The Spike In Holiday Death Rates

It has been said that more deaths occur during the holidays, and statistics show this to be true. Different reasons account to why people die or get hurt during the holidays. Knowing these issues, especially the medical ones such as high cholesterol, obesity, and heart-related deaths, will help you survive. Several studies show people have a greater chance of dying on Christmas, the day after, or on New Year’s Day than on any other day of the year. Why do so many deaths occur? What can you do to protect yourself and loved ones?


People travel for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s so they can spend time with their families and loved ones. In 2012 there were 764 crashes during Thanksgiving travel, and 654 crashes during Christmas that led to at least one fatality. There were also almost 50,000 non-fatal accidents during Thanksgiving that year as well. The reason for the accidents is due to everyone being in a rush to get to their destination, or people driving after drinking alcohol. Snowy and icy road conditions contribute to the number of accidents as well.

Traveling and hanging decorations during the holidays leads to many injuries.
Traveling and hanging decorations during the holidays leads to many injuries.

Roads and walkways get icy from the snow and below freezing temperatures during winter months. We have all taken a tumble at least once in our lives because of an icy driveway or sidewalk. Some are lucky to have gotten up okay, while others end up with injuries. Take precaution when walking in icy conditions. Throw down salt on your driveway and walkway as much as needed after a snowfall and below freezing temps in order to prevent falls and injuries.


In 2015, 14,000 people had to go to the hospital for injuries that happened while decorating. Hanging decorations is the leading cause of injuries during the holiday season. Decorating on the roof of your home, or up high where a ladder is required is dangerous. Make sure to check your ladder before you use it, and have a family member of friend help you. Also, if you plan to decorate,try to limit alcohol consumption. Some people will have a drink or two while getting in the spirit of decorating, which increases the likelihood of an accident. This is because when alcohol is in our system, we are less cautious than we normally would be.

Another reason for deaths and injuries is what most people least expect to happen, a fire. Fires can start from Christmas trees, candles, and lights. Over 200 fires happen in a home from Christmas trees igniting, while over 6,000 fires occur from candles.  A real Christmas tree can become too dry and cause a fire as well, so make sure it is fresh, and keep it away from heat sources. Make sure to check your lights for damage, and put out your candles before you go to sleep or leave the house. It is better to remember these little details in order to save your home,  and more importantly your family’s lives.

Health Conditions

Stress, sodium, sweets, and alcohol all partake in the holidays. But, they also partake in worsening health conditions during the holidays. This is especially true for heart-related illnesses. Most heart attacks occur during the holidays than at any other time of the year. It begins during Thanksgiving and continues until after the new year. Why? You might have guessed it has something to do with all the food and stress. It does. People consume a lot of salt, and alcohol during the season which raises a person’s chance of a heart attack. The emotions and stress accompanied with the holidays can be too much on a person’s heart. Some people do not handle stress and depression well, and their heart takes a hit. We have all heard of dying from a broken heart. It is true, your emotions play a big role on your heart health.

Many accidents and deaths occur during the holidays. Having insurance will help with medical bills and treatment.
Many accidents and deaths occur during the holidays. Having insurance will help with medical bills and treatment.

Other reasons of death include people forgetting their pills while traveling, or shoveling too much without taking breaks. A lot of times, people will hold off on seeking medical attention until after the holidays. They try not to make a fuss about their health issues while with their family during the holidays. Putting off any necessary medical attention will increase the chances of a serious condition worsening, or death.

Be Prepared

Make sure you are insured during the holiday season, because as studies have shown, you have a higher risk of getting hurt and ending up in the hospital during the holidays. Medical bills can add up quickly, and become very expensive. If you are not insured, or would like to seek better health insurance, EZ.Insure can help you find a plan, and set you up. We will provide you with quotes from the top carriers in your region so you don’t have to. We do all the work of researching, and comparing for you, for free! Get an instant quote by entering your zip code in the bar above. Or if you would like to speak to an agent, email, or call 888-350-1890. Be prepared this holiday season. De-stress as much as you can, and one way to do this is to make sure you are insured. We can provide this assurance. Stay safe and enjoy the holidays with peace of mind.

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