Can Your Health Insurance Company Drop You?

Insurance companies are businesses, and, like most businesses, they have terms and conditions of service. It is possible for your health insurance to legally drop you, but only under certain circumstances. If this happens to you, don’t worry! EZ.Insure will help you find a new plan, for free. We know that you have a lot on your plate and might be feeling overwhelmed, so we will take that weight off your shoulders and help you to get back on your feet.

Reasons You Can Be Dropped

persons head with a mask on in a circle with the word "fraud" underneath it
Insurance fraud is one of the reasons that your health insurance company can drop you.

Insurance companies cannot drop you for any reason; there needs to be just cause. Here are some circumstances when you can be legally dropped:

  1. Insurance FraudIf you misuse your insurance policy in any way, then you have broken your contract with the company. Fraud can include faking your identity, or filing false claims. 
  2. Failure To Pay– Obviously,  if you fail to pay your premiums, then you will be in breach of your contract with the insurance company. If you have employer-based insurance that is  not automatically deducted from your paycheck, then make sure to pay your premiums on time. If you are lucky, you will have a grace period for unpaid premiums, although most insurance companies do not offer this. 
  3. Losing/Quitting Your Job – If you receive your health insurance through an employer, and lose your job, then your health insurance company has a right to drop you. You also forfeit your coverage if you voluntarily leave your job. 

While some people may think that you can get denied for filing too many claims, that is a myth. As long as your claims are legitimate, then you don’t have to worry. Health insurance companies in the U.S. are regulated by many laws on both the state and federal levels, so you can be sure that you won’t lose coverage just for making claims on your policy.  

picture with a road and 2 arrows poiting to an orange box with possibility written above it
EZ will find you an insurance plan after your company drops you. You have other possibilities.

There Is Hope

If you do end up losing your health insurance, don’t worry, you have options, and time. When a health insurance company drops you, they must give you 30 day’s notice before terminating  your plan. You also qualify for a special enrollment period when you lose health insurance, so take this time to compare other plans and sign up for a new one. If your plan was employer-based, then check to see if your employer offers COBRA plans to temporarily replace your old plan. 

Finding a plan can be overwhelming, especially after losing coverage, but we’re here to help. If you are lost, then EZ will provide you with a personal agent who will compare all the available options in your area, for free. Our highly trained agents will listen to your healthcare needs and budget, and advise you on which plan checks all of your boxes. To get free instant quotes on all plans, enter your zip code in the bar above, or to speak to an agent, call 888-350-1890. No hassle, no obligation.

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