Is Alternative Medicine Covered By Health Insurance text overlaying image of a chiropractor

Is Alternative Medicine Covered By Health Insurance

The term "alternative medicine" is now commonly used, but chiropractic care, acupuncture, and therapeutic massage aren't really that alternative today. Many adults and children use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to stay healthy and treat serious or long-lasting illnesses, according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. It's possible that a lot more…

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Tips To Maximize Your Health Insurance Plan text overlaying image of building blocks showing money going to different points

Tips To Maximize Your Health Insurance Plan

The average person in the United States spends about $3,400 a year on health insurance. If you're going to spend a lot of money on health insurance, you should make sure you're getting the most out of it. You’re already paying for the benefits so why not use them and get your money’s worth. To…

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Why Does Open Enrollment Exist? text overlaying a book with a sticky note that says open enrollment

Why Does Open Enrollment Exist?

By now you know that the Open Enrollment is the only time where you can enroll or change your health insurance plan. But what you might not know is why the Open Enrollment Period exists. The short answer is that it prevents adverse selection. Which is when people only buy health insurance when they’re sick…

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What is Medicare Silverscript? text overlaying image of a medication bottle with pills spilling out of it

What is Medicare Silverscript?

Even if you have Medicare Parts A and B coverage, you may still need extra coverage for your prescription drugs. So, like a lot of people with Medicare, you might be looking at Medicare Part D, especially Medicare Silverscript, which is the cheapest way to cover prescription drugs on the market. It's not surprising that…

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What Changes Can I Make During The AEP? text overlaying image of a street sign that say change of plan

What Changes Can I Make During The AEP?

The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is a set period of time where you can change your Medicare benefits. Every year, the AEP lasts from October 15 to December 7. If you didn't sign up for a Medicare Advantage plan or a Medicare prescription drug plan when you first became eligible for Medicare (during your…

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Should You Have Life Insurance For Your Child? text overlaying image of an adults hands holding a child's hands with a heart

Should You Have Life Insurance For Your Child?

We know it’s hard to think about your child’s death; after all, every parent hopes their children will have a long, healthy life. So, it’s understandable if buying life insurance for your kids doesn’t seem like a priority. However, as a parent you have to constantly prepare for the unexpected. Buying life insurance is typically…

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Workers' Compensation For The Self-Employed text overlaying image of a self-employed woman in a cast looking at her policy

Workers’ Compensation For The Self-Employed

Although workers’ compensation is generally for employers to have for their employees it also covers you if you’re self-employed, such as an independent contractor. Just because you work for yourself doesn’t always mean workers’ compensation is optional for you. Almost every state requires that companies give workers' compensation insurance to their employees. Each state has…

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Open Enrollment: Why You Shouldn’t Wait text overlaying image of a man questioning

Open Enrollment: Why You Shouldn’t Wait

Americans can make changes to their health insurance plans every year starting on November 1st. It's important to take advantage of this because a lot can happen in your life over the course of a year. Like having a child, getting married, or changing jobs. All of which could mean that you need to change…

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Workers' Compensation Insurance Vs. Disability Insurance text overlaying image of an injured construction worker

Workers’ Compensation Insurance Vs. Disability Insurance

Workers’ compensation and disability insurance are similar policies, but workers’ compensation covers both the company and the employee from injuries and illnesses that happen at work. While disability insurance covers an employee for medical problems that happen outside of work. Workers’ compensation insurance and disability both help workers who are sick or hurt and can’t work…

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How Mental Illness Affects Your Life Insurance text overlaying an image of a woman sitting on a chair with her head in her hands

How Mental Illness Affects Your Life Insurance

When choosing whether or not they should accept your life insurance application, insurance companies look at a number of things. Some of these things are your age, your job, your habits, your general health, and your mental state. Mental health affects many of us, with about 57.8 million American adults having a depression, anxiety, or…

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What To Do When Your Term Life Insurance Policy Expires text overlaying a calendar with a red pin in it

What To Do When Your Term Life Insurance Policy Expires

A term life insurance policy is great for you and your family if you need life insurance, but only want it for a certain amount of time, like while you are paying off your mortgage. You buy this kind of coverage to protect you for a certain amount of time that you choose. You can…

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How Workers' Compensation Handles Death Benefits text overlaying image of a construction worker

How Workers’ Compensation Handles Death Benefits

Workers' compensation insurance can help pay for medical care for workers who get sick or hurt on the job. But what happens if a person gets hurt on the job and dies because of it? If an employee passes away due to a work injury or illness, workers’ compensation provides death benefits that may offer…

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What Is an Exclusive Provider Organization? text overlaying an image of someone picking up a health block

What Is an Exclusive Provider Organization?

Like a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), An Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) health insurance plan only lets you see doctors and go to hospitals in its network. One good thing about the EPO health plans is that you usually don’t need a referral to see a specialist. This speeds up the process if you know what…

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Medicare Annual Enrollment (AEP) Guide text overlaying image of a senior couple walking together in a field

Medicare Annual Enrollment (AEP) Guide

Medicare’s Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) is here, so don’t worry if you missed your initial enrollment period, you’ve got time! You’ve probably seen all the ads urging anyone eligible to enroll or make changes, but what is the AEP, and how can you make sure you’re enrolling in the right plan? Well, you’re in the…

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how self-funded health plans work text overlaying image of a piggy bank and stethoscope

How Self-Funded Health Plans Work

Employers who want to give their employees health care perks can choose between a fully insured health plan and a self-funded health plan. Even though the two approaches have a lot in common, they are also very different. Each has its own pros and cons. A fully-insured group health plan is one where the company…

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preparing for 2024's open enrollment text overlaying image of a stethoscope

Preparing For 2024’s Open Enrollment

The health insurance Open Enrollment Period (OEP) is coming, and you might feel a little lost. It can be hard to sort through all of the different health insurance options in your area, but you know that you and your family need health insurance to stay healthy. Don’t worry though. You can always work with…

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Vision Insurance: What You Need To Know text overlaying image of a woman reading an eye chart

Vision Insurance: What You Need To Know

If you’re having eye problems, you may wonder, is an ophthalmologist covered by my medical insurance or do I need vision insurance? In short, most ophthalmologists accept both medical and vision insurance, depending on the type of services you need. Vision insurance covers your optical needs, such as annual eye exams, eyeglasses, and contact lenses.…

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Tips For Saving On Health Insurance

Want to spend less on health insurance? You’re not alone! Most of us feel like health care costs go up every year, making it harder and harder to save money. Health insurance is the most expensive part of healthcare for nearly everyone, but if you think that the cost of health insurance is a reason…

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