Retiring? Don’t Cancel Your Life Insurance Policy!

You’ve worked your whole life to save money to use for your retirement, and to take care of your loved ones. Now that your retirement is finally approaching, you might be wondering: is it enough? In addition to your savings, do you have a pension or retirement benefits through your former employer, or will you be relying on Social Security – and will it be enough to support your spouse if you are no longer able to? What about if you or your spouse needs long-term care? And will there be any money left for your children or grandchildren? If you’re unsure whether you’ll have enough money for all of these scenarios, a life insurance policy could be the answer. So, if you already have one, don’t cancel it now; if you don’t, you can still find an affordable policy – having one is just as important now as it was when your family was young, and here’s why!

Provides Additional Incomethree plant pots with money growing out of each of them and a hand picking the middle one

If you are one of the lucky ones who will be getting monthly retirement benefits from your employer, you might think that both you and your spouse will be able to live on that money for the rest of your lives, whoever passes away first. But that is not necessarily the case: depending on the type of monthly payout that you chose, your spouse might not continue receiving your retirement income after you die. If you picked the option of a monthly payout based on your life expectancy instead of a “joint and survivor” benefit option, your benefits will only last for as long as you are alive – and most people do not choose the “joint and survivor” option, because it usually means a smaller monthly payout. Life insurance can replace that monthly income, which will help your spouse with the expenses that they relied on your income for. 

Covers Debts

Some of your debts do not disappear when you die, especially if your spouse is a co-signer of the debt. If you’re still paying off your house, car, college tuition, or credit card bills, a life insurance policy will ensure that these debts get paid without your spouse or family struggling. A policy will also ensure that your family can afford your funeral expenses, which will cost, on average, $10,000. 

Leave A Legacy

Hopefully you’ve got a great pension or retirement plan that is allowing you and your spouse to pay the bills, and still have money to travel and enjoy your retirement. But what about your children and grandchildren after you pass away? With a life insurance policy, you can leave a legacy for your family when you pass. 

Cover Your Long-Term Care

older man pushing an older woman in a wheelchair
Life insurance can help cover your long-term care, if you add specific riders to your policy.

Life expectancy is rising, and living longer means you or your spouse might end up needing assistance or long-term care at some point in the future. If you have retirement benefits, they can help pay for your long-term care needs, but what about those for your spouse? There are life insurance riders that you can add onto a policy to help both of you with long-term care in your retirement years. Some of these riders include:

  • Long-term care rider – Helps with expenses including nursing fees and assisted living costs.
  • Accelerated death benefit rider – Pays out a portion of your death benefit while you are alive if you are being treated for a terminal illness.
  • Critical illness benefit rider –  Provides early access to benefits for treatment of certain illnesses.

Supplementing your retirement benefits with life insurance will help you and your spouse have peace of mind knowing you’ll be covered if you need extra care. 

Other Advantages Of Life Insurance

Aside from helping your spouse and loved ones when you are gone, there are other advantages to supplementing your retirement benefits with a life insurance policy. With certain policies you can:

  • Build up cash value on a tax-deferred basis
  • Pay for premiums with your cash value
  • Borrow money from the cash value tax-deferred
  • Receive tax benefits for estates and trusts for your family

What Kind Of Policy Should You Get?5 white doors next to each other

There are many life insurance policies to choose from; choosing the right one for you depends on your situation, how much coverage you want, and your budget. Some policies to look into include:

  • A permanent life insurance policy, such as whole life insurance, which offers coverage that will last your whole life, and will accumulate cash over time. 
  • A term life insurance policy, which is cheaper than permanent life insurance, but only covers you for a specific amount of time (10, 20, 30 years). It can be converted into a permanent life insurance policy when the policy ends, but you might have to pay more for the policy if you renew it.
  • Guaranteed universal life insurance, which is a hybrid of term and permanent life insurance.
  • Joint life insurance, which will provide your spouse with a death benefit if you choose a first-to-die policy, or your family if you choose a second-to-die policy.
  • Final expense life insurance, which will provide benefits for the cost of a funeral and any debts you leave behind. The death benefit amount can be anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000. 

These are just some of the different types of life insurance policies you can choose from; you should be aware of all of your options before making a decision. The best way to choose a plan that will most benefit you and your family is by working with an agent and comparing plans. To get you started, we have provided the top insurance companies that offer life insurance policies below; each can give you hassle-free assistance and the most competitive rates in the nation. Always check multiple sites to make sure you have bargaining power and know the advantages of each company. Your retirement benefits will only go so far; by supplementing them with a life insurance policy, you can make sure that you will continue to provide for your loved ones even when you are gone, or that your long-term care needs are met. Make sure a hard time isn’t made harder by a financial burden, check life insurance rates today.

Why Having Life Insurance In Your 50s Is Important

Your 50s can be a time of big changes in your life. You might have a newly empty nest or a new love in your life; you might be getting remarried, paying off your mortgage, or looking forward to retirement. One thing you should definitely be thinking about at this point in your life is life insurance. While you might feel like there is no point in getting life insurance now because it will be too expensive or you don’t need it yet, nothing could be further from the truth! The reality is that people are living longer, and studies show that people are heading into their retirement years with more debts and dependents than ever before. There are multiple reasons why now is the perfect time to get life insurance, and protect the ones you love. 

You Have Dependentstwo young asian kids playing with water

Did you know that 33% of Americans say their family would be left financially unstable or even bankrupt in the event of their passing? If you have children or grandchildren who rely on you, it is important to ensure that they will be financially taken care of when you are gone. Having a good life insurance policy is the best way to put their minds at ease. If you want a lower cost option, you can opt for a term life insurance policy that would cover things like your children’s college tuition in the event that you were no longer with your family. 

You Have Debts

If you are still paying off a mortgage, or have other debts that could fall on your loved ones if you passed, you need life insurance. A life insurance policy is the best way to make sure that they would be able to pay off these debts without having to deplete their savings. 

It’s Still Affordable

Many older adults are under the impression that life insurance would be too expensive for them because of their age, and that they missed their chance to get it in their 20s and 30s. But as long as you are in good health and are not living with any serious illnesses, you can still get life insurance at a great rate! The best way to find a policy with great coverage and a great rate is to compare multiple policies from multiple insurance companies. 

Retirement Is Comingman sitting on a beach under a rainbow umbrella with fishing pole in the sand

If you get life insurance through your job, the moment you retire, you will lose that life insurance policy. In addition, that policy might no longer suit your needs. You can stay ahead of the game by finding the right life insurance policy for you now, before you get any older or develop any unexpected health conditions. 

Final Expenses Can Be a Major Burden

Life is unpredictable. If you passed unexpectedly, would your family be able to pay for your funeral? Funerals on average cost around $10,000, which is an amount that not everyone can easily come up with. A final expense life insurance policy or a permanent life insurance policy will help you plan for the unexpected and make sure your family can pay for your funeral and cover any other expenses. 

The Best Type Of Life insurance Policy For You

two arrow signs pointing in different directions with the word right on both.
Both term and permanent life insurance policies are great options to choose from!

If you are considering life insurance, you have multiple options. Two excellent, inexpensive choices are term life and permanent life insurance. Term life insurance offers life insurance for a set period of time. For example, would you like to have college tuition or or the remainder of your mortgage covered in the event of your death? A term life insurance policy is a great option in this case: one of these policies allows you to choose a term, or amount of time, that you will be covered for, so you know that your family would be able to continue to pay these bills.

Permanent life insurance is a great option if you want to help with final expenses and then some. It offers lifelong coverage as long as you pay your premiums. It can also be useful when you retire because these policies have cash value, which you can withdraw to use whenever you need it. The best way to find the right life insurance policy for you and your specific needs is by working with an agent who specializes in life insurance. We have provided the top life insurance companies in the nation below; each offers hassle-free assistance and the most competitive rates. Always check multiple sites to make sure you have bargaining power and know the advantages of each company. Make sure a hard time isn’t made harder by a financial burden, check life insurance rates today.

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