How Medicare Supplement Plans Are Rated

Medicare may sometimes fall short on coverage and can be a financial burden to retirees. It is wise to look into Medicare Supplement Insurance to help ease the burden, and receive more coverage.  Medicare Supplement is offered by private companies that are regulated by states. There are different policy premium rates by different companies, and…

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Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JP Morgan Team Up To Repackage Healthcare

In January, three major corporations- Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JPMorgan Chase, announced they will join forces to form an independent healthcare company for their employees. They are offering a “not-for-profit” system for their own employees, with the potential to be extended to all Americans. They are hoping this will lead to lower healthcare costs and…

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Ways to Lower Your Risk Of Colon Cancer

Over the years, the number of people over the age of 55 with colon cancer has gone up by 3%. According to statistics from research, it is estimated that over 100,000 adults in the U.S. will be diagnosed with colon cancer this year. Of these numbers, there is expected a death toll of over 50,000.…

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What is the Ketogenic Diet?

The ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet, has recently become popular after being pushed by fitness gurus and endorsed by celebrities. This diet has promised to help detox your body, along with helping people lose weight. It is a low carb, high-fat diet that reverses your body’s functions in how it produces energy.…

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Tips to Treating Arthritis

Almost 60 million Americans are dealing with arthritis and the pain that comes with it. Arthritis is a joint disorder that inflames the joints and can causes severe pain. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of degenerative arthritis causing stiffness and pain. Arthritis cannot be cured, but there are steps and exercises anyone can do…

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Hiking Benefits & Tips for Seniors

It is important for people of all ages to keep active and exercise in order to maintain a healthy life. This is especially true for seniors, as long as it is in a safe manner. Studies have shown that seniors who walk at least 4 hours a week are less likely to be hospitalized due…

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Lifestyle Modifications for Healthier Seniors

Exercise and diet, we hear how important it is all the time, but does it really hold its value as we age?  We live in a time where every week there is a new fad diet or exercise program in the works that promises instant results, so you would think staying healthy would be a…

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Help Your Kids Manage Stress In School

Stress has no age limit, including for children. Kids get stressed out while growing up, especially throughout the school year. You can learn to spot the signs of stress, and help your kids cope with the stress in a positive manner. If not, kids will begin to slack in school, their behavior may get worse,…

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Take Time to Be Kind to Yourself Today

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind-” as stated by Henry James. It is important in our lives to be kind, especially to ourselves. Often we forget to stop and take care of ourselves after giving…

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Hygiene is important, especially as we age

Importance of Personal Hygiene

Good personal hygiene can make a huge difference in how you feel about yourself, both physically and mentally. As you age continuing to be social is an important part of keeping your mind as young and healthy as possible. A part of being social is making sure that you are keeping up with your personal…

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Safe Yoga Moves For Seniors

Yoga can improve your overall quality of life and is good for all ages, especially seniors. It can help combat stress, fatigue, and pain, and help seniors to feel younger. Yoga increases flexibility, and maintains balance as you age. These exercises will help seniors cope with aging and as long as it is done in…

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The Importance of Relationships & Social Interaction For Seniors

As we age, it becomes harder to make new friends or socialize with current friends that might have moved away or have severe medical issues. The older we get, the less energetic we become and would prefer to sit at home in front of the TV or read. The less socially active we become, the…

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Relaxing Techniques To Practice At Work

We have all been in a situation where the pile of work in front of us seems to just keep getting bigger, and we begin to feel overwhelmed and stressed. At times it seems like it will never end, and still your job demands more from you. When this occurs, it is crucial to take…

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The Importance of Sleep

Sleep is one of the most important things that we need to survive and function on a daily basis. There are often times when we are busy, or something important comes up, and staying up all night to complete a task does not seem like a big deal. In reality, that lack of sleep hurt…

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Protect Yourself, Know How to Spot Medicare Card Scams

Starting in April 2018, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid services will be issuing new Medicare ID cards to Medicare beneficiaries. As stated on their website,, the new cards issued will not have the beneficiary's social security number on them anymore to “prevent fraud, fight identity theft, and keep taxpayer dollars safe.” Instead, the…

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Mental Health Is Just As Important For Seniors

If a mental illness goes untreated, it can have a serious life impact on a person, leading to depression and even death. The National Alliance on Mental Illness states that depression is the number one cause of disability around the world. In order to battle this, it is important to seek professional help and utilize…

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Traveling Outside of the US? Consider a Medicare Supplement for Coverage

Retirement is the perfect time to begin traveling and enjoying your freedom. Original Medicare will cover your medical needs while traveling within the United States and American territories- Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. Medicare’s network of doctors and hospitals are large around the U.S. However, the moment you decide to travel internationally, Medicare…

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Stress & Anxiety

How To Deal With Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Research has found that almost everyone will experience a panic attack (also known as an anxiety attack) at least once in their life. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental illnesses in the U.S., affecting over 40 million people. There are different variations of anxiety disorders, such as general anxiety disorder (GAD), panic…

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