Can You Be Denied Coverage During the Open Enrollment Period?

The ACA Open Enrollment Period is the only time of the year when everyone can enroll in a health insurance plan. But can literally anyone enroll, or is there any reason you can be denied coverage during this time? The short answer to this question is no: the whole idea behind the creation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was to make sure everyone could get insurance. But being allowed to get insurance is different from insurance being accessible to all – so how does the ACA remove all the barriers to getting insurance and make everyone truly able to get the plan they need? 

What The ACA Has Done for Millions

Before the ACA was passed in 2010, you could have been denied a health insurance plan simply because you had a pre-existing condition. That meant a huge amount of Americans were unable to find affordable health insurance: approximately 43% of U.S. households report having pre-existing conditions. And indeed, health insurance was out of reach for many before 2010: when the ACA went into effect approximately 46.5 million people, or 17.8% of the total nonelderly population, were uninsured. 

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But the ACA, with its Patients’ Bill of Rights that prohibits insurers from discriminating based on pre-existing conditions or revoking your coverage because of an unintentional mistake on an application, changed everything. 31 million people have enrolled in health insurance plans through the Affordable Care Act since it was enacted, and that is a huge accomplishment! But there has been criticism over the years that health insurance, while available to everyone, was still not accessible to everyone – but that has all changed. 

President Biden’s American Rescue Plan

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The American Rescue Plan Act has offered more people the ability to save more money on their health insurance premiums.

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Earlier this year, President Biden passed the American Rescue Plan (ARP), which has made health insurance far more affordable for far more people. It extended premium tax credits to more Americans by allowing people who earn over 400% of the federal poverty level to receive subsidies to purchase health insurance through the ACA Marketplace; it also requires that Americans pay no more than 8.5% of their income on health insurance premiums, and provides a larger tax credit to people who already receive financial assistance.

What all of this means is cheaper premiums! For most people, premiums will be at least $50 per month cheaper, while some people might pay $0 in premiums. With the new law:

  • An individual making $19,000 or less per year will not have to pay a monthly premium for health insurance. 
  • Couples who earn less than $70,000 together will save $1,000 per month on their health insurance monthly premiums. 
  • A family of 4 with an income of $90,000 will pay about $200 less in health insurance premiums.

The bottom line is you can never be denied health insurance coverage during the Open Enrollment Period; not only that, but insurance is now affordable for everyone, so there is no reason you can’t get a plan that is right for you. It is important to note, though, that the Open Enrollment Period is the only time you will be able to get coverage: if you miss the OEP, you will have to wait until next year’s OEP, unless you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. Don’t let this period pass you by – it’s the perfect (and only) time to get a great affordable health insurance plan!

Need Help?

If you have any further questions, or need help finding a plan during the Open Enrollment Period, an EZ agent can help you. We will provide you with a local licensed agent who will search all available plans in your area and find the best one for your medical and financial needs. We will also double check to see if you qualify for any subsidies to save you even more money. All of our services are done in minutes and at no cost to you. To get free instant quotes, simply enter your zip code in the bar above, or to speak to a local licensed agent call 888-350-1890.

2021 Special Enrollment Period Is Almost Over! Look Into A Plan Now!

The Open Enrollment Period for purchasing health insurance on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace is usually only from November 1 – December 15, unless you experience a qualifying life event. But this year, in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Biden Administration opened up a Special Enrollment Period so Americans would have the opportunity to purchase a health insurance plan without a qualifying life event. This Special Enrollment Period began on February 15, 2021, and has been extended until August 15, 2021, allowing millions of Americans to sign up for health insurance coverage. In fact, according to a report released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), as of July 14, more than 2 million Americans have signed up for an insurance plan! But the deadline to get a plan is coming up, so now is the time to look at your options, with the help of an EZ agent. 

Get More Savings

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The American Rescue Plan has helped millions of Americans save more money by expanding premium subsidies to everyone.

Not only did the Biden Administration create this Special Enrollment Period, but they have also passed the American Rescue Plan (ARP), which has expanded subsidies for health insurance premiums, making them available to millions of Americans, and making plans far more affordable. Premium subsidies have been expanded for people at every income level, including those with incomes more than 4 times the federal poverty level. 

Before the ARP was passed, individuals and families with incomes above 400% of the federal poverty line were not eligible for premium subsidies, but the new law has made premium tax credits available to them. It also caps premium payments at 8.5% of household income, based on the cost of a benchmark plan – this means that, as long as the cost of a benchmark plan is equal to or more than the 8.5% of your household income, you will receive tax credits. 

These expanded subsidies also mean that people making up to 150% of the federal poverty level can now get Silver plans on the Marketplace for $0 a month, with reduced deductibles. The report released by the CMS also showed that, of the new and returning consumers who have selected a plan since April 1, 1.2 million consumers (34%) have selected a plan that costs $10 or less per month after the American Rescue Plan’s (ARP) premium reductions.

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The Special Enrollment Period will be ending August 15!

Find A Plan Before It’s Over

“The American Rescue Plan has made health coverage more affordable and accessible than ever – and people are signing up. Health coverage provides the peace of mind that every American deserves,” said CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure. “Through August 15, the American people have an opportunity to select a quality health care plan that works for them, with costs that are at an all-time low. CMS is dedicated to ensuring people in our communities have the coverage they need.”

The opening of the Special Enrollment Period and the expansion of premium subsidies has been a lifesaver for many people, especially for the millions of Americans who have been struggling financially during the pandemic. But this Special Enrollment Period is coming to an end, which means that, while you can still qualify for the subsidies until the end of the year, you will have to wait until the Open Enrollment Period begins November 1 to enroll, unless you experience a qualifying event. 

You only have fewer than 3 weeks to find a plan – don’t wait until it’s too late to get insured and have the peace of mind that comes with being covered. EZ.Insure’s agents work with the top-rated insurance companies in the country, and we can compare plans in your area in minutes, helping you find a plan that meets your medical needs, while saving you as much money as possible. No obligation, just free quotes! To get free instant quotes, simply enter your zip code in the bar above, or to speak to a license agent, call 888-350-1890.

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