During The Holiday Rush, Remember To Stay Close To Family

The fall is the beginning of an extremely busy holiday season, bringing on holiday after holiday. The holidays are known as a time for giving presents, but more importantly, it is about family. Spending time with your family during the holidays is the true gift, especially when there is such a disconnect from them all…

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Flu Season Is Here, Should You Get The Shot?

As the colder months approach, viruses and sickness become prevalent and inevitable. One particular virus, influenza, also known as the flu, arises during these months. It is typically known as flu season. The flu is a respiratory infection that can cause complications, especially to young children, and seniors. This virus adapts to the flu vaccines…

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Insurance Company Offer Discounts to Vegans

Veganism has become a mainstream lifestyle and has been becoming more popular within the last couple of years. There are many health benefits to becoming vegan and now there are financial benefits. An Israel-based health insurance company, Clal Insurance, offers discounts to people who are vegans. The trend has caught on in America with an…

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Antibiotics, Do They Really Work?

Should you take antibiotics? Are they harmful? Will a bacteria grow resistance from antibiotics? How should they be taken? There has been a lot of questions and debates about the use of antibiotics. Antibiotics are needed to treat infections caused by bacteria. It is important to know when antibiotics are needed, and when they are…

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Hand Sanitizers, The Good & Bad.

A lot of times when we are unable to wash our hands, we will use hand sanitizers as our cleaners. Hand sanitizers have become popular over the years, it is even plastered on almost every wall in hospitals. There has been a lot of debate over the years whether this method is good for you,…

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Bone & Joint Myths

Did you know that one in every five people suffer from arthritis in their joint and bones? Arthritis usually develops over a couple of years, with symptoms such as stiffness, tenderness, pain, and limited range of motion. Even though a lot of people develop arthritis, there are a number of myths and misconceptions about bone…

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Are You Partaking in No Shave November?

Stop men dying too young. It happens too often and is not spoken about as it should be- prostate cancer. Men do not like to talk about their health or take action. That is until the Movember Foundation began in Australia in 2003. During Movember, a man or woman can partake in advocating for the…

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Depression in Teens Is On The Rise

Trying to fit in and find yourself during your teenage years is tough. There are constant changes in friends, clothing style, likes, and dislikes. On top of the changes teens experience, they have to keep up with school work, and after school activities. There is a lot of pressure for them with unrealistic academic, social…

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Symptoms of Mental Illness in Seniors

With age comes some onset mental health issues. Depression and mood disorders are widespread amongst older adults. Most of the time it goes undiagnosed and untreated, which only worsens the conditions. Of course the person going through it is often unaware of the mental illness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC,…

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Benefits of Cooking With Kids

When you invite children to cook with you in the kitchen, you teach them lifelong lessons and the ability to make healthier decisions. Kids cooking with their parents/guardians or grandparents has many benefits. Children learn life skills that help build their confidence and a stronger relationship with their parents. It also helps a child develop…

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The Importance of Family Mealtimes

When was the last time you sat down with your family and ate dinner? Is the answer not in a while? Between going to work, taking kids to after-school activities, and making sure their homework is done, there is no time for a sit down meal. Most of the time, a dinner together is the…

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Healthy Eating Tips

In order to stick to a healthy diet, it is important to consume the right amount of calories for how active you are throughout the day. You must have a balanced diet so that your body receives all the nutrients necessary with the energy you use. It is recommended that men eat around 2,500 calories…

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Important Diet Tips for Seniors

A healthy diet is important, especially for seniors to stay healthy. Your diet can impact a lot of different diseases such as heart and lung, osteoporosis, and diabetes to name a few. Tissues in our bodies are reliant on vitamins and minerals, and liquids. It is essential to intake healthy calories, and stay away from…

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Ways to Lower Your Risk Of Colon Cancer

Over the years, the number of people over the age of 55 with colon cancer has gone up by 3%. According to statistics from research, it is estimated that over 100,000 adults in the U.S. will be diagnosed with colon cancer this year. Of these numbers, there is expected a death toll of over 50,000.…

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What is the Ketogenic Diet?

The ketogenic diet, also known as the keto diet, has recently become popular after being pushed by fitness gurus and endorsed by celebrities. This diet has promised to help detox your body, along with helping people lose weight. It is a low carb, high-fat diet that reverses your body’s functions in how it produces energy.…

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Tips to Treating Arthritis

Almost 60 million Americans are dealing with arthritis and the pain that comes with it. Arthritis is a joint disorder that inflames the joints and can causes severe pain. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of degenerative arthritis causing stiffness and pain. Arthritis cannot be cured, but there are steps and exercises anyone can do…

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Hiking Benefits & Tips for Seniors

It is important for people of all ages to keep active and exercise in order to maintain a healthy life. This is especially true for seniors, as long as it is in a safe manner. Studies have shown that seniors who walk at least 4 hours a week are less likely to be hospitalized due…

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Lifestyle Modifications for Healthier Seniors

Exercise and diet, we hear how important it is all the time, but does it really hold its value as we age?  We live in a time where every week there is a new fad diet or exercise program in the works that promises instant results, so you would think staying healthy would be a…

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