Mental Wellness During The Holidays

While the holidays are a joyful time spent with loved ones, they are also a highly busy and stressful time. It may be a busy time of year at work, and running around shopping and decorating can be stressful. You could also be suffering from the Christmas blues. If you are experiencing the blues, know that you are not alone; they can afflict anyone at any age and are usually caused by a life event. Not to mention the stress of trying to impress others with gifts, attend parties, and deal with family or toxic people, all of which contribute to the blues. People also remember individuals who are no longer alive to celebrate throughout the holidays.  Here is what we do to make it past the awkward hugs, the eye-rolls, and weird, invasive questions about your love life.

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Organize and Budget Gifts

Organization will liberate you! Do you believe you have an insurmountable task list? As with the previous step, break them up. It will stress you out much more if you have this cloud of ideas flying about in your head. If your budget is limited, it is okay to decline gift exchanges. Instead of buying gifts for everyone, encourage them to give to charity, make a homemade gift, or organize a low-cost activity for you all to do. If traveling is too expensive for you, ask family or friends to contribute to the cost of the ticket rather than giving you gifts. If you are unable to attend, request to skype or FaceTime with the individual or persons so that you can still participate in the festivities. Plan your budget ahead of time so you know what you can afford. Here’s what to do:


  • Make your list – List out the names of people you’ll be seeing during the holidays that you want to buy gifts for.
  • Organize by priority – Once you can physically see the list, rearrange it by priority whether it be kids first, then immediate family, followed by extended family or just by the order that you plan on seeing them in.
  • Pick the presents – You can begin assigning present ideas to each person once you’ve determined who you’ll be buying things for. If the process starts to become stressful , brainstorm with some hot cocoa and/or play some soothing music like jazz or holiday-themed songs.
  • Set realistic goals – You probably have a reasonable estimate of your budget for these things, but price each item separately and sum it up. It is easier to plan when you have specific numbers to work with.
  • Finalize it – Top off the whole process by turning all of your information into a checklist, you can even put the dates you’ll be seeing each person to give yourself a little deadline. This way you can mark off the gifts as you go so you don’t forget anything.

It’s Okay To Say No

The holidays may be stressful, especially if you commit to too many gatherings or have unreasonable expectations. When you say yes when you should say no, it merely leads to a flood of overwhelming and resentful feelings. With work and limited vacation time, your schedule is already packed. Don’t try to be in too many places at once since you won’t be able to appreciate your time. You’ll be too preoccupied with getting to the next party or worrying about hosting your own. Take it at your own speed and learn to say no.


You can decline invitations to some gatherings in order to spend more quality time with the people you do prefer to visit. Set priorities and stick to your budget. Take the previous checklist and replace the gifts with family members you want to see. Instead of gift pricing, assign trip prices to each one. If you are unable to accommodate everyone, make plans to visit once the holiday rush has subsided. They’ll probably understand, and also appreciate the break from the hustle and bustle. Visiting after the holidays may end up being more of a gift to everyone involved. 

Don’t Overindulge

Consider all of the pastries and snacks you’ll be eating and drinking throughout the holidays! Our eating habits are tested over the holiday season, with dinners, parties, and cookie tables at every turn.  Overindulging can make you feel tired or sluggish. It can also cause you to gain an unhealthy amount of weight, adding to your mental stress. Take a brief walk to get some exercise. Allow yourself time to be active so that you can appreciate all of the delicious treats.  Attempt to maintain a healthy diet. Consuming whole grains, vegetables, and fresh fruit is the foundation for a healthy body and mind. Eating well can also aid in leveling out your mood.

Make Self-Care A Priority

This is more than just meditation. If you have a fitness routine, don’t let it slip during family visits. Try to go to the gym or perform some home exercises. Sticking to your routines (whether self-care or otherwise) not only gives you a mental lift, but it also establishes an internal norm. You’re going to dedicate your time and energy to people you care about this Christmas season, but don’t lose sight of yourself in the process. Keep your feet on the ground. Make time for activities that make you happy. It could be reading a book, going to the movies, having a massage, listening to music, or walking your dog. It is okay to prioritize alone time when you need to refuel.

mental health tips graphic

Don’t Isolate Yourself

Some people may experience loneliness during the holidays, but if you don’t want to be alone, you don’t have to be. You can join an organization, volunteer at a soup kitchen, attend community events, and meet new people. Volunteering can be a wonderful source of comfort. You can feel less lonely or isolated and more connected to your community by assisting those who are less fortunate. Start a toy or food drive and invite your neighbors, friends, and coworkers.

Be Present

Have a two-week trip planned to see relatives? Take everything one day at a time. This can work even if you are not staying for an extended period of time. One hour, one minute, one second at a time. Simply concentrate on the subject at hand and give it your undivided attention. Don’t be concerned about the rest of it. It is beneficial to employ these bite-size moments during stressful periods. Pay attention in the present moment. If you spend too much time thinking about future occurrences, you will become more stressed in the present.

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Seek Professional Help

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, speak with your mental health practitioner. They can assist you in identifying particular circumstances that trigger you and develop an action plan to modify them. Keep seeing your therapist if you’re already seeing one. If you’re not already seeing one your health insurance will actually cover some mental health services due to the Mental Health Parity Act. 


The Mental Health Parity Act requires insurance companies to handle coverage for mental and behavioral health and drug use problems in the same way that they treat coverage for medical and surgical care. This includes treating them equally in terms of money. For example, an insurance company cannot charge a $40 payment for a mental health professional’s office visit when most medical office visits only require a $20 copay. 


In addition, the Affordable Care Act also provides protection for mental health services. Mental health is covered as an essential health benefit in all ACA-compliant plans. As with other medical illnesses, your plan should cover some or all of the cost of mental health care. All ACA-compliant plans must include the following mental health services:


  • Outpatient individual or group counseling and therapy
  • Diagnostic services like psychological testing and evaluation
  • Ongoing outpatient treatment such as treatment programs and medication management
  • Outpatient treatment for alcohol or chemical addictions
  • Detox services
  • Substance abuse recovery treatment
  • Inpatient mental healthcare in a psychiatric facility

Work with EZ

Any visit has the potential to cause family turmoil. You want your parents/relatives to have a good time and enjoy your visit, but the holidays may bring a whole new level of stress to the situation. Maintaining excellent relationships with friends and family has surprising health benefits, so these trips are well worth it in the long term. Just keep these pointers in mind, and you should be okay. As for finding health insurance to cover your mental health, consider us Santa’s helpers. A licensed EZ insurance agent can explain the advantages and disadvantages of each plan, while also helping you in developing the plan that is ideal for you. 


Working with an agent saves you time and stress because you won’t have to decipher legal language or read fine text. Agents perform all of the heavy lifting, so you can relax knowing that your coverage is tailored to your specific financial and medical needs. Not to mention that EZ agents can save you hundreds of dollars on health insurance rates each year. We accomplish this by being able to search both on and off the market for the most cheap plans.


We can also locate and apply any discounts you may be eligible for. Also,we don’t simply provide you a strategy; we also aid you in maintaining it after the fact! We can assist in filing claims with your provider as well as renewing your coverage when the time comes. To get a quote, enter your zip code into the box below or call one of our qualified representatives at 877-670-3557.

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Everyday Feeling the Same? Get Out of That Rut!

You know what movie I think about at this time of year? Groundhog’s Day with Bill Murray. First of all, I love anything that has to do with Bill Murray – how can you not? Second of all, it’s cold and dark out, and the holidays are over; at this time of year you can sometimes feel, well, stuck. The plot seems appropriate to late winter: it features a TV weatherman (who’s a bit of an egomaniac, and who doesn’t seem to live life with any sort of appreciation or gratitude) who wakes up one morning to find he’s living the same day over and over and over again. It might sound nightmarish, but in the end, it teaches him a much-needed lesson about living your best life.  woman sitting on a window sill looking outside

So do you ever feel like the plot of Groundhog’s Day is happening to you, only in a less literal sense? If so, you’re probably stuck in a rut. Maybe you’re just moving through life, following the same routine, doing the same things everyday. Maybe you’ve lost motivation and life suddenly feels a bit blah or even meaningless. Maybe, to put it in the more sophisticated words of a psychologist, you’re stuck in what Dr. Lindsay Tulchin describes as “a negative spiral of thoughts about yourself and your future that lead to avoidance of either actions that you know will help you feel better or actions that will help steer you in the right direction.” Never fear! Like Bill Murray’s character, you can break free from your rut, you just need some strategies to get moving.

Accept It! 

What’s the first step in dealing with any situation? Accepting it. Hey, it’s ok to be stuck in a rut – it happens to the best of us. What’s not helpful is denying the situation, or just shrugging it off and blaming tiredness or telling yourself things will just be different tomorrow. Accept that things need to change, and that you need to spark that change. But, at the same time, remember not to beat yourself up about your situation! Judging yourself for being in a rut is just going to keep you stuck right where you are.

Examine Why You’re in a Rut

Accepting your situation is one thing, but you also need to start somewhere with moving onward and upward. In order to know what you need to do, try examining the possible reasons behind your rut. Doing a good, thorough soul-searching can be uncomfortable sometimes, but you might just find what you’re looking for, especially if you ask yourself things like:

woman looking at herself with the face she is looking at filled with words.
Take a look at why you are in a rut and what expectations you have that you should let go of or change.
  • What makes me feel stressed or anxious?
  • What makes me happy?
  • Is my relationship or job actually going in the right direction, or am I just sticking with it because I’ve invested so much time and energy in it? This is known as the “sunk-cost fallacy” and it can keep you stuck!
  • Do I feel like I’m doing everything in life because I have to or because I want to? 

It may be one big thing, like your job or relationship, that has you feeling stuck, or it could be a lot of minor things that have built up and are zapping your energy to move forward. 

Look at Your Expectations

What is that people say about the definition of insanity? It’s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. You could also say that it’s looking to a one-size-fits-all formula for happiness and fulfilling relationships, and expecting it to work for every unique person. We’re all taught that happiness looks a certain way, or that relationships (romantic and otherwise) look a certain way, but sometimes we need to break out of those formulas. 

What you need to do is examine your happiness formula and your relationships. For example, when it comes to happiness, you might need to just step back and prioritize, without judging yourself. Make a list of your priorities and values, and then a list of how you’re actually spending each day. Look at how your lists differ, then see what you can do to change that. 

When it comes to your relationships, ask yourself both what you are giving and what you are receiving, or expect to receive, in return.  

Deal With Your Negative Thoughts

Anxieties and negative thoughts can be tricky things. They can make things seem much bigger or worse than they actually are. If you’re stuck in a rut and the negative and anxious thoughts are starting to swirl around in your head, you definitely need to nip those in the bud. Try writing down your negative thoughts and reading them back to yourself; that simple act could show you just how overblown or out-of-proportion they actually are. 

This is not the same as ignoring your negative thoughts. Remember, nobody is telling you that you always have to think positively! Because you know what? Negative stuff happens. The key is knowing that, while you don’t always have control over every situation, you do have control over your thoughts. Take your negative thoughts and try to make them more realistic and helpful.

Set Small/Attainable Goals the word goal in red with the O as a target and a dart in the middle of it

Ok, let’s get a little more practical now. Part of being stuck in a rut can stem from feeling powerless. An easy way to get yourself out of your funk, gain momentum, and feel more in control? Set a few small and attainable daily or weekly goals and then tick them off your list. Even small things like cleaning out that closet, cabinet, or drawer you’ve been meaning to get to, or sending that one email you’ve been putting off can feel like wins and set you on a new path.

Trigger Change

Speaking of new paths, another way to feel like you’re taking positive steps in your life is by finding ways to trigger changes each day. Think of one small positive action that can lead to more positive actions. For example, if you’re looking to feel healthier but you’re lacking motivation, start really small and see if you can create a domino effect. Drink a big glass of water when you get up and see if it leads to a healthier breakfast, which might lead you to want to fit in more exercise that day. Or lay out workout clothes and shoes by the door and see if it leads you to go for that run you’ve been putting off (which will also have the added bonus of boosting your endorphin levels AND getting you outside for some vitamin D!)

Add Some Impulsiveness into Your Life

Impulsivity gets a bad rap, but sometimes it can be good for you! If you’re stuck in a rut, it might be time to stop with the overthinking and just start doing new things. It can be as small as making a snap decision to stop at a new coffee place or take a long walk home, or it can be as big as heading on a trip to a new city to do some exploring. Looking for something in between? Say yes to that date, pick an organization that you’d like to help and offer to volunteer, or put yourself forward for a project at work.

woman laying on her couch with a face mask and tea on a table.
Practice self care by taking a break and relaxing from the day.

Practice Self-Care

One of the first things we stressed was that you shouldn’t beat yourself up when you’re in a rut. In fact, now is the time to focus on self-care. Doing some of the following could just give you the perspective, relaxed frame of mind, and energy to figure out why you’re in your rut and how you can start to get out of it. Remember to try and find time for:

  • Loved ones and friends
  • Healthy, balanced meals
  • Plenty of quality sleep
  • Mindless relaxation or pampering
  • Regular exercise
  • Breaks from work to avoid burnout

There’s nothing more frustrating than feeling stuck. And, like spinning your tires in the mud, the more your frustration spins round and round in your head, the further you’ll get stuck. We know that it’s easy for others to tell you to pull yourself out of your rut, but trust us, there are ways to get moving, make change for yourself, and bring joy back to your life. Start with some of the above suggestions, and before you know it, the clock will click to 6:01 and it will be February 3rd. 

Beat The Back To School Blues

As this unusual summer rapidly draws to a close, it can be hard to visualize how this school year is going to unfold. But whether you’re dropping the kids off at school, or setting up a kitchen classroom, the first few weeks of a new routine can be a drag. When summer vacation ends, it can feel like your family drifts apart as everyone dives back into school and work. Keep the family tight-knit and together with these school year strategies to support learning and quality time! 

Strategies For School Year Successcaucasian mom and daughter sitting outside on a bench talking

  • Have clear, open communication about everyone’s feelings. Children, parents, and teachers are likely all feeling strong emotions about the new school year: relief, concern, excitement, apprehension. Having an open conversation with your family can help create a space where they feel comfortable sharing how they’re feeling. Try also imagining with your children how teachers might be feeling, which will be a great lesson in empathy as well as a way to help children feel less alone in their emotions.
  • Develop a family schedule. Summers can be a free-for-all, but it’s time to tighten up the schedule to prepare for a productive school year. Education experts suggest getting a one-month headstart on a morning routine similar to that of the school year: wake up at a reasonable hour, do morning chores, and have a healthy breakfast before beginning the activities of the day.
  • Have consistent family dinners. Professionals across fields cannot stress the value of family dinnertime enough.  Family dinners strengthen the family bond, set an  expectation for conversation and catching up on the day, and work as great social learning opportunities for younger children. While it’s not possible for every family to have a home-cooked meal every night, having at least one night a week where the family collaborates to cook, serve, and enjoy a meal together is priceless. 
  • Designate learning spaces in the house. Whether your school year is in-person, virtual, or a hybrid of both, it’s important to have clearly defined learning spaces. It might be your child’s bedroom, a corner of the living room, or the kitchen table, but what matters is that it is free of clutter and distractions, so you can create a focused, productive environment.caucasian woman with child in the cobra position on the floor
  • Make time to move. With the return of the school year it’s easy for exercise to get put on the backburner. Movement is so critical for growing bodies and learning brains! When children have an opportunity to move, stretch, and run with freedom, they’re able to come back focused and ready to work
  • Prioritize self-care. Self care looks different for every family and for every stage of childhood development, but it is never too early to start this habit! If your child has a long, hard day of learning, encourage them to take a special break just for them. Maybe it’s a bubble bath, a cup of tea, or time with just you; anything that feels special and relaxing.
  • Build confidence. Returning to learning after an extended time out of the classroom might have some children feeling insecure. Take time everyday to celebrate their successes, talk through any struggles, and remind them how awesome they are! 

What Children Really Need

african american family in a huddle hugging.

Children need affection and emotional support, but what they truly crave are lovingly set boundaries. Boundaries allow children to feel safe and secure in their role within the family: predictability reduces anxiety and uncertainty, and allows children to be children rather than negotiators. So, when the school year starts up and your child balks at bedtime, it’s okay to reinforce the boundary you’ve set – it doesn’t make you a mean or unfair parent to uphold what you know to be best.

Children’s brains are still developing (new studies believe that the brain doesn’t fully develop until almost age 25!), and their prefrontal lobe, which controls executive function, logic, and decision making, is particularly underdeveloped. Children between the ages of 8 and 12 are in a stage of “concrete thinking”, which limits their ability to think in more abstract, nuanced terms. This is why concrete rules and boundaries are appropriate, and so helpful, for the school year. Their brains are literally unable to control impulsivity, decision making, and problem solving, so it is our job as parents to do that for them. 

As you head back to school – however it looks for you this year – try all of these strategies to get your kids on track and ready to learn, and don’t be afraid to set boundaries. As the school year progresses and the novelty wears off, it might become difficult to maintain these routines. But even if your children fight you, it’s important to persevere! Consistent, loving boundaries are the key to building a successful school year routine.

Take Time to Be Kind to Yourself Today

“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind-” as stated by Henry James. It is important in our lives to be kind, especially to ourselves. Often we forget to stop and take care of ourselves after giving all of our time and effort into work, friends, families, and even strangers. Sometimes we think that we have to earn self-kindness after completing a task, whether it be a successful diet, finishing a work assignment, or even tidying up the house. Then we feel like we can reward ourselves, and if we fail, then we have to put in more time and effort into accomplishing.

Be kind to yourself. Invest in you.
Take the time to invest in yourself. Be kind to yourself because you deserve it. It also created more confidence.

Stop. When was the last time you complimented yourself? Treated yourself without guilt? We need to try to make a habit of investing into ourselves so we can keep giving the best version of ourselves. There are some simple techniques you can do everyday to be kind to yourself.

Self Investment

When you first wake up in the morning, read something inspiring or do something that makes you happy. Hearing words of motivation and kindness can set the tone for your day. It will allow you to learn and act on what you have learned. We continuously invest in our jobs and family that we forget to invest in ourselves. How can you give something

or someone your all when you don’t give yourself the same?

Positive Thoughts

Speak kind words about yourself. Be thankful for the things you have, write down some things you may take for granted. When times are hard, try to breed positive thoughts instead of allowing negativity to seep in. Stop and think “I’ve got this, I will be okay.” This kind of thinking will help you find an alternate perspective to situations and put a positive spin on it. It also breeds more positive thoughts about yourself, uplifting your confidence and self esteem.

Write yourself a positive note everyday, including your aspirations.
Write yourself a positive note everyday, including your aspirations. 

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

We make mistakes, we are human. Do not beat yourself up over should’ve, could’ve or would haves. Be your own supportive friend and forgive yourself, take the learning experience and move forward.


Laughter is the best medicine- we have all heard this saying, and it is true! Laughing immediately decreases stress hormones and releases endorphins that makes the body feel good. Take a break and laugh with some friends. Find a way to destress from the stressors of life.

It can be easy to get caught up in the negativity around, or even get stuck in a negative thought and allow it to keep replaying in your head. Learning to stop this is important, because you have the choice to. You have the choice to move on and change the future. You are in control of your future and what you want for yourself. Life is hard as it is so ease up on yourself, because you deserve self love.

Importance of Personal Hygiene

Good personal hygiene can make a huge difference in how you feel about yourself, both physically and mentally. As you age continuing to be social is an important part of keeping your mind as young and healthy as possible. A part of being social is making sure that you are keeping up with your personal hygiene. As we age personal hygiene becomes even more important. Things as simple as washing your hands with soap and water consistently will protect you from catching viruses that your body might have been able to fight off previously.

Washing your hands is the best way to avoud bacteria from entering the body.
Washing your hands is the best way to avoud bacteria from entering the body.

Taking care of your skin is critical as we become older because it becomes more thin and fragile, making it easier for germs to invade the body. The skin is the body’s defense system against infection, which is why it is important to remove bacteria by washing your hands and moisturizing to ensure a healthy quality of life. Professionals say that as you age you should bathe at least once a week to maintain hygiene health.

It can be hard to remember smaller things in relation to personal hygiene as you age, and you might need some help when it comes to keeping up with your hygiene. Help can be anything from assistance from a relative, or setting up routines and reminders that keep you on track. If you find yourself struggling with personal hygiene, it is important to pinpoint why exactly what is whether it be a physical issue or a mental one.

Factors that can lead to poor personal hygiene are:

Memory Loss-When experiencing memory loss, seniors can often forget whether they have completed a task or not. . Some seniors may think that they showered not too long ago when in reality it could’ve been days ago. A way to keep yourself on track would be to hang a calendar in your bathroom. This way you can mark off when you do shower so that even if you forget you have it written down and can check any time you want.


A lot of seniors will go through depression as they age and their health declines. Depression can lead to less interest in your appearance, and can eventually lead to isolation from friends and family. If you find yourself distancing yourself from the people and things you once loved you should consider talking to someone. Talk to your doctor about the way you have been feeling and considering getting help with your depression. This can help you get back to the people and things you loved so that you can continue to live a normal happy life.

Weakened Senses

Our weakened senses do not allow us to smell our body scent, resulting in too much perfume. Shower regurarly.
Sometimes we can spray too much cologne/perfume due to weakened sense of smell. Showering regularly can battle this.

Aging can lead to weakened senses of hearing, eyesight, and smell. The senses of smell and taste diminishes over time, which is why seniors are often less disturbed by bad smells. This is often why you might find yourself putting on more perfume than you used to. The recipe for the perfume has not changed, your sense of smell may have just gotten weaker. This can sometimes cause an overwhelming smell for the people around you. To make sure you are not overdoing it with perfumes, put it on and remember the number of sprays you use, then ask someone close to you if your scent is too strong. If it is use less sprays next time, if it is not you are on the right track and will always know you smell great regardless of what your nose cannot pick up anymore.

Mobility Issues

Physical challenges can lead to health issues due to the fear of falling. If this is the issue, it is important to seek assistance from a loved one if possible, an in-home care agency, or a nurse. Consider installing handrails, grab bars, non-slip adhesives, or a shower stool in the shower in order to stay safe if you have poor balance. Make sure to have everything ready before bathing such as shampoos, washcloths, and a towel. Always ask for help or assistance if you cannot do it alone to in order to avoid any serious falls or injuries.

Do not feel embarrassed to ask for help, your family and friends want you to be as healthy as possible, and are most of the time always willing to help.

When it comes to oral hygiene, make sure to visit your dentist every six months or more to check for gum disease. Make sure your dentures are checked and fit properly if you have them. Brush your teeth twice a day and switch to an electric toothbrush for ease. Use mouthwash at least once a day in order to reduce bacteria in your mouth as well as prevent gum disease.

How To Deal With Anxiety & Panic Attacks

Research has found that almost everyone will experience a panic attack (also known as an anxiety attack) at least once in their life. Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental illnesses in the U.S., affecting over 40 million people. There are different variations of anxiety disorders, such as general anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), to name a few. While there is no way to cure anxiety completely there are ways to manage and treat anxiety/panic attacks effectively.

A panic attack can be terrifying and it will often happen when a person is under a lot of stress. When an attack happens, a person can experience a combination of symptoms. These can include shortness of breath, muscle spasms, nausea, and sometimes feeling as if you are in great danger and must escape, some people may even think they are having a heart attack.

Anxeity attacks can happen to anyone and is emotionally and physically draining.
Anxiety affects millions of people in the U.S. It is mentally and physically draining.

Anxiety attacks are not only physically, and mentally challenging, they are also emotionally exhausting. When having an attack your body begins to release stress hormones which rush into the body inducing a panic attack and making it seem worse. You have to focus on how to ease your mind to help reduce the likelihood of a panic attack taking place and live a healthy and happy life without the fear and worry.

The first step to managing an anxiety attack is to know why they happen. Finding out the source will help you learn what brings it up, make you aware of what fears you have, and help break the cycle. Sometimes this is something you know and can figure out on your own. More often than not it can be helpful to speak to a professional. They can help you pinpoint exactly why you are having these attacks and help you come up with solutions to keep your mind at ease.

This can be one of the best techniques to gain control over an anxiety disorder but there is no guarantee you will never have an attack again. So if you do some tips to remember are:

Breathe Slowly

When having a panic attack, you begin to breathe quickly which in turn increases your heart rate. Stop and take a slow deep breath while counting to five to help ease your body. Continue to take deep breaths until you feel your panic attack fading.

Thinking positive thoughts is one way to help conquer a panic attack.
Thinking positive thoughts is one way to help conquer a panic attack.

Think Positive

It is easy to start to focus on the things that are going wrong and the negativity around us. Stop and think positive thoughts in order to help calm yourself. You can write positive thoughts or aspirations down so that your brain focuses on positivity.

Distract Yourself

Distracting yourself can help prevent anxious thinking and reduce symptoms of a panic attack. You can start counting, call a friend, play a game, organize something, work on a project, and so on to distract yourself. Sometimes sensory distractions work such as strong tastes, cold ice water, sense of touch and so on are more distracting from the active stress response.

Relax Your Muscles

Find a comfortable place and sit or lie down when a panic attack begins. This will offset the stress response because your body can not go into both stress mode and relax mode. The more relaxed, the faster your body gets rid of stress hormones.

Many people that have anxiety disorders do not seek treatment, which can only worsen symptoms. It is important to get a hold of a panic attack before it even begins. Practice these techniques and find what works for you in order to live a more stress free life. If things are too extreme, seek help from a therapist or your doctor for medication.