Urgent Vs. Important: How the Eisenhower Matrix Can Keep You Focused on Your Goals

Dwight D. “Ike” Eisenhower got stuff done. He was a five-star general in World War II, the 34th President of the United States, the president of Columbia University, and the first Supreme Commander of NATO. During his two terms as U.S. President, he got NASA off the ground, began construction on the Interstate Highway System,…

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Why Some Entrepreneurs Choose Not to Grow, and When YOU Should Slow Things Down

Some small business owners eat, sleep, and dream growth. Others, well, they’re happy to keep things as they are, or are content to slow things down when they need to. Where do you fall on that spectrum? Do you panic when you hear the phrase “slow down”? Do you scratch your head and wonder why…

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Debt Free Ways to Fund Your Business Growth

Running a small business, and keeping it growing, requires grit, determination, know-how...and money. When your business starts to take off, it can be an exciting time, but also a stressful one, because, well, growth isn’t cheap - in fact, it can consume resources at a frightening pace! On top of needing to fund your operating…

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The Four Stages of Team Development

If you started your small business on your own, you only had yourself to consult and collaborate with. In some ways, maybe that was easier, but in other ways it was probably holding you back. After all, as business consultant and motivational speaker Ken Blanchard said, “None of us is as smart as all of…

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Where Does the Time Go? How to Deal with Work-Related Time Wasters

Time flies when you’re...doing work? Ok, maybe that’s not how the saying goes, but doesn’t it sometimes feel like 8 hours is just not enough time for you and your employees to get everything done? It definitely sounds like a lot of time, so what’s going on? Sure, you could blame all of the personal…

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Small Business Not Growing? Here’s Why

If the business you’ve started is small, the only way to go from there is up, right? If you put in the work, you’re bound to grow from a tiny seed of an organization to a flourishing one! Unfortunately, it’s just not always that simple. And you might be thinking, “I don’t need (or want)…

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What Rate of Growth Should You Be Shooting for?

Is your small business growing? Hopefully! After all, nothing is more frustrating than putting all your time and energy into your business and not generating an output equal to your input into your business. Not only that, but if you’re not growing enough to bring in enough revenue, you could be in trouble: according to…

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Pulling in Prospects: Using a Sales Funnel to Grow Your Business

Selling has changed a lot in the last few decades. Advertising used to be all about finding a way to get everyone’s eyes on your printed ads, then it was about using the airwaves, and now? It’s all about digital marketing. But with so much digital noise out there, how do you cut through it all and attract the customers you need to grow your business? One way to do it by familiarizing yourself with the concept of the sales funnel, and using this core concept to pull in prospects and then turn them into customers. 

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How to Boost Your Employees’ Productivity Levels

As a small business owner, there are many things about your business that are in your control, and some that aren’t. How would you classify your employees’ productivity levels - as something you have control over? Or do you often feel like you’re at the mercy of outside forces when it comes to your employees…

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Your Growth Goal Matters! How to Pick the Right One

Is growth the goal for your small business? If your answer is: “Of course!” that’s great, but you should also take a step back and think about the answers to some other questions. Questions like, “What does growth look like or mean for your business?” Or “What does success look like?” or “What is your…

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Should You Make Working from Home Permanent?

Every passing year brings new trends in the workplace: are you old enough, for example, to remember switching over from actually walking across your workspace to speak to a colleague or employee to just instant messaging them? (Yes, people used to actually get up and do that.) And, while working from home is not a…

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Marketing Falling Flat? Try These “Magic” Words and Colors!

Today, business owners are spoiled with choices when it comes to marketing. You’ve got ways to reach your customers that people just 30 or 40 years ago couldn’t even dream of. But, while you’re focusing on all of these endless options, are you neglecting the good old fashioned nuts and bolts of advertising, like word…

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Need a Cash Infusion? Your Guide to Small Business Loans

When running a small business, you’re looking after every penny, and unfortunately you don’t always have extra working capital at your fingertips. But you want to grow and be able to jump on any new ideas or chances that come your way. Well, then it might be time to start thinking about applying for a…

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All About Reviews! How to Creatively Use Good Ones and Deal with Bad Ones

The internet changed the way we do business in so many ways. One of the biggest changes? Customers gained a whole lot more power with the emergence of online reviews. Word of mouth went from meaning literally that -  a small group of people in one area recommending (or not recommending) your business - to…

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Will Outsourcing Help You Grow?

When many of us hear the word “outsourcing,” we think of huge corporations firing their domestic employees and hiring overseas contractors to do the same job for less money. While that is one (extreme) example of outsourcing, choosing to outsource simply means hiring an outside contractor instead of a full-time employee to do a job,…

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Is Social Responsibility the Path to Growth?

The economy may not be at its strongest, but there are still customers out there willing to spend money. The key to connecting with them is knowing what they’re looking for, and that doesn’t mean simply targeting your product or services to the right demographic. What many customers are looking for now is something more…

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What’s Your Management Style?

It takes a lot of work to keep your small business growing, so having a strong team of employees behind you might be one way that you get it all done. But have you ever really stopped to think about how you manage that team? We’re not just talking about day-to-day, practical things, like hours,…

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You’re Growing Fast! Now What?

You probably had a lot of dreams for your small business when you started it. Was one of those dreams rapid growth? We can’t blame you: who doesn’t want to see their revenues soar as their vision comes to life? Hopefully that dream is coming true for you! If it is, though, you need to…

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