strong hand with inside knowledge to provide you with the best quality insurance.

EZ.Insure has the experience to help you excel. Your agent will answer any questions you have, compare different plans for you, and even sign you up when you’re ready, free of charge and without having to worry about being hounded by endless calls. To get started simply enter your zip code in the bar above, or you can speak to an agent by emailing, or calling 888-350-1890. EZ.Insure makes the entire process easy, and quick.

8 Costly Mistakes New Business Owners Make

Learn from Those that Came Before

With all the small business ideas out there, we live in a wonderful time of innovation, but that comes with its own risks. Whether you’re wanting to sell produce and flowers in a farmer’s market or opening up your own electronic repair store, it’s good to be aware of the pitfalls with running your own business. Don’t make these business owner mistakes.

1. Failing to Organize & Budget

Like anything, organization will set you free. When starting a business on the ground floor, having a clear plan with SMART goals can not only keep you going in the right direction but also help keep stress down.

These time-honored plans will help keep you on the path to success.

This also involves keeping clear notes on your goals and setting intentions, especially with a budget. With all of the clarity, you should have little to no mistakes during the start-up period by sticking with your business plan.

2. Skipping Research on the Market (Knowing Your Customer)

It’s not the most fun aspect of business running, but it is a necessary one. The market is your influx of customers and money, so you can’t ignore its heartbeat or where it flows. Researching what’s happening in the market will give you first-hand knowledge, making you one step ahead of those who do not.

A secondary aspect of this is knowing your customer base, a part of the market. Knowing exactly what they want and how it pertains to your goods/services can keep your edge. For example, if you sell sandwiches and your market research shows a new type of cheese coming out, buying the cheese and utilizing it in your store can give you an edge over your competitors.

And you would never have known if you hadn’t looked into it.

3. Not Taking Advantage Of Technology

While the solidity of hard copies can’t be forgotten, technology has come far in contemporary times, assisting us in many trivial tasks. Also, in our screen-drenched world, your business could be disregarded for not having a website or having a mobile presence. Yes, this means social media too.

Software for businesses is a relatively cheap expense. If you want to do your own accounting (which you can, but don’t skip this either), there are programs available to secure all the numbers in their places. Other software can be useful from tax preparation to advertisements. Would your business type benefit from an e-commerce store; if so, think about which host websites are available. This is the most costly of business owner mistakes.

business desk full of technology
With all the tech available to you, it’d be silly not to at least take a look.

4. Forgetting Paperwork

Simply put, cover yourself. The amount of paperwork can be staggering, but it is a necessary part of the business world. Don’t forget to sign all your agreements and keep receipts in case something comes up later.

5. Undervaluing Yourself

Along with market research, you’ll see the average cost of your goods/services. When new businesses start, they can assume they’ll start in a novice category. While true for some, it may not be the same for all.

Make a fair market price for what you provide so that you can maintain a solid profit margin. Adjustments may come, so be ready for those as well.

6. Spending Too Much Too Soon (Or Too Little)

Debt becomes a big problem over time, but business loans are known to be a popular first choice. Your starting capital needs to stretch to cover everything you need starting up. Again, referencing the goals from earlier, you should be able to attain them and keep within budget. Just make sure not to stretch yourself or make large personal purchases using your company account.

The same can be said about spending too little. If you don’t maximize your starting capital, you risk lessening your impact on the market and thus falling behind from the get-go. There is always a risk, but make sure these risks are calculated.

7. Not Planning for Hardship

Hard times fall on us all, and businesses are no exception. Whether it’s an unforeseen accident, theft, or illness on the team, you’ll want to be prepared for it. Insurance can definitely help with this, but also keep a savings account with enough money set aside for the interim. For more information on types of insurance, look at our easy guide here.

This way, when hardship falls on you, you can rest secure with the knowledge that you can see it through, and your business will continue to thrive.

8. Going it Alone

We’re a communal species, and this goes into the intricate dealings of a business. You’re not alone in the market so you shouldn’t be alone in your company. If you work alone and are comfortable with that, of course, it’s okay, but when it comes to managing more complex matters, don’t make the mistake of not asking for help or advice.

money graph to show success
Use your knowledge and organization to take secure steps in your risks. It’s about balance.

Hiring others when needed and delegating is the start of a strong team. Don’t forget that by working together, we can achieve loftier goals than apart.

This can be done with small hires like a personal or virtual assistant, hiring agents for insurance, or even seeking financial advice from experts.

Successful business owners learn all these things, from organizing to teamwork. As long as you take it one step at a time, you should have little problems navigating the business world, and you won’t fall for these business owner mistakes.

EZ.Insure is there to make sure you’re not alone. Your agent will answer any questions you have, compare different plans for you, and even sign you up when you’re ready, free of charge and without having to worry about being hounded by endless calls. To get started simply enter your zip code in the bar above, or you can speak to an agent by emailing, or calling  888-615-4893. EZ.Insure makes the entire process easy, and quick.

3 Insurance Headaches EZ.Insure Will Save You From

Insurance Can Be Tiresome. Let Us Help You.

You’re sitting at your desk, scratching the back of your head with at least ten different insurance pages open. Sound familiar? It’d be nice if someone brought you an extra cup of coffee, closed your laptop, and gave you a shoulder rub instead. We can all dream, right? Unfortunately, insurance headaches can happen to anyone.

While shoulder rubs may not be our thing, helping you out with insurance still is. There are some major stress factors on the road of life, and we have three mapped out for you already here. EZ.Insure has solutions for them.

1. Searching: The Exhausting One

business owner stressed over computer with water glass
Stress can affect your ability to make good decisions. Take care where you focus your attention.

Searching for policies yourself can leave you stressed and drained. When you’re in that state, it becomes harder to make good decisions. This goes double for business owners; you’ve got a lot riding on you. Why shoulder this entire burden yourself?

Looking at policy lists, companies, and plans will take chunks of time from you. Besides that, you’re handing out information to various companies. Our agents here are capable and willing to do the heavy lifting for you. We take the hassle and anxiety out of this process.

Don’t put yourself in a situation where you could be overwhelmed when a simple email will save you time. One agent can free you up to spend more time on the things you love: your company, your family, your life.

2. Scams: The Crazy One

It’s sad, but there are many insurance scams out there today, one of the worst insurance headaches that could happen. Without the proper information, you could fall for one of these con artists. It wouldn’t even be your fault. How would you have known?

Regardless of knowledge, people are taken advantage of daily. Business scams are prevalent because they prey upon a valid need for increasing revenue. Picture yourself in a bind with a slow month in profits, and you need help. With anxiety clouding your judgment (which is perfectly understandable), you could reach for the first attractive advertisement offer without considering where it comes from, or what kind of “fees” they charge you to start their services. That’s how they get you.

Our agents are reliable, keeping up daily with insurance trends and scams. They’ll make sure to keep you in safe zones so that you don’t have to worry about falling for a con. Losing money is bad, but feeling victimized is worse.

3. Unexpected Disasters: The Big One

business destroyed inside after a disaster
Walking into your destroyed office building could be a nightmare. Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

Your entire life can change in a day; you need to prepare for this.

Natural disasters strike, more often than before. Hurricane Harvey hit my area of Texas in 2017, causing $125 billion in damage. Homes were lost, businesses closed, and people were displaced. No one could have accounted for such a massive storm. Who could have predicted it?

Our agents will take the time to address your concerns and find policies that will protect you during hardship. Our business owner’s policy provides you with liability insurance and protection when your property is damaged. Worried about the downtime while you’re making repairs? EZ.Insure offers Business Income/Interruption insurance to help with less profitable months due to disruptions.

Our custom service focuses on saving you time and money. Let us be your support so that you can make an informed decision. We’ll take the insurance headaches away from you.

EZ.Insure is there to make sure you’re not alone. Your agent will answer any questions you have, compare different plans for you, and even sign you up when you’re ready, free of charge and without having to worry about being hounded by endless calls. To get started simply enter your zip code in the bar above, or you can speak to an agent by emailing, or calling 888-350-1890. EZ.Insure makes the entire process easy, and quick.

Starting A New Business? What Insurance Do You REALLY Need?

The Absolute Necessities from the Ground Up

Taking the plunge with a new business? You’re in luck. It’s never been a better time with support all over the place. As a new business owner, you may have legal advice, a business plan, and employees already, but don’t undervalue insurance when it for added security. Do not overlook the benefits of peace of mind.

person writing in notebook between two laptops
Planning for unforeseen disasters now can save you headaches later.

You may not know all the important insurance coverages, or why exactly you’d need them. We’ve got a guide for you here with the necessities for a smooth launch.

And if you’re thinking specifically about group health insurance, we’ve got all the information on that over here.

Types of Insurance for Your New Business:

Worker’s Compensation Insurance

  1. This coverage pays for medical care and replaces lost wages for the worker affected.
  2. This is required insurance coverage. (Except in Texas)
  3. Insurance cost is averaged to about $2 for every $100 in payroll.

Unemployment Compensation Insurance

    1. This will guarantee some wage to your employees after their job is lost.
    2. This is required insurance.
    3. Insurance cost varies by state.

Disability Insurance (Required in Some States)

  1. This covers your employees if an illness or injury causes them to miss work.
  2. Rhode Island, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York, and California require this.
  3. Insurance cost will be about .25%- .5% of payroll.

General Liability Insurance

  1. If someone else is injured on your property or from a business service, this covers that situation.
  2. This is not required coverage.
  3. Average liability coverage will come to around $500,000 per year but can be lessened or increase by your business’ risk level.

Commercial Property Insurance

  1. This covers your physical property and spaces that belong to your business. (Including weather, vandalism, or theft)
  2. This is not required coverage.
  3. Average insurance cost is about $1500 per year.

Professional Liability Insurance

  1. This is also known as Errors and Omissions insurance. You’ll need this for higher risk businesses such as lawyers or doctors.
  2. This is not required insurance.
  3. Average insurance cost is about $1350 per year.

Product Liability Insurance

  1. This coverage protects you from faulty merchandise. If you operate with a manufacturer and/or packagers, this can cover you in case they make a mistake.
  2. This is not required insurance.
  3. The cost will be about .25¢ for every $100 in retail sales.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance

  1. This coverage protects you in cases of sexual harassment lawsuits or otherwise.
  2. This is not required insurance.
  3. These policies have wider ranges due to many factors such as employee number, turnover, and type of business. The range will be from $800-$3000 per year.

Key Person Insurance

  1. This insurance type covers your business in the event that the business owner or another key personnel member dies or becomes disabled.
  2. This is not required insurance.
  3. Less than $1000 per year

Other Insurance Policies to Consider

Business Vehicle Insurance

  • Covers vehicles used for the business

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

  • Covers the directors and officers of non-profit businesses in lawsuits claiming they mishandled their business

Business Identity Insurance

  • Covers cases of identity theft, even going so far as to notify your customers for you should you have their information

Terrorism Insurance

    • Covers cases of terrorism affecting your business. Check to make sure it is not already bundled with your other policies.
person pulling money out of a wallet
Unexpected things happen. Don’t get caught unawares and lose your hard-earned profits.

Of course, we hope you never have to take advantage of these types of insurance. However, when it comes down to it, it’s best to keep everyone covered. Whether you’re a home-based business or a larger one, all will benefit from the support. And like before, it’s never been a better time to do so with all the specialists available.

EZ.Insure offers you another helping hand. Your agent will answer any questions you have, compare the plans for you, and even sign you up, free of charge. To get started simply enter your zip code in the bar above, or you can speak to an agent by emailing, or calling 888-998-2027. EZ.Insure makes the entire process easy, simple, and quick.

Group Health Insurance: The Plans, the Importance, and the Agent

What Types of Insurance are Available and Why They Are Important

You’re ready to take the next step into improving your business through group health insurance plans. You’ve got your employee’s benefits in mind, but also your company’s bottom line. Both are important. So, here are the different types of insurance plans available to your company, and how exactly they’ll help you out.

Fully-Insured Employer/ Large Employer Group

  • Why You Should Choose This: You’re wanting a solid plan that provides the most coverage. This is if you’re wanting major medical or health maintenance organization (HMO) coverage.

    shaking hands in business meeting
    Business planning is all about finding what works for you, insurance or otherwise.
  • What It Offers: A traditional policy that is common, so more support or offers from agencies. You also party directly to the agency.
  • Requirements: Just the basic group insurance requirements: be a business of two or more people and enroll during the specified period.

Small Employer Group

  • Why You Should Choose This:  You’re a smaller company or a group in a larger company seeking a cheaper option. Insurance agencies can more accurately predict risks in a smaller group.
  • What It Offers: Cheaper options with higher coverage and the same policy for each employer.
  • Requirements: Basic group insurance needs met.

Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)

  • Why You Should Choose This:  You want to pay for specific health services via monthly premiums.
  • What It Offers:  More control when it comes to enrolling for general services.
  • Requirements: A good knowledge of doctors and care facilities as you will have to stay within a network.
signing life insurance form
Life, health, and any policy will require some old-fashioned form signing.


  • Why You Should Choose This:  You wish your company to be in complete control of the payment for coverage.
  • What It Offers: More control as your company is the one taking the costs.
  • Requirements: Basic group requirements

Association Group

  • Why You Should Choose This:  You are not an employer, but you still wish to offer group health insurance to a set of people.
  • What It Offers: The ability to get group health insurance for a non-business type.
  • Requirements: Basic group insurance needs met.

Level Funded Plans

  • Why You Should Choose This:  You wish to pay a monthly premium instead of an annual one.
  • What It Offers: A graduated payment plan instead of a lump sum at one time.
  • Requirements: Census information will be taken of the group you wish to be insured in order to determine your monthly rate for coverage.

Preferred Provider Organization

  • Why You Should Choose This:  You’re wanting something similar to the HMO plan earlier but with more flexibility.
  • What It Offers: More choices when it comes to doctors and facilities with the risk of being more expensive due to administrative costs and negotiated services.
  • Requirements: Basic requirements met.

High-Deductible Health Plan with Savings Option (HDHP/SO)

  • Why You Should Choose This:  You don’t think your employees will use medical services, so you trade higher deductibles for lower monthly costs.
  • What It Offers: Cheaper options at the expense of your employees. However, this may be paired with a health savings account to counteract the higher out of pocket costs.
  • Requirements: Basic group insurance needs met.
hands pressed together after business meeting
Let an insurance specialist help you succeed.

Your Agent

With all of these to take into account, it can get overwhelming quickly.  An insurance agent is specially prepared to navigate these waters and make sure you’re getting the exact plan to fit your needs.

Sometimes, not all employees will want or need this coverage. After you take stock of your company’s team and needs, look to a specialist for a guiding hand.

EZ.Insure offers you another helping hand. Your agent will answer any questions you have, compare the plans for you, and even sign you up, free of charge. To get started simply enter your zip code in the bar above, or you can speak to an agent by emailing, or calling 888-998-2027. EZ.Insure makes the entire process easy, simple, and quick.