7 Facts You Need to Know About Mental Health and Aging

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and it’s clear that, after the few years we’ve had, we need this time to focus on our psychological well being. But here’s the thing: a lot of the talk surrounding mental health lately has been centered on young people, and while that is an extremely important topic, we…

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How Your Sleep Position Impacts You

What position do you sleep in? Do you feel cozy curled up in the fetal position, or do you like to sprawl out on your back? Whatever your preference, did you know that your favorite sleep position can actually have a big impact on your health, and even your appearance? For example, if you’ve noticed…

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Ditch the Clutter, Your Mind and Wallet Will Thank You

How’s the spring cleaning going this year? Are you finished? Still knee deep in your piles of “keep,” “donate,” and “trash” bags? Or did you give up? Should we not even ask? Wherever you are in your annual quest to clean, tidy, and declutter, we’ve got some motivation for you not to quit (or to…

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It’s OK to Not Be OK: How to Respond to That One Little Question

Hey - are you okay? It’s a question all of us get asked a lot, probably almost as much as “How are you?” And both of these little, innocent questions can seem much bigger if you’re going through something that’s making you feel “not okay.” So this Mental Health Awareness Month, we want to talk…

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Seniors: Want to Jump Back into the Job Market? Now’s Your Chance!

Retirement can be great, but it’s not for everyone. Some people just thrive on the sense of purpose or the social engagement that being in the workforce gives them - and the extra money to fund the fun stuff in life doesn’t hurt, either! In fact, if you're at retirement age, or heading there soon,…

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Fighting Impostor Syndrome

How would you feel if you won a gold medal at the Olympics? We’d feel pretty shocked if we did, that’s for sure! But seriously, what if you trained and trained and were the best…would you feel like you deserved that medal for all your hard work and talent? Or would you have a sneaking,…

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These 10 Foods Have Surprising Health Benefits

Remember that old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Ever wondered if that’s really true? Can eating an apple a day literally keep you healthy enough to ward off most potential doctor visits? Ok, probably not, BUT apples do have tons of health benefits, including being packed with soluble fiber, which can…

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The Fat-but-Fit Debate Rages On

What does it mean to be healthy? What if you’re rail-thin, but sedentary? Or how about if the scales say you’re overweight, or even obese, but you eat well and exercise? These questions, which essentially make up the “fat-but-fit” debate, have been controversial for a long time, especially when it comes to the question of…

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Need Some Extra Cash? We’ve Got the Side Hustles for You!

The last few years have been rough for a lot of people, and we’re not just talking psychologically. The pandemic hit a lot of people right in the wallet, although there are some silver linings, including the fact that, according to some studies, some of us were actually able to save more money than expected,…

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What’s the REAL Secret to Getting Stronger?

We’ve written a few pieces lately (check them out here and here) about how cardio alone just doesn’t cut it when it comes to getting in shape. Sure, it’s great for your cardiovascular health (hence the name) and can help you maintain a healthy weight, among other benefits, but if you’re looking to get lean,…

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Eating for Pain Relief: Can Your Diet Affect Your Arthritis?

Ouch. Feel that? That dull, aching pain in your joints after you’ve been active all day, or that stiffness when you get up in the morning? It’s arthritis, and it’s here to stay now that you’re getting older, right? Well, sort of: there’s no cure for arthritis, unfortunately, but you don’t necessarily have to live…

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The Generational Wealth Gap: Will Millennials Ever Catch Up?

Let’s get one thing straight: no members of any generation are blowing all of their money on things like avocado toast. That is the laughable claim that some in older generations have made about Millennials to explain why members of the younger generation haven’t been able to build wealth the way Baby Boomers (or even…

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Confirmation That Portion Sizes Are Supersizing Us

There are a few things that aren’t a secret to any of us living in the U.S. One: our obesity rate is high, and is only getting higher. Two: we tend to live by the motto “go big or go home,” and that includes how we dish out our food. A lot of us have…

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Is Social Media the Third Wheel in Our Relationships?

How long do you think you spend with your partner, on average, each day? How often do you really deeply engage with them? Now, look at your phone, how much time do you spend each day on social media? If you’re like the average person, you’re most likely spending around 2 hours and 25 minutes…

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Is There a Downside to Aging in Place?

Life is full of decisions to make, and the number of decisions we have to make does not decrease as we get older, nor do the decisions get less consequential. In fact, one of the biggest choices you’ll have to make is how to spend your old age: are you going to consider moving into…

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Be Seen: Fighting the Invisible Woman Syndrome As You Age

It’s Women’s History Month! But for a moment, we want you to take a break from thinking about the collective history of women’s achievements and struggles, and think about your own history. The story of you. An older woman navigating the 2020s, who has experienced not only the changes of history, but the changes to…

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Does Fast Food Put You on the Fast Track to Depression?

What’s your idea of comfort food? Freshly baked homemade cookies? Your mom’s gooey mac and cheese? Or maybe you prefer something a little bit, um, faster? As in, fast food? Do you crave things like hamburgers, fries, and chicken nuggets from a famous franchise when you need a little belly-based comfort? Well, if that’s the…

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Spoiled for Choice: When To Stop Online Dating?

Does anyone out there remember the old days of dating? Being set up with a friend of a friend, or locking eyes with someone cute across a crowded bar and striking up a conversation that leads to numbers being exchanged? We’re sure that there are still some people who find dates the old-fashioned way (well,…

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