Does Medicare Cover Prolia?

Osteoporosis affects around one in three women, and one in five men, over the age of 50, meaning that more than 200 million people are suffering from osteoporosis in this country. There are many different kinds of treatments available for osteoporosis, with the current standard treatment being bisphosphonates. There is, though, another drug called Prolia, which clinical trials have found is just as effective as bisphosphonates. How these treatments work differs, so if bisphosphonates aren’t working for you, you might want to talk to your doctor about Prolia. Fortunately, Medicare does cover Prolia, so if this drug is right for you, you will be able to start your journey to healing with the help of Medicare.

How Prolia Works

x-ray of a knee with arthritis
Osteoporosis occurs when bones become weak, but Prolia can help with it.

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes your bones to become thin and weak; it typically affects women more than men. Some common symptoms of osteoporosis can include brittle and weak nails, receding gums, and weakened grip strength. 

Prolia is a prescription drug that’s used to treat osteoporosis and other forms of bone loss. It works by stopping bone cells from breaking down and by further strengthening the bone. It is given as an injection in the side, upper arm, or belly. Prolia is generally used to treat osteoporosis in individuals who are post-menopausal, and at high risk for bone fractures. 

“This drug works by preventing the osteoclasts from maturing or resorbing bone, so it’s a completely different mechanism of action [from that of bisphosphonates]. That said, it appears at the end of the day, in terms of reducing fractures and making bones stronger, the result is about the same as bisphosphonates,” says Nancy E. Lane, MD, director of the Center for Healthy Aging at the University of California, Davis.

The Price of Prolia

The cost of any prescription drug depends on various factors, including the type of coverage you have in addition to Original Medicare. Most Medicare plans will cover Prolia, but it depends on how you take the drug. If you have Original Medicare and self-administer the injection, a Part D plan should cover the cost. But if you have original Medicare and a home health nurse administers your injection, Part B will cover 80% of the cost of the drug, leaving you to pay the other 20% out-of-pocket. 

Medicare Eligibility For Prolia Coverage

While Medicare will usually cover Prolia, there are some criteria. To be Medicare-eligible for osteoporosis drugs in general, you must:

  • Be a woman
  • Have a bone fracture that a doctor has certified is related to postmenopausal osteoporosis. 

Is Prolia Right For You?

As with any drug, you should ask your doctor about the benefits and the risks of Prolia, especially if you have any of the following issues:

  • Thyroid diseaseillustration of a doctor with kidney picture next to him
  • Kidney disease- Kidney problems can cause low calcium levels, and treatment with Prolia can further lower your calcium levels, which can be dangerous. 
  • Low calcium levels- Same as above. Your doctor might recommend that you increase your calcium levels before you begin taking the drug.
  • Weakened immune system
  • Trouble absorbing minerals

In addition, it is important to notify your doctor about any medications you are taking regularly, including over-the-counter medications, so they can inform you of any interactions between these medications and Prolia.

Extra Coverage

If you are interested in receiving the Prolia injection but are afraid of having to pay 20% out-of-pocket every time you get an injection, it might be time to look for extra coverage. Your 20% coinsurance can really add up, especially if you are living on a fixed income, as many Medicare beneficiaries are. Fortunately, though, you can save money on all of your medical expenses and get extra coverage by purchasing a Medicare Supplement Plan

There are 10 different Medicare Supplement Plans to choose from, each offering different coverage options and rates. It’s worth looking into a Medicare Supplement Plan to save as much money as you can, so speak to an EZ agent for all of your options. EZ’s agents work with the top-rated insurance companies in the nation and can compare plans in minutes for you at no cost. To get free instant quotes for plans that cover your current doctors, simply enter your zip code in the bar on the side, or to speak to a licensed agent, call 888-753-7207.

More Than Just Keeping Fit: How Some Exercises Can Reduce the Effects of Aging

As a population, we’re aging. By some estimates, 20% of the country will be over the age of 65 by 2030. But that’s good news! It means that, in general, we’re living longer. Living longer, though, means aging, and with aging comes a variety of annoying issues that can wreak havoc on your quality of life. Eyesight fades, taste buds decrease, joints get stiff and painful, bones get weaker, muscle mass decreases, and memory can get glitchy, among other things. 

Experiencing all of this is not fun, and could understandably make you want to sit some things out. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, only 35-44% of adults 75 years or older, and 28-34% of adults ages 65-74, are physically active. But don’t fall into the trap of inactivity! The best thing you can do for your body and mind is get out there and get moving. Consider this: according to a study out of Taiwan, as little as 15 minutes of exercise a day could increase your lifespan by as much as three years. Not only that, but certain exercises can even target certain issues related to aging, and engaging in them could boost your chances of aging in a healthy way.

Walk Away from Your Risk of Dementia

older womana nd a younger woman walking together
Walking 15 minutes a day can help reduce your chances of developing dementia.

Sometimes, there’s nothing better than a nice walk outside, especially now that spring is finally here! But did you know that walking can do more than boost your mood and help your heart? A study published in the journal Neurology actually found that walking approximately 72 blocks a week halted brain shrinkage and cut the risk for developing cognitive decline and dementia by 50%. That’s an incredible statistic! Add to this a Chinese study of 1,700 adults over age 65 that found that those that regularly exercised (including walking) were 47% less likely to develop dementia, and other studies showing that only 15 minutes of exercising 3 times a week can reduce the risk of dementia by a third, and there’s no reason not to lace up your sneakers and head out for a stroll around town.

Stay Balanced with Tai Chi

Maintaining your balance is vital as you age. A decrease in your balance leads to an increased risk of falling, and with one fall comes a greater risk of more falls. Think about these scary statistics: according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3 million older adults are treated for falls each year, with over 800,000 of them needing to be hospitalized. Falling is actually the leading cause of death due to injury, and the most common cause of nonfatal injuries and hospital trauma admissions among people over 65. 

There are things you can do to improve your balance, though, and help reduce your risk of falling. In fact, one type of exercise has now been scientifically proven to reduce falls among older adults: Tai Chi. This series of gentle stretches and slow poses that flow from one to the next was pitted against more conventional exercise regimes and other types of stretching and the results were amazing. According to a study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, Tai Chi reduced falls by 58% compared to other stretching exercises, and 31% compared to a more conventional exercise regime. Strength training and cardiovascular exercise are great (as we’ll see later), but when it comes to preventing falls, Tai Chi has it all beat.

Keep Things Moving with Yoga

group of women doing yoga outside
Yoga can help your digestive organs work better, and help people with IBS.

Is your body feeling a bit slow, in more ways than one? You’re not alone: chronic constipation is very common in adults over 60; older adults are 5 times more likely than younger people to be dealing with constipation. So what to do about it? Diet and medication can help, but have you considered trying some simple, gentle yoga poses? 

Yes, yoga can help get things moving! There is even research that backs this up. For example, a 2015 study of people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) found that yoga is a good way to relieve the main symptoms of IBS, which include constipation. The study also pointed out that yoga might also help address other symptoms that come along with IBS, such as anxiety and fatigue. 

Twisting poses, inversions, and forward folds can “massage” your digestive organs, increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery to the area, which could in turn encourage stools to move through your body. Check out some yoga classes aimed at older adults, even if they have to be online, or look up poses that are beneficial to your gut. Just remember to follow instructions carefully, and stop if any pose causes you discomfort.

Jog Your Memory

Running is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health, but did you know that it can also give you a memory boost? Multiple studies, many using mice taking memory tests after being either given unlimited access to an exercise wheel or being kept sedentary, have found that aerobic exercise, like jogging, can actually improve memory function. In fact, one study out of Cambridge University found that regular jogging triggers the growth of gray matter, also known as neurogenesis. Another study from the University of Colorado, which might be particularly interesting to older adults who are more prone to illnesses, found that jogging is also very effective at protecting against memory loss after being sick. And don’t worry: you can do your jogging outside, no hamster wheel required!

Strengthen Your Bonesdumb bells lined up in a row

It’s definitely no secret that thinning of the bones, or osteoporosis, is a major problem among older adults, especially women. While older men can also suffer from osteoporosis or low bone mass (ostepenia), an estimated 35% of postmenopausal women have osteoporosis of the hip, spine, or distal forearm, and roughly 4 in 10 older women in the United States will experience a hip, spine, or wrist fracture at some point. 

But no matter your gender, if you have problems with your bones, you could be facing serious injury – so what can you do? Your best defense against bone loss and bone disease is weight-bearing or load-bearing exercise. Studies show that doing this type of exercise for 30 minutes, three times a week, can help you build muscles, which then exert more force on your bones, causing the bones to become stronger and denser. Try lifting weights, walking, or climbing stairs to keep those muscles and bones strong and healthy.

Beat the Swelling

Let’s back up a little. To do many of these types of exercises, you’re going to need to rely on your legs and feet, and if you’re experiencing uncomfortable swelling in that area, or peripheral edema, as many older adults do, you might be less inclined to get started. Increase circulation and help fluid move more easily through your body by trying exercises like leg circles or calf raises. 

Ease Pain with a Few Strokes

older woman and younger woman swimming in a pool
Swimming can help relieve arthritis pain.

There might be no better exercise for older adults than swimming. And if you’ve got arthritis and are reluctant to do a lot of load-bearing exercise, getting in a nice, warm pool might be just right for you. When you swim, around 90% of your body weight is supported by the water. The relatively weightless environment and support from the water helps to overcome painful movement in the joints that are affected by the arthritis. 

Not only is swimming a more comfortable exercise choice for those suffering from joint pain, but it has actually been proven effective at helping seniors deal with their arthritis. According to a 2016 study, swimming helps to relieve pain and improve quality of life among people with knee osteoarthritis just as effectively as walking; another Canadian study of older adults with osteoarthritis of the hip found that swimming reduced their chances of falling and breaking a bone. It’s worth your time to try things like aqua jogging, aqua aerobics, and just some good old fashioned laps!

There’s no doubt that aging comes with certain challenges. Sometimes it seems like your body and mind are being threatened from all sides! But you don’t have to take it all sitting down – in fact, getting up and getting moving can be beneficial in more ways than we previously thought. Try out some of the solutions above to keep you on the road to aging in a healthy and happy way!

3 Diseases That Affect Older Women More Than Men

Although research shows that women live longer than men, that does not necessarily mean they are healthier. Both women and men are likely to develop chronic conditions as they age, and women tend to die of some of the same conditions as men, including heart disease. That being said, there are certain diseases and conditions that are more likely to affect women than men. 

1. Arthritis

x-ray picture of a knee bone/joiny
More than half of seniors have arthritis, and women experience the worst of it. 

As we age, our joints begin to degrade, causing our bones to rub against each other. This can cause inflammation in our joints, and lead to arthritis, particularly in the knees, elbows, ankles and fingers. More than half of all seniors over the age of 65 have arthritis, but this condition tends to affect women more than men. Not only are women more likely to get arthritis, but they are more likely to experience worse pain in their joints than men are, and are more vulnerable to rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which is a more debilitating form of arthritis

There are multiple reasons why more women are affected by arthritis than men:

  • Joint stability– Because women’s bodies are built for childbirth, their tendons have the ability to move around more making them more elastic and more likely to sustain injuries.
  • Obesity– Studies show that obesity is more common in women than men, and extra weight puts a lot of strain on the joints.
  • Hormones– As estrogen levels decrease, the hormones that cushion the cartilage deteriorate as well, causing inflammation.

If you’re one of the many older women suffering from arthritis, it is best to stay as active as possible, so that you do not lose your range of motion, and can lose weight if you need to. You should also consider working out with weights to build muscle around your joints. 

2. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis, a condition that causes bones to become weak and more susceptible to breakage, is the most common form of arthritis. Of the 10 million Americans who are diagnosed with osteoporosis, 80% of them are women. This is because women’s bones tend to be smaller and less dense than men’s bones, and because hormonal changes (as mentioned above) in older women’s bodies lead to bone loss.

In order to slow down osteoporosis and bone loss, you should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, get plenty of exercise (especially weighted workouts), and eat a healthy diet that is rich in calcium and vitamin D.

3. Heart Disease

It often surprises people to find out that heart disease is the leading cause of death in women in the U.S. Approximately 70% of women aged 60-79 are diagnosed with heart disease, and 87% of women over 80 have some form of cardiovascular disease. Heart disease can lead to strokes, which is the third leading cause of death in American women. The CDC estimates that 1 in 5 American women will have a stroke, and more than half will die from it. 

graph of heart disease with stats in each bubble.

It is possible to prevent heart disease, or at least treat it even after experiencing a heart attack or stroke. To prevent or control heart disease, it is important to keep an eye on your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels. Stick to a healthy diet focused on vegetables and fruits, and avoid consuming too much sodium and unhealthy fat. Be sure to exercise, as well as reduce (or quit) smoking and drinking, because both increase blood pressure. 

It is no secret that women live longer than men do, but unfortunately a longer life can also mean more health problems. Women are also genetically more prone to suffer from certain health conditions like arthritis, due to hormonal changes and the elasticity of their joints. Because there are so many health conditions that can affect women, it is important to make sure that you are properly insured. Medicare Part A covers hospital stays, and Part B covers 80% of other medical expenses – the other 20% will come out of your pocket. If you have a degenerative disease such as arthritis or heart disease, it is important to seek consistent treatment; this can become costly, but a Medicare Supplement Plan will pay for these costs. 

There are a variety of Medicare Supplement Plans that provide different levels of coverage at different price points. If you are interested in getting more information about Medicare Supplement Plans so that you can save money on your medical bills, EZ.Insure can help. We will connect you with an agent who will assess your needs, compare plans in minutes, and find ways to help save you hundreds of dollars. To get free instant quotes, simply enter your zip code in the bar above, or to speak to one of our licensed agents, call 888-753-7207.