Improve Your Blood Pressure Now For Better Brain Health Later

In your circulatory system, blood pressure is the force of blood moving through your veins. It carries oxygen-rich cells to all parts of your body.

When you get your blood pressure checked, they are measuring how hard the blood is pushing against the wall of the arteries when your heart is beating, and when it is resting in between beats. But did you know that one in three American adults has high blood pressure, which doctors call hypertension? This puts affected adults at risk for a stroke or heart disease, which are among the leading causes of U.S.deaths.

To make matters worse, hypertension has been linked to dementia. Recent research shows a cognitive decline with dementia is higher in people in their 30s and 40s paired with hypertension.

pressure valve to represent blood pressure
You don’t have meters installed to catch blood pressure spikes, so learn to be proactive.

Having high blood pressure this early in life continuously creates blood vessel damage in the brain. These are typically called white matter lesions. If enough nerve cells are damaged by high blood pressure, then memory cannot be restored.

Blood Flow in the Brain 

The brain typically receives about 20% of the body’s blood supply, which carries oxygen, glucose, and other nutrients to give it energy. If this blood flow is blocked somehow or reduced, such as with high blood pressure, the brain is damaged. 

One study found that even just slightly higher blood pressure (which is 120/80) could increase the risk of dementia. While another study found that women in their 40s with high blood pressure were 73% more likely to develop dementia than those who did not have hypertension. But now there is a risk of overall cognitive decline, including memory and processing speeds.

What Recent Studies Suggest

In a study published in The Lancet Neurology, a team checked the blood pressure of over 500 participants that ranged from the ages of 36 to 69 years old. None of the participants had dementia. The results showed that people between 36 and 43, and 43 to 53 had a greater than normal increase in blood pressure and a smaller brain volume later in life. 

People who had higher blood pressure in their 30s and 40s had a 7-15% increase in white matter lesions in their brains. 

“We found that higher and rising blood pressure between the ages of 36 and 53 had the strongest associations with smaller brain volume and increases in white matter brain lesions in later life,” he continues. “We speculate that these changes may, over time, result in a decline in brain function, for example, impairments in thinking and behavior, so making the case for targeting blood pressure in mid-life, if not earlier.”

Can You Lower Your Chances Of Cognitive Decline?

Well, as far as the clinical trials say, there is no medical proof showing that controlling high blood pressure through drugs or lifestyle changes can prevent the decline in cognition or dementia.

stress written in red ink for blood pressure
Stress plays a role in your blood pressure too. Don’t just hit the gym, meditate to lower blood pressure.

However, the landmark Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT), which included 9,300 participants, ended in 2015 with a positive finding about blood pressure control and heart health: Lowering systolic blood pressure to less than 120 (which is below the hypertension threshold of 140) significantly reduced the number of deaths and cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke, in nondiabetic adults age 50 and older. Similar results were found for about 2,600 participants aged 75 and older.

What You Can Do

Although there has been some skepticism on if you can do anything to lower your chances of dementia, it is important to get your blood pressure down. Hypertension is not good for your brain, heart, and body, in general. You can still lower your chances of a stroke, heart disease, and more by following these guidelines:

  • Diet– Your diet plays a major role. Make sure to eat things with lower salt and sodium. Sodium intake should not exceed 1,500 mg a day. Reduce, and cut out processed foods altogether, and instead eat as many vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and fish that you can. 


  • ExerciseExercise can lower your blood pressure. Try to walk at least 30 minutes a day, and other moderate exercises. Keeping your weight down can help drop points in your blood pressure.


  • Limit Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs- Using ibuprofen, and other NSAIDs can raise blood pressure, especially in older people.

Men’s Health: Where to Begin


It’s Men’s Health Awareness Month, and guess what–a majority of men don’t prioritize their health. As a man working on this, I’ve found this problem stems from a low prioritization of our own bodies. We take care of our careers, our family members, and our relationships first, but we place our own physical health last. This even extends to gym-goers and bodybuilders. Sure, we have Crossfit and a mountain of protein supplements, but many people get critically injured with Crossfit, and many of those vitamin supplements are still full of sugar or dairy–things that contribute to poor health.

jogger running for men's health down a street
Jogging is a great way to stay fit. If you don’t like this, swimming, cycling, or rowing are great cardio substitutes.

Statistics show that on average, men die five years earlier than women. This has to mean something, if not a warning sign to take care of ourselves. (Or it’s evidence that women are truly the strong ones, but we won’t get into that here.)

People are dying in droves because of poor health; we just aren’t aware of how bad our habits are. First, we have to look at what exactly is killing us, then we can take steps to prevent it.

What Is Killing Us?

Modern technology has eliminated many threats that killed us even 50 years ago. Unfortunately, these are the main issues that we still have to worry about:

  • Diabetes
  • Suicide from depression
  • Prostate cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease

Not the sexiest list, is it? When men talk about how they want to die, it usually doesn’t involve taking their own life or a sudden heart attack. However, we don’t have threats in contemporary life like wars or fighting off bears. (If we must look at traditional “masculine” ways of dying) Our new enemies are food and mental illness.

doctor doing blood pressure for men's health
It’s better to take preventative measures than to visit a doctor when it’s too late.

Do you know which on this list is killing one-entire-third of Americans? It’s not diabetes, which is what all of our commercials seem to talk about. It’s heart disease. However, we don’t see that on the news. While cardiovascular health is an issue for both men and women, for now, we’ll focus on what men can do to stave off this incredible killer.

Luckily for overall men’s health, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and depression are connected. Scientists are finding that our gut flora, the bacteria living inside our digestive system, has a role to play in our mental health. So, taking care of what we eat can influence our mental wellbeing. This will simultaneously solve most of these issues except for prostate cancer.

Besides the digestive issues, we really need to start talking about our feelings and teaching these habits in our male children. It’s no longer okay to brush off serious mental illness as stoicism. Masculinity can be just as powerful when we take our emotions in hand and learn to deal with them in healthy ways. 

For the prostate problem, we have another solution here that we think you’ll like.  

So, we know now that the fight for our lives resides on our dinner plates. What’s next?

What Can We Do?

It’s not just our diets; we must get involved with overall well-being. This means not only watching our diets and exercising regularly but also taking our mental health and emotional intelligence in hand. It’s no longer excusable to blame others for our vices. 

This means scheduling doctor visits, both to a physician and a therapist. It also means not eating all those wings and drinking 70 beers (At least not every week, you can keep Superbowl Sunday. We’re not heartless.) While your buddies may look at you funny for ordering a salad every other party, your heart health is more important than fitting in. If they are truly your friends, they’ll support your healthy habits.

man squatting heavy weight and straining for men's health
Lifting weights teaches a good lesson: strive for failure for that is how you improve.

And you should get them involved too! Maybe schedule gym visits all together and work out with fitness in mind, not just huge biceps and washboard abs. While they are nice to look at, your external muscles need to be built well. With so many exercise and men’s health programs out there, you can afford to be choosy. Look into which ones support a whole-body experience and not just getting you ripped as soon as possible. Look for workouts like this one here.

The bottom line for men’s health is this: get to a doctor and ask for a no-nonsense laundry list for what you need to improve your health. Most likely, this is going to involve throwing some green stuff onto your plate and generating a sustainable workout routine at the gym. You can do Crossfit if you want, but seriously be careful with that program. After that, read some books over emotional intelligence, you’ll be surprised at what you can learn. Involve a therapist if you believe professional help is necessary, but most likely, just understanding how you think can make a huge difference. We can make our society a healthier place, as smarter, more aware individuals, and as men.


Activities To Do While Cooped Up Inside

With the weather getting worse during the winter months, you end up getting stuck inside your home a lot. Being cooped up indoors for a long time can drive anyone crazy, and for some cause seasonal affective disorder. Seasonal affective disorder is when you get depressed during the change of seasons, typically begins fall and carried on through the winter season. Because it is safer indoors than being out in the frigid cold, it is important to try and find ways to manage the distress. It can be a fun time, as long as you make it that way. There are entertaining things you can do while homebound in order to avoid depression, isolation, and boredom.

Board games

Games and puzzles are a great way to kill time, while having fun. You can play by yourself, or play with loved ones.

Take the time to volunteer for a local church or hospital. You can crochet/knit hats, scarves or gloves.
Take the time to volunteer for a local church or hospital. You can crochet/knit hats, scarves or gloves.

Games like scrabble and Sudoku are fun and work your brain at the same time. You can also play card games such as solitaire, or online games if you can manage.


If you are bored, then you can consider doing some charity work. You can call the local hospital or church and see if you can help out with anything, such as knitting or crocheting blankets from the comfort of your home.

Connect With Friends & Family

Take the time of being stranded indoors to catch up with family or friends. You can take the time to write a letter, or make some calls to connect with loved ones.

Learn Something New

Take an online class or tutorial! There are many options to choose from, whether learning a new language, DIY crafts, drawing, painting, modeling clay, play an instrument, or cooking classes. Use the time to learn a new hobby from the comfort of your own home.

Plan A Vacation

What a better time to think about your next vacation than when you are snowed in? Start planning a vacation you would like to go on with loved ones or alone for the spring and/or summer. You can also take the time to plan your next get-together with friends.


Get up and move! There are many safe exercises you can do from the comfort of your

Take the time to catch up on a good book.
Take the time to catch up on a good book.

own home that will boost your mood. You can even use a chair to do some exercises, including yoga.

Spend Time Reading

Reading has a lot of benefits for the brain. You enhance your cognitive skills when you read a book everyday. It improves memory, reduces stress, and you can expand your vocabulary by learning new words.

Watch A Movie/Show

Make a day of popcorn and your favorite movies on the couch. Remember that too much TV is not good for your health, so keep the movie/show days to a minimum.

Indulge, But Don’t Overdo It: Holiday Eating

Beans, greens, potatoes, tomatoes, chicken, turkey, you name it! The holidays are filled with buffet-style delicious food, which includes a lot of unhealthy ones such as pies, eggnog, cookies, and pastries. It is very easy to get caught up during the holidays with overeating, especially with large portions, or having a second or third helping of food. We tend to indulge during the holidays, and can easily pack on four or more pounds over the season. There is a way to eat some treats without the guilt or the weight gain. Moderation is key, and there is a way to approach the holidays with a healthy eating plan and strategies.

Eat Breakfast

Stop and take the time in the morning to eat a breakfast. Everyone always says it is the most important meal of the day, because it is. Eating breakfast is food for your brain, as well as your body. It helps start off the day more efficiently, and it especially helps you from overeating later in the day.

Eating a salad before your meal will help with digestion, and make you feel more full.
Eating a salad before your meal will help with digestion, and make you feel more full.

Eat A Salad

Eating a salad before eating a meal not only helps fill you up, but it also helps your stomach digest food better.

Eat A Meatless Meal

Make at least one of your meals throughout the day a meatless one. Incorporate fruits and vegetables in your meal so that your body can receive all the nutrients and vitamins it needs. At the same time, a meatless meal will help your stomach from overworking breaking down meat.

Keep Healthy Snacks Around

When you are at work or at home, try to opt for the healthier snacks. Try almonds, a piece of fruit, carrots, or a rice cake. Trust me, no one wants flaming hot cheetos more than me, but your body deserves the good stuff more. Resist the temptations by keeping them out of sight.

Portion Control

Portion control? On a holiday meal? It is tough to pass up all the foods that come your way when getting passed around, but you can have it. The key is to have a little of everything. Take a spoonful of whatever you would like to eat and limit how much food is on your plate. Did you know that it takes a couple of minutes for our brain to get the signal it is full? It does, so just when you think you want more, take a 10 minute break, drink some water, and make some conversation. After that, check if you are still hungry.

Avoid Too Much Alcohol

Eggnog, as tasty as it is to some people, it has a lot of calories in it. This goes for any alcoholic beverage, so make sure to not drink on an empty stomach, because alcohol increases your appetite. For every glass of alcohol you have, then have a glass of water after to stay on the healthy side.

Stay Away From The Snack Table!

When we are at parties, well when I am at a party, I tend to never be too far from the delicious looking snack table. It is very tempting to stand next to it. It is also where a lot of people mingle. And when you are in arm’s reach, you don’t think twice of popping some treats in your mouth in the middle of conversation. Try to avoid the snack table, and if you’re talking with someone at the table, start to walk with the person, or as hard as it may be, avoid grabbing a snack.

Take the time to go for a quick run before or after a meal so you can stay healthy.
Take the time to go for a quick run before or after a meal so you can stay healthy.


After eating a meal, go for a walk with some friends, play some basketball, or go for a quick run! Try to get the recommended 30 minutes a day exercise in, whether through walking, biking, or going to the gym. Staying fit and physically active is the best thing you can do for your body.

Try to follow these easy healthy eating habits during the holiday season, and the rest of the year. It is okay to give into your favorite guilty treat here and there, as long as you do not make it an all day event. It is easy to get lost in the indulgence, and push off getting back on the healthy track. But if you practice these good habits everyday, then in no time it will become routine. Enjoy the holidays, just try to be more health conscious while doing so.

Tips to Treating Arthritis

Almost 60 million Americans are dealing with arthritis and the pain that comes with it. Arthritis is a joint disorder that inflames the joints and can causes severe pain. Osteoarthritis is the most common type of degenerative arthritis causing stiffness and pain. Arthritis cannot be cured, but there are steps and exercises anyone can do to treat it.

Treating arthritis can be a long drawn out process after figuring out what medication and treatment work for each individual case. Treatment involves a lot of trial and error, but focusing on rest, a healthy diet and exercise are the best ways to battle it.

Light aerobic exercises like swimming can be beneficial to your joints.
Light aerobic exercises like swimming can be beneficial to your joints.


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen can help with pain and swelling. These medications do not require a prescription. Talk to your doctor about different medications that can help manage pain such as acetaminophen or other arthritis drugs. Make sure these drugs are approved by the FDA.

Heat & Cold

Applying either a heating pad or a cold pack on your inflamed joint for 15 minutes at a time can help ease the pain and stiffness. The cold will numb the pain, while the hot can help the stiffness.


Try to exercise your joints every day a little at a time and slowly as to not overdo it or cause harm. Focus on range-of-motion exercises and strengthening ones as well to strengthen your joints. Aerobic exercises like riding a bike can lessen the swelling in joints, while keeping your heart healthy.

Topical creams can help with arthritis pain, there are also medicated ones.
There are topical creams to help relieve arthritis pain. You can receive more medicated prescribed ones from your doctor.

Creams & Supplements

Some over the counter creams that contain capsaicin, which is the ingredient in chili peppers, can help rid your joints of arthritis pain. The creams will numb the area but it is temporary. There are also supplement that you can take such as glucosamine and chondroitin which help to repair cartilage around joints. Calcium is also an important supplement to take to battle bone loss from arthritis.

Eat Right

While exercising, it is important to make sure to fuel your muscles with an abundance of protein. Make sure to stick to eating healthy proteins such as egg whites, salmon, and chicken.

Before exercising or using any creams, supplements, or medications, it is important to talk to your doctor. Your doctor will make sure you are physically able to take on any of these tips for your arthritis pain in order to not cause any more harm.

Get In Shape Without The Stress

Working out is recommended at least 3-4 times a week by doctors to stay fit. It takes some discipline to go to the gym, and current fitness trends can influence how you work out. Every year there are new fads and fitness trends that people follow to get fit and stay fit. For example, have you ever heard of prancercise? Yes it is a real thing where you prance around like a horse. You might also remember the thighmaster, where you squeeze a contraption between your thighs to reduce inner thigh fat, & we all have heard the shake-weight which promises to tone your arms faster and effectively. Some of these fads come and go, or are just a gimmick that promises results, but some trends are exciting and give you a new reason to WANT to go to the gym.

To see real results, you have to put in the work– hard work. There are fun ways to exercise and get a workout in other than just going to the gym and lifting weights or running the treadmill. There are workouts and classes such as aerial workouts that work your muscles while you have fun at the same time.

So What Is An Aerial Workout?
Aerial exercise is a workout that is also a form of art, kind of like dancing in the air. People often describe an aerial workout as flying, which to be honest we all wanted to do when we were a kid. Even though it is a fun pastime, it’s also a great workout. You work out your arms, back, and core muscles. When trying to describe these workouts you might think of Cirque Du Soleil, where people are hanging on ropes from the ceiling floating around. Just like them, you hang in the air using an apparatus.

Aerial exercise is a workout that is also a form of art, kind of like dancing in the air. People often describe an aerial workout as flying.

There are different variations of aerial classes, from aerial acrobatics to aerial yoga and bungee fitness, all focusing on your core muscles. Aerial yoga uses hammocks hung from the ceiling where you do different yoga poses and stretches. Aerial art/acrobatics is when you use the trapeze, silks or a hoops (lyra) and learn to perfect different tricks. If you try bungee fitness you are strapped to a bungee cord from the ceiling and jump around, kick, floor dive, and work your core muscles without even knowing it.. You can expect to break a sweat with bungee fitness because it is similar to a cardio workout with music, and more bounce. Your arms will definitely be sore after the first time you try this exercise, as you will be using your rhomboids,your back muscles used during pull ups.

It is not as easy at it looks and it may take some practice to perfect, but once you have it down, people often claim to be addicted. This fun and adventurous exercise will require more muscle strength to keep yourself up in the air. But like anything, practice and time will make it easier to do.

Over time, these workouts provide you with the balance of strength and flexibility that is needed to perform them. Your teacher will make sure you are safe and you should always voice any concerns you have with them. They are there to make sure you are comfortable and get a good workout in. You should always consult with your doctor if you have prior injuries to find out if this type of exercise will be best for you.