Should Men and Women Be Exercising the Same Way?

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: exercise is good for everyone. That’s one thing we can agree on, but we might not all agree on the best way to do that exercising. But we’re not talking about a cardio versus weights debate, we’re talking about if everyone should be exercising the same way. Should men and women’s workouts look different? picture of a man and woman standing side by side each holding a weight

What Men and Women Both Need

Go to the gym and you might find a little bit of a 7th-grade dance situation going on sometimes (ie, men on one side, women on the other). Men hit the weight machines, women hit the pilates studio and the cardio machine. Or maybe that’s just what you think you’ll find: maybe that’s just a stereotype. More and more, we’re all recognizing the benefits of all types of exercise, for everyone, especially weight training. Cardio is great for, well, cardiovascular health, but it’s weight training that really does the heavy lifting (no pun intended) of fat-burning and strength-building.


Workouts for men and women should include weight training.  We’ve got to just come out and say it, and not pretend that women have to include weights in different ways than men do. For example, take a look at workouts aimed at men, and at ones aimed at women. They can often be more similar than you’d think, it’s just that the terminology used to describe them is different. Workouts for men claim they’ll get you “ripped,” “strong,” and “powerful,”. Whereas similar workouts for women claim they’ll get you “tight” and “toned,” and will “shape you.”


Shying away from talking to women about strength training in the same way that we would talk to men just furthers that erroneous belief that doing intense and/or heavy lifting sessions will get you “bulky.” So gyms and stores put out those little pink weights for women, when in reality, women can and will benefit just as much from the same, heavier workouts that men are doing. 


After all, when you talk about “toning” or “shaping” certain areas of your body, what you’re really talking about is changing your muscle makeup. Muscles are what shape your body, and it stands to reason that more muscle equals more muscle tone. Wanna build something perkier on your body? Well, you’re gonna need muscle to do it.


That means, according to Dr. Cassandra Forsythe, co-author of “The New Rules of Lifting for Women,” many women would actually benefit from lower reps and more weight to hit muscle fibers that are only stimulated with those types of lifts.”


And as an added bonus, building more muscle means boosting your metabolism, and burning more fat!


What Women Should Do More/Less Of illustration of a woman working out in a gym

With all of the above being said, there are a lot of things women tend to do in their workouts that could be tweaked to make things more effective. For example:


  • Focus less on the quads, and more on the back of the legs/glutes – Women are actually more quad-dominant than men, so they can skip the endless leg presses. Instead, they should do some compound exercises like squats and lunges. And then work their hamstrings to balance out their quad strength. Try exercises like hamstring curls, good mornings, and deadlifts.
  • Work the upper body more – Yes, women have great legs, and they tend to work them – a lot. But they shouldn’t skip upper body day – just think how great it feels to be able to do full pushups and pullups. Not to mention the improved posture, better muscular balance, and the sexy look that comes from a strong upper body.
  • Rest less – Yes, you heard us. We’ve been told that women are just, well, not as strong as men. So that often translates to they can’t do as much and need to rest. But that simply isn’t true. In fact, according to Dr. Forsythe, “Women do tend to be less powerful than men due to several factors, such as lower muscle mass, lower lung capacity, and smaller hearts. However, their ability to recover after high-intensity exercise is often greater than men’s. This means that women will often need less rest time after an exercise bout or set. And they can get back under the bar or back in the circuit sooner. So, exercise programs that prescribe significant rest periods may make a woman feel bored.”. That doesn’t mean women should be doing endless reps. But they should be challenging themselves with circuit workouts that include a variety of exercises. 
  • Re-evaluate why they do yoga/pilates – Being a dedicated yogi is great in some ways, but in some cases, women do it because they’ve been told they’ll get “longer, leaner” muscles. But there’s no such thing: muscles can’t get longer, because they’re attached to your bones. And they can’t get leaner because they don’t contain any fat, and can’t “turn” to fat. Again, yoga can be great in a lot of ways. But it also doesn’t allow you to progressively overload your muscles as weightlifting does. So don’t skip one in favor of the other.

What Men Should Do More/Less of illustration of a man on a work out bench lifting weights above his head

So now we’re looking at you, guys. And you probably know what we’re going to say, since a lot of it will be the opposite end of the spectrum to women’s issues with workouts. Guys should think about:


  • Working their upper body more effectively – We don’t want to keep perpetuating stereotypes, but it seems like a lot of men like to focus on those upper body muscles that get noticed first: biceps/triceps and chest. But they shouldn’t ignore their mid/upper back. Since those muscles will give them better muscular balance, healthier shoulders, and better posture – and make their upper body look even more awesome, we promise.
  • Resting a little more – Just as women will probably get more out of their workout if they vary it more, and keep moving through lots of circuits/exercises, men will probably have a more effective and enjoyable workout if they do longer, slower workouts that involve putting all their effort into a single move, and then rest before moving on.
  • Adding in a little yoga – Guys could really benefit from varying their workouts, including adding in something like yoga, which would help them with their range of motion, not to mention help their muscles recover from those intense lifting sessions.

Bonus: Does When Men and Women Exercise Matter?

When it comes to all of the above, the bottom line is that yes, there are a few things that men and women could be doing differently to get the most out of their precious workout time. But in the end, there are no exercises “for men” or “for women.”. Ah, but when it comes to that precious “time” part, there might be a difference.


In fact, a study from this past summer found that men and women might actually have different optimal times of day for exercising, especially when it comes to the mood-boosting effects of working out. Just check this out: according to Dr. Asad R. Siddiqi, assistant professor of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Weill Cornell Medicine in NYC, “The men studied had greater improvement in perceived mood state than women. Exercise seemed to decrease tension, depression, and anger substantially in men regardless of the time of day, whereas improvements in tension and depression were only seen in women who exercised at night.”


a clock drawn on a chalkboardBut there were other pretty fascinating differences, as well. For example: 

  • Women who exercised in the morning reduced more total fat and abdominal fat, lowered their blood pressure to a greater degree, and increased lower body muscle power.
  • Women who exercised in the evening saw more improvement in their upper body muscle strength, mood, and satiety.
  • Men who exercised at either time of day improved their physical performance.
  • Men who exercised in the evening saw benefits in heart and metabolic health, as well as lower fatigue.


The purpose of the study was not actually to make comparisons between the sexes. And it’s not completely clear why men and women differ in these ways. Or why men and women got different results at different times of the day. But the findings could certainly be worth testing in your own life! 


We’d love to hear from both women and men out there on your exercise habits. If the time of day is important to you, and if you feel like you need to work out differently from the opposite sex. Until then, remember, whoever you are. Getting fitter and stronger is always a great goal, however you choose to do it! 

Co-written by Joanna Bowling

More Than Just Keeping Fit: How Some Exercises Can Reduce the Effects of Aging

As a population, we’re aging. By some estimates, 20% of the country will be over the age of 65 by 2030. But that’s good news! It means that, in general, we’re living longer. Living longer, though, means aging, and with aging comes a variety of annoying issues that can wreak havoc on your quality of life. Eyesight fades, taste buds decrease, joints get stiff and painful, bones get weaker, muscle mass decreases, and memory can get glitchy, among other things. 

Experiencing all of this is not fun, and could understandably make you want to sit some things out. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, only 35-44% of adults 75 years or older, and 28-34% of adults ages 65-74, are physically active. But don’t fall into the trap of inactivity! The best thing you can do for your body and mind is get out there and get moving. Consider this: according to a study out of Taiwan, as little as 15 minutes of exercise a day could increase your lifespan by as much as three years. Not only that, but certain exercises can even target certain issues related to aging, and engaging in them could boost your chances of aging in a healthy way.

Walk Away from Your Risk of Dementia

older womana nd a younger woman walking together
Walking 15 minutes a day can help reduce your chances of developing dementia.

Sometimes, there’s nothing better than a nice walk outside, especially now that spring is finally here! But did you know that walking can do more than boost your mood and help your heart? A study published in the journal Neurology actually found that walking approximately 72 blocks a week halted brain shrinkage and cut the risk for developing cognitive decline and dementia by 50%. That’s an incredible statistic! Add to this a Chinese study of 1,700 adults over age 65 that found that those that regularly exercised (including walking) were 47% less likely to develop dementia, and other studies showing that only 15 minutes of exercising 3 times a week can reduce the risk of dementia by a third, and there’s no reason not to lace up your sneakers and head out for a stroll around town.

Stay Balanced with Tai Chi

Maintaining your balance is vital as you age. A decrease in your balance leads to an increased risk of falling, and with one fall comes a greater risk of more falls. Think about these scary statistics: according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3 million older adults are treated for falls each year, with over 800,000 of them needing to be hospitalized. Falling is actually the leading cause of death due to injury, and the most common cause of nonfatal injuries and hospital trauma admissions among people over 65. 

There are things you can do to improve your balance, though, and help reduce your risk of falling. In fact, one type of exercise has now been scientifically proven to reduce falls among older adults: Tai Chi. This series of gentle stretches and slow poses that flow from one to the next was pitted against more conventional exercise regimes and other types of stretching and the results were amazing. According to a study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, Tai Chi reduced falls by 58% compared to other stretching exercises, and 31% compared to a more conventional exercise regime. Strength training and cardiovascular exercise are great (as we’ll see later), but when it comes to preventing falls, Tai Chi has it all beat.

Keep Things Moving with Yoga

group of women doing yoga outside
Yoga can help your digestive organs work better, and help people with IBS.

Is your body feeling a bit slow, in more ways than one? You’re not alone: chronic constipation is very common in adults over 60; older adults are 5 times more likely than younger people to be dealing with constipation. So what to do about it? Diet and medication can help, but have you considered trying some simple, gentle yoga poses? 

Yes, yoga can help get things moving! There is even research that backs this up. For example, a 2015 study of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) found that yoga is a good way to relieve the main symptoms of IBS, which include constipation. The study also pointed out that yoga might also help address other symptoms that come along with IBS, such as anxiety and fatigue. 

Twisting poses, inversions, and forward folds can “massage” your digestive organs, increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery to the area, which could in turn encourage stools to move through your body. Check out some yoga classes aimed at older adults, even if they have to be online, or look up poses that are beneficial to your gut. Just remember to follow instructions carefully, and stop if any pose causes you discomfort.

Jog Your Memory

Running is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health, but did you know that it can also give you a memory boost? Multiple studies, many using mice taking memory tests after being either given unlimited access to an exercise wheel or being kept sedentary, have found that aerobic exercise, like jogging, can actually improve memory function. In fact, one study out of Cambridge University found that regular jogging triggers the growth of gray matter, also known as neurogenesis. Another study from the University of Colorado, which might be particularly interesting to older adults who are more prone to illnesses, found that jogging is also very effective at protecting against memory loss after being sick. And don’t worry: you can do your jogging outside, no hamster wheel required!

Strengthen Your Bonesdumb bells lined up in a row

It’s definitely no secret that thinning of the bones, or osteoporosis, is a major problem among older adults, especially women. While older men can also suffer from osteoporosis or low bone mass (ostepenia), an estimated 35% of postmenopausal women have osteoporosis of the hip, spine, or distal forearm, and roughly 4 in 10 older women in the United States will experience a hip, spine, or wrist fracture at some point. 

But no matter your gender, if you have problems with your bones, you could be facing serious injury – so what can you do? Your best defense against bone loss and bone disease is weight-bearing or load-bearing exercise. Studies show that doing this type of exercise for 30 minutes, three times a week, can help you build muscles, which then exert more force on your bones, causing the bones to become stronger and denser. Try lifting weights, walking, or climbing stairs to keep those muscles and bones strong and healthy.

Beat the Swelling

Let’s back up a little. To do many of these types of exercises, you’re going to need to rely on your legs and feet, and if you’re experiencing uncomfortable swelling in that area, or peripheral edema, as many older adults do, you might be less inclined to get started. Increase circulation and help fluid move more easily through your body by trying exercises like leg circles or calf raises. 

Ease Pain with a Few Strokes

older woman and younger woman swimming in a pool
Swimming can help relieve arthritis pain.

There might be no better exercise for older adults than swimming. And if you’ve got arthritis and are reluctant to do a lot of load-bearing exercise, getting in a nice, warm pool might be just right for you. When you swim, around 90% of your body weight is supported by the water. The relatively weightless environment and support from the water helps to overcome painful movement in the joints that are affected by the arthritis. 

Not only is swimming a more comfortable exercise choice for those suffering from joint pain, but it has actually been proven effective at helping seniors deal with their arthritis. According to a 2016 study, swimming helps to relieve pain and improve quality of life among people with knee osteoarthritis just as effectively as walking; another Canadian study of older adults with osteoarthritis of the hip found that swimming reduced their chances of falling and breaking a bone. It’s worth your time to try things like aqua jogging, aqua aerobics, and just some good old fashioned laps!

There’s no doubt that aging comes with certain challenges. Sometimes it seems like your body and mind are being threatened from all sides! But you don’t have to take it all sitting down – in fact, getting up and getting moving can be beneficial in more ways than we previously thought. Try out some of the solutions above to keep you on the road to aging in a healthy and happy way!

Greet the Sun with Sun Salutations

Yoga has many benefits for the mind, body, and soul. It can strengthen muscles and enhance flexibility while also encouraging mindfulness, patience, and acceptance. Yoga comes in many different forms, though they all have two common threads running through them: uniting breath, ujjayi (oo-jai-ee), and poses, asanas. Try a variety of different styles to find one that best fits your fitness level, body type, and personality. 

Starting Your Day On the Right Foot

Yoga has a distinct mindfulness aspect that sets it apart from a personal training session at the gym and makes it an excellent addition to your morning routine. Moving through different poses, or asanas, can help you shake the sleep off and stretch out before beginning your day. Try hitting your yoga mat right after you hit the alarm with this simple “Sun Salutation” adaptation.

silhouette of a woman standing in mountain pose.
Mountain Pose
  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Begin with your feet flat on the floor, with your weight evenly distributed. Bring your hands to prayer pose at your chest. Next, swing them straight above your head, hands facing each other. Raise your head up to look at the sky.

  • Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana) 

Suck in your belly and spread your arms out to the side as you fold forward to touch the ground or as close to it as possible. Keep your leg muscles engaged, and bend your knees if necessary. 

  • Half Standing Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana)

On an inhale, bring your hands to your calves or knees to straighten out your back. Set your gaze about 2 feet in front of your feet, to elongate your neck.

  • Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

Release your hands back toward the ground to forward fold again and let your head lower towards the floor.

  • Plank Pose

woman in a gym with sports bra and shorts doing a plank.

From forward fold with your hands on the ground, step both feet back into a plank position. If this is too difficult for you, you can rest your knees on the ground. Your hands should be shoulder-distance apart and your feet should be hip distance. Try holding this pose for 10-30 seconds. 

  • Lowered Plank (Chaturanga Dandasana)

As you exhale, lower your body to hover above or land fully on the ground. While lowering, keep your elbows tucked into your sides and your heels pressing out behind you. 

  • Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Murkha Svanasana)woman in workout clothes doing an upward dog.

On an inhale, extend your arms so your chest is lifted toward the wall in front of you. You can hover your thighs off the ground or release them to the floor. Roll your shoulders back to squeeze them together, and keep your leg and gluteus muscles engaged. 

  • Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Push your hips and bottom back from upward facing dog into downward facing dog. Take a moment to evaluate the position of your hands and feet – they should be shoulder and hip distance apart. If you have tight hamstrings, walk a few steps back to create more space. Stay here for a few extra breaths, relaxing your neck and peddling out your legs. 

  • Lunge

Step the left foot forward into a lunge pose. If this is difficult to do from downward facing dog, bring both knees to the floor and step your left foot between your hands, then straighten your back knee into lunge pose. Play around with tucking your tailbone, and leaning forward and backward into this pose to stretch out your hip flexors.

  • Mountain Pose

Bring your right leg up to your left and rise slowly, rolling up so your head is the last thing to rise. Return back to standing firmly in mountain pose with your weight evenly distributed. You can try closing your eyes and breathing deeply as you bring your hands up to prayer at your chest.

woman in a bra and yoga pants with crossed legs and arms in prayer.
Yoga can be simple or intricate, calming or energizing.

After moving through this sequence once, try to do it a second time linking each movement to a deep, belly-filling inhale. Move to the next pose on an exhale. 

Yoga can be simple or intricate, calming or energizing. It encourages you to tune into your body and your mind, and releases endorphins. By adding these Sun Salutations to your day, you can improve your posture, tone your body, and clear your head before beginning your day.

Can Yoga Be More Effective Than The Gym?

As you age, being fit is more important than ever in order to stay healthy, and enhance your overall quality of life. Going to the gym is beneficial in order to build muscle and hop on the treadmill to keep your body in motion. But what if you could become leaner, more flexible, and do cardio in the comfort of your home? This is possible with yoga! As you age, yoga can be more effective than going to the gym. 

Reduces Stresscaucasian woman sitting on floor with legs crossed and hand in front of her in praying position

The practice of yoga is to meditate, in order to give you a clear mind from all of the stressors of the day. When you do yoga, your mind blocks out all of the negative energies by reducing noises and distractions (that you experience in the gym).

Makes You More Lean

Stretching your muscles as you strengthen them will make your body more lean. During yoga, you will do different poses that will help strengthen your core, and build strength by holding your body weight.

Provides More Balance

Almost everything you do in yoga engages your core muscles, making it more muscular. You hold positions that engage your core, and when you move to different positions you engage it as well. Strengthening your core helps your body balance more. Improving your balance will help prevent you from falling and getting injured.

Older man with white hair in the park bending over with hands behind back
Yoga provides you with more balance, and can be done anywhere!


You Can Do It Anywhere

Yoga can be done anywhere! You can do it at home, in the office,and even in the park. As long as you have the time and need to meditate, you can do some yoga poses almost anywhere that is quiet and peaceful. You can tune out distractions, but it is not as easily done at the gym with all the loud noises from music, TV’s, and people talking. 

No Waiting

Unlike at the gym where you have to wait for a person, or group of people to be done with a machine, you can do yoga on your own. Yoga is done at your own pace, without waiting for others to get out of the way or be done with something.

Good For You Internally

Twisting, stretching, and folding your muscles and body during yoga are good for the digestive system, the circulatory system, and more. It’s a great way to detox the body and can improve your cardiovascular system.

Easier On Your Body

There are different classes such as hot yoga, and intense yoga classes. But there are ones that are easier on your joints such as chair yoga. Yoga works your muscles without lifting weights. Lifting weight takes a toll on your joints and can be painful. It helps build good posture, flexibility, and balance without straining your joints.

Yoga slowly stretches muscles and increases flexibility. The increased flexibility keeps muscles and joints lubricated

pink piggy bank with a coin being thrown in
No gym membership is required to do yoga!

and healthy. Weights and treadmills at the gym can cause strain which leads to soreness and injuries.

Saves You Money

Yoga does not cost a thing. You do not need a gym membership because as you stay, you can do it anywhere! You can wear any clothing that allows you to move, and you don’t need a mat. You can do yoga in the grass, or on a carpet.

Yoga: The Ups and Downwards Facing Dogs

The Forms Yoga Takes & How to Start

A solid yoga practice can benefit anyone.  Whether you get a yoga teacher at a studio, or just unroll your mat between your bed and the wall, it fits any lifestyle. If you feel unsafe just thinking about this, here is a great resource on perfectly stable moves.

Yoga has been passed down from generation to generation, the practices changing with each new teacher. So, of course, when you search “yoga” online, you’ll come up with tons of sites with every different flavor. The best part is most of them can be tailored to fit you. With all the resources out there, the results can feel like you’ve arrived late to the game.

figure doing yoga near sunset and ocean
Yoga has been transforming people for thousands of years.

Here below, we have a list of the basics to get your journey started. Once you decide on which pathway is best for you, remember a few simple lessons in case you’re taking your very first steps.

Yoga Forms

    • Hatha – This is the general category of yoga. You’ll find the usage of “asanas” and “pranayama” teaching here, meaning postures and breathing techniques respectively. Hatha Yoga would be great for beginners to the practice. The original boost for body and mind.
    • Vinyasa– This type is more specific as it focuses on moving in a “flow.” With Vinyasa, you synchronize your breathing with your movements, bringing harmony. This practice is good for those that want more exercise via cardio.
    • Iyengar– This yoga practice was developed in the 1950s, focusing on improving strength and flexibility. It will require you to hold a pose for about a minute. Its uniqueness is the use of props, harkening back to the yogi using a tree for stability. This practice is good for recovering from injury and to build strength.

      person doing a yoga asana
      Asanas in a yoga practice will really change your perspective.
    • Ashtanga– For a more structured practice, you should look into Ashtanga yoga. Those taught here go in a little deeper than just exercise. It’s a pathway to life. This would be good for those seeking more than just proper alignment.
    • Bikram– This is a hot yoga class, so be prepared to sweat! Like Ashtanga, this practice will be more formal, so you’ll get a certified instructor. You should choose this class if you’re wanting a detox/exercise pairing.
    • Kundalini– Think of Kundalini yoga like hatha yoga plus focused meditation. This type of yoga is a step above Ashtanga on the spiritual path. Your mind will be trained along with your body. You should choose this practice if you’re looking at building a more spiritual relationship.
    • Yin Yoga– This regular yoga practice is taught at a slower pace. You’ll be expected to hold your poses for minutes at a time. If you’re looking to improve circulation and flexibility, this is style fits your needs perfectly.
    • Restorative– A subset of Iyengar yoga, the restorative practice is focused on supported postures held for a period of time. It’s the perfect replacement for nap-time.  Are you stressed and have a hard time relaxing? Take some time to learn these poses.
    • Anusara– Similar to Ashtanga and Kundalini, this Hatha class sharpens spiritual development. The instructions mirror your alignment in the body with alignment towards a higher purpose. Choose this style if you’re wanting meditative exercise, but paired closer to the body.
    • Jivamukti– This type isn’t just about the yoga pose either. It melds the practice of loving yourself and everything with the asanas. Unlike the earlier spiritual practices mentioned, this one doesn’t denote specific teaching except for universal love. Choose this one if you’re looking for more peace.

Starting Tips

Now that the different types of yoga are clear you can pick the one that is best for you. There is something for everyone here. But now that you know the type of yoga, where do you start? How do you jump into something that people have been practicing for years? Here are some tips I wish someone told me when I started:

    1. Compare Only to Yourself – Meaning don’t look at someone else’s advanced pose and beat yourself up over it. Beginner yoga may be your step, and that’s a major leap from no yoga at all.
    2. Breathe– This may seem like a given, but if we get stressed, sometimes we forget to breathe. This is especially true during exercise. You’re going to want to pay attention to your breath as you move. It’s your primary tool.
    3. Know Where You Start– Defining what you want out of the practice will give you your path. Write down what you want, refer to the list, and set that intention. If you start with a solid anchor, you’ll reach your goals faster.
    4. Know the Pain– We all have different bodies. There are some asanas I just can’t do, and they hurt me. It doesn’t mean I’m a poor practitioner. I know where my pain is, and that empowers me to seek asanas that support lessening that pain.
    5. Consistency- Like any practice, you have to be consistent to see results. Whether you’re running, weight-lifting or meditating, yoga is no different. Show up, and half the battle is done.
girls sitting in a yoga class
Are you ready to join a yoga class?

Simple Ways to Be Active for People Who Aren’t

As we age, the more critical it is to become healthy and strengthen your heart health. Heart disease is the lead cause of death among women and men, killing over 600,000 Americans every year. If you do not have the time to work out, there are some small activities to begin strengthening your muscles and heart stronger. The more exercise you do, then the better your heart can work efficiently, ultimately extending your lifespan.

Walking is a simple way to start being active.
Walking is a simple way to start being active. It is easy and only 20 minutes a day will benefit your health.


Walking can significantly help lower your chances of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes as much as running does. You can start by walking 30 minutes or less every day. Walking is enjoyable, free, easy, and a great exercise to begin.

Stay Active

Exercise is not something that only has to be done at one part of our day. It is easy to remain healthy and active throughout the day. Constantly get up and move around to keep your heart healthy and body moving. Little things like walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, and standing instead of sitting are little actions to take. They might seem minimal, but they make a difference and continue the trend of staying active.


Swimming is an easy activity that is easy on your joints.
Swimming is an easy activity that is easy on your joints.

Swimming provides many health benefits! It uses all the muscles in your body and keeps your heart working hard to supply blood everywhere. Your muscles will then strengthen and so will your heart. The water will protect your body, posing little injury.


Yoga is beneficial to control your heart rate and is effective for flexibility. Yoga has proven to reduce stress, which in turn keeps the heart less stressed. Also, it has been proven to reduce depression and other mental diseases. It is a good way to reduce stress, but also not enough of a workout. Yoga is best when used as a cool down after a workout. A workout is still important to get your heart pumping.

It is best to start making healthy choices today, even if you haven’t worked out in years. Set a reachable goal and start somewhere! After your goal is achieved, you can work your way up by increasing your time and doing interval training (low to high intensity workouts with rest periods). Just remember to start slow and not to overwork yourself in order to not induce a heart attack or an injury.