What Is A High-Deductible Medicare Supplement Plan?

what is a high-deductible medicare supplement plan text overlaying image of an older man thinking Medicare Supplement Insurance fills in the “gaps” left by Original Medicare by paying for things such as copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance. A high deductible choice is available with some Medicare Supplement policies. The premiums for high-deductible Medicare Supplement Plans are lower than those for regular plans, but the coverage threshold is higher. If the premium difference between the high-deductible and the standard plan is small, then the high-deductible plan may be more cost-effective.

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Which High Deductible Medicare Supplement Plans Are Available?

Both Plan F and Plan G have a version with a high deductible. Beneficiaries who became eligible for Medicare after 2020 will no longer be able to get Plan F, or its high deductible option. But anyone can sign up for Plan G with a high deductible.


The only exception is in Massachusetts. Massachusetts is one of 3 states who standardize their Medicare Supplement Plans differently than the rest of the country but they do have the same benefits. In Massachusetts there are only 3 plans available and none of them are high deductible plans. 

How Do High Deductible Medicare Supplement Plans Work?

In the majority of states, residents can choose from one of 10 different Medicare Supplement Plans designated by letters. The government sets the benefits for each type of plan. High-deductible options are limited to Plans F and G. The only difference between the standard and high-deductible versions of these Medicare Supplement Plans is the date on which coverage will begin. While standard plans pay for their benefits right away, high deductible plans don’t begin paying for them until the annual deductible is met.

What Do High Deductible Medicare Supplement Plans Cover?

The high deductible versions of Plan F and Plan G cover the same things as their standard counterparts. Plan F is the most popular Medicare Supplement plan and has been for a long time, even though it is unfortunately discontinued. Your only out-of-pocket expense with this plan is the monthly premium for Plan F, as it covers everything else. It covers:


  • Deductibles for Medicare Part A and Part B
  • Medicare Part A and Part B coinsurance or copayments
  • Medicare Part B excess charges
  • Skilled nursing facility coinsurance
  • Foreign travel emergency expenses up to plan limits

Since Plan F was discontinued, Plan G has become extremely popular among Medicare beneficiaries and is now among the most widely selected Medicare Supplement Plans. Plan G is the most affordable Medicare Supplement plan and helps fill in the gaps that Original Medicare doesn’t cover. Plan G covers: 


  • Medicare Part A deductible
  • 100% of hospice copayments and coinsurance
  • Additional foreign travel emergency benefits
  • 100% of Medicare Part B excess charges

How Much Do High Deductible Medicare Supplement Plans Cost?

With a high-deductible Medicare Supplement Plan, you are responsible for both the premiums and the deductible. In 2023, the deductible for high-deductible Plan G and Plan F is $2,700, however it changes yearly. The plan’s premiums vary from person to person. According to Medicare.gov, the premiums for Medicare Supplement Plans are determined by private health insurance providers and can vary depending on a person’s age, gender, geographic location, tobacco use, and health history.


The premiums for high-deductible Medicare Supplement Plans are lower than those for standard Medicare Supplement Plans because members are responsible for paying the deductible before the plan begins paying for covered services. A new Medicare beneficiary of age 65, for instance, may be charged $105 per month for the standard version of Medicare Supplement Plan G, while the high-deductible version may cost only $35 per month from the same insurer. As you get older, the premium gap between the regular and high deductible plans can widen. A Medicare recipient who is 85 might pay $195 per month for Medicare Supplement Plan G, with a low deductible and $60 per month for a high deductible version of the same plan.

Advantages and Disadvantages of High Deductible Plan G

The best thing about a high-deductible health plan is the low monthly premium. People who think they will only need preventive care can save a lot of money. Also, once the deductible is paid, the benefits are the same as with plan G.


A disadvantage of the High-deductible Plan G is that you have to pay the Part B deductible for Medicare for non-hospital care. Also, you don’t get insurance benefits until you’ve paid your annual deductible. Every year, these deductibles start over and usually go up. And, you’ll have to pay the Part B coinsurances until your deductible is met.

Advantages and Disadvantages of High Deductible Plan F

Unfortunately Plan F is no longer available to anyone you became eligible for Medicare on or after January 1st 2020. This is because the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2025 included a change that says Medicare Supplement Plans can not cover the Part B deductible. However, if you were eligible before that date or already had Plan F you are still able to keep or purchase it.


As with any option with a high deductible, the main benefit of a high deductible is a lower premium. Once the deductible is paid, the benefits are the same as Plan F. The biggest problem is that if health problems worsen, they can lead to an increase in medical bills. Also, the deductible can change every year, which makes it hard to plan for medical costs in the future. 


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Is A High Deductible Medicare Supplement Plan Worth It?

When the combined cost of your premiums and deductible is less than the premiums for a standard Medicare Supplement plan, the high-deductible plan makes more financial sense. There are three things you’ll need to consider.

1. If You Can Meet The Deductible

If you’ll spend enough on coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles to meet the Medicare Supplement deductible for a high-deductible Medicare Supplement plan, you should compare quotes to see which one is the most cost-effective. For the high-deductible version to cost less than the standard option, the lower premiums must be more than enough to cover the extra cost of meeting the deductible- remember you have a high deductible. In 2023, the deductible for Medicare Supplement plans will be $2,700, which equates to $207.50 per month. For you to spend less on a high-deductible plan overall, its monthly premiums would have to be at least $207.50 less than those of a standard plan.

2. If You Can’t Meet The Deductible

When you are reasonably confident that you will not be able to meet the deductible, selecting a Medicare Supplement plan with a high deductible is not the best option for you. If you have expenses that are lower than the deductible, the plan will not pay for any of the services that you receive. You are, in all respects, not compensated in any way for the premiums that you pay.

3. If You’re Unsure If You Can Meet The Deductible

If this describes your situation, one way to figure out whether or not a high-deductible Medicare Supplement plan is right for you is to evaluate your current financial standing. Then determine how much money you have available to pay for out-of-pocket medical expenses. When you do not end up meeting the deductible, you will not only be responsible for the cost of the premiums, which are typically quite affordable. But you also run the risk of losing coverage that is available with a standard Medicare Supplement plan. If you are able to meet the deductible, you will be covered from that point. Which will help you limit the amount of money you will have to pay out of pocket in the event that you face unexpectedly high medical costs.

Alternative Options

Another choice for Medicare Supplement coverage that could help you save money on your monthly premiums is the Medicare Supplement Plans K and L. A cost-sharing benefit and out-of-pocket spending caps are included in these plans. A Plan N could be beneficial to you if you want more coverage than what is offered by those two options. In exchange for a few copayments, participants in Plan N pay a premium that is marginally lower than the standard Plan G or Plan F premium.


One more alternative to consider is enrolling in a Medicare Advantage plan. Because the monthly payments are so much more affordable. On the other hand, considering the ongoing out-of-pocket costs that come in the form of copayments and coinsurance, a Part C plan might end up being more expensive in the long run.

Sign Up With EZ

Whether you’re looking for a high-deductible plan or something else, we can help you choose the right policy. We’re here to make it easy for you to weigh your options and choose the most beneficial arrangement possible. Working with an EZ agent will cut down time spent shopping around. You can compare and contrast numerous Medicare Supplement Plan providers and plans by working with a licensed agent. In addition to providing you with cost comparisons, your agent can explain the nuances between the various plans. Furthermore, your agent can assist you in comparing premium costs to out-of-pocket expenses to help you choose the most economical plan. Get started on your search for a Medicare Supplement Plan by calling us at 877-670-3602 right away. 

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