Relaxing Techniques To Practice At Work

We have all been in a situation where the pile of work in front of us seems to just keep getting bigger, and we begin to feel overwhelmed and stressed. At times it seems like it will never end, and still your job demands more from you. When this occurs, it is crucial to take a step back and relax. It is more beneficial to your health, and to your company that you work efficiently, and you can not do this when you are feeling stressed out. There are techniques you can practice right there at your desk or during your lunch break at work that will relax you and help you stay focused.

If you do not allow yourself to relax, you will soon find yourself at a breaking point. Your physical and mental health, along with productivity level will begin to go decline, and you may even experience a mental breakdown. These techniques are some you can practice to provide immediate relief from work distress:

Breathing Technique

Take a deep breath right while reading this- feel better? Deep breaths can make you feel more relaxed, even being named the best stress reduction technique by The American Institute of Stress. How?-Well it increases the oxygen supply to your brain, making you feel more calm. Doing this a couple of times, or throughout the work day will help provide you with some immediate stress relief.

Laughing makes you feel good.
Take a moment to laugh while at work. Laughing makes you feel better.


Ever heard the saying laughter is the best medicine? The reason for this is because it’s true! Laughing increases endorphins that are released by the brain, which in turn produces a relaxed feeling. Crack a joke with a friend or co-worker, look at some funny pictures or jokes, or tell funny stories. All of these will help reduce your stress level and make the workday go by smoother.

Go For A Walk

Go for a half hour walk on your lunch break in order to relieve some stress. By keeping your body moving, you can increase the production of endorphins in your body. Exercise reduces the body’s stress levels by reducing the stress causing hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Take the stairs instead of using the elevator, or if you are stuck at your desk all day, try to do some exercises at your desk. There are many different kinds of exercises to do at your desk, such as desk push ups, where you place your hands on the edge of your desk and your legs out behind you and begin doing push ups.

Ear massage & Acupressure

Acupuncture is a practice throughout traditional Chinese medicine that has been proven to work by medical studies. Acupuncture refers to the reflexology points throughout your body, and is massaged or applied pressure on them, it can relieve stress and help relax you. Massage your Shen Men point, also known as the middle of the upper third of your ear. When massaged, this spot will decrease stress and increase energy. Another kind of acupressure to try is to apply pressure or massage in between the fleshy spot of your thumb and pointer finger. These techniques can provide some immediate stress relief while sitting at your desk.

Meditating can release a sense of ease.
Take a deep breath and reflect on the day while on break.


Yale University states that “mindfulness and meditation practices have been shown to decrease stress, improve sleep quality, increase compassion toward oneself and others, and improve overall well-being.” Meditation can help tune out the unnecessary noise and stress in your life. While at work, go find an empty room or go to your car for some peace and quiet. Then take a deep breathe, release, and then sit in silence while you meditate for at least 5-10 minutes. Think of all the things you are grateful for and want to accomplish. When you are done, open your eyes slowly and reflect before getting back to work.

All of these techniques are just some different ways to try and reduce stress, and provide you with some self care. Some of these may work for you, while others may not. You can search for different acupressures, desk exercises, or techniques that will work for you. Taking care of yourself is important so you can deliver your best not only at work, but to yourself.

About The Author:
Cassandra Love

With over a decade of helpful content experience Cassandra has dedicated her career to making sure people have access to relevant, easy to understand, and valuable information. After realizing a huge knowledge gap Cassandra spent years researching and working with health insurance companies to create accessible guides and articles to walk anyone through every aspect of the insurance process.

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