The ABCs of CBD

The marijuana plant has been the topic of heated conversations in recent years. Most people know Marijuana has a reputation for recreational use, but what about the impressive medical research and benefits this plant has to offer? Cannabidiol, or CBD, is one such derivative, and has been called a “miracle” by doctors across the country. Unlike THC, the psychoactive substance in the marijuana plant, CBD is legal in all 50 states, and is used to treat many common ailments

a glass container with liquid in it and a dropper on the table
CBD can be used to treat many different conditions.

The ABCs of CBD

A: About. CBD is just one component of the cannabis (marijuana) plant. CBD affects the body’s endocannabinoid system, a series of receptors throughout the body that regulate appetite, experience of pain, mood, and memory in the central nervous, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems. CBD is not a psychoactive substance, which means it does not affect your mind. So, unlike THC, the psychoactive compound in the marijuana plant, CBD will not cause the user to feel high. 

B: Benefits: CBD can be used to treat an incredibly wide variety of conditions, with more uses being discovered each day. Some of the benefits of using CBD include:

  • Pain relief
  • Sleep support
  • Appetite stimulation
  • Improved heart health
  • Addiction management
  • Mental health support

C: Consumption. CBD is not a leaf or plant; it is an oil extracted from the plant. Unlike the drug, it is not smoked, which may have harmful effects on the mouth, throat, and lungs. The extracted oil can be used in a variety of forms: 

  • Topical gels or creams
  • Tinctures
  • Edible products
  • Capsules

Benefits For Seniors

xray of a knee
CBD can help with chronic pain and arthritis issues.

For those of us seeking holistic methods to improve quality of life as we age, CBD could be a very useful tool. It could help to replace some daily medications, support pain management, and improve the symptoms of a variety of conditions, including:

  • Chronic pain. 75-85% of seniors deal with chronic pain, which is what CBD is currently primarily used for. CBD stops the body from absorbing anandamide, one of the compounds associated with pain regulation. This results in increased levels of anandamide within the bloodstream and reduced pain.
  • Arthritis. Not only does CBD help with pain management, but it also has anti-inflammatory properties that make it ideal for treating arthritis, which affects nearly half of all people over the age of 65. CBD can also be used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and joint dysfunction.
  • Osteoporosis. Research has shown that CBD can help strengthen bones and promote cellular repair, which can speed up the healing process should a fracture or break occur. 
  • Cardiovascular issues. A variety of studies have shown that CBD impacts cardiovascular function in myriad ways, including reducing high blood pressure, reducing cardiac inflammation, and stopping cell death due to oxidation. It supports vasorelaxation, which promotes healthy blood pressure and increases blood flow to the heart.older asian man laying in bed staring at the clock on the table next to him.
  • Insomnia. Sleep disorders impact individuals of all ages, but are especially common in seniors. Some medical professionals believe this to be a result of chemical imbalances, and others suggest it may be caused by stress and anxiety. CBD helps with the latter, as it promotes relaxation by impacting the central nervous system.
  • Neurological conditions. Many experts believe that CBD can be used as a treatment for neurodegenerative diseases, such as ALS, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. While these studies are still in clinical trials, they have seen overwhelming success thus far. CBD could also be used to treat glaucoma by reducing the intraocular pressure that causes pain and eventual blindness.
  • Mood Disorders. CBD interacts with neuroreceptors involved in regulating mood, like serotonin and oxytocin, and has been proven to relieve stress and anxiety, support relaxation, and improve cognitive function.

For seniors seeking a natural way to improve their lives and fight pain, CBD can be a miracle oil. A non-invasive, non-addictive way to manage inflammation, mood, and a variety of medical conditions, CBD is a harmless alternative to many prescription medications. Talk to your primary care doctor to see if CBD might be a good fit for you!

Is CBD Oil The Cure To Your Pain?

Cannabis, also known as medical marijuana, has been growing in popularity and is even being legalized in numerous states around the U.S. Cannabidiol, or CBD oil, is the non-psychoactive chemical found in marijuana. It delivers the benefits of marijuana without the notorious “high”. Multiple studies show that CBD oil can provide natural relief for over 50 conditions including epilepsy and arthritis. Over 75% of seniors suffer from chronic pain, and over half of seniors suffer from arthritis. Some seniors are unaware of the benefits of CBD oil and view it with a negative stigma because of marijuana’s history. But because it is just extracted from the plant, without the THC properties, it is completely safe and only delivers all the good stuff. Throw out the stereotype, know the facts, and why it is so

canabis plant with pipe on top of it.
CBD oil is derived from the cannabis plant and can offer an array of benefits to seniors.

beneficial to you! CBD oil comes in different dosages, and can be used in different ways. Inhaling is the fastest way to feel its effects, but not the only way. You can apply it to your skin topically, take it under the tongue (sublingual), or

ingest it using edibles.

Hemp-derived CBD is legal as long as it is produced within the regulations defined by the law. If it is derived from marijuana, then the federal law says CBD oils are legal to possess if they contain no more than 0.3 percent THC. CBD oil is NOT legal in all states. The 3 states where marijuana is illegal and you are unable to get CBD oil are South Dakota, Idaho, and Nebraska. All other states in which you can get CBD oil has its own specifics you need to be aware of, whether it is marijuana-derived, or hemp-derived. Do your research on the state in which you live in. 

Manage Arthritis Pain

Studies have shown that CBD oil can reduce inflammation and pain from conditions like arthritis, and joint pain. This is definitely a great reason to consider CBD since many older adults deal with arthritis and joint pain as they age. 

Promotes Bone Health

Osteoporosis is when bones lose vital minerals and become fragile, and brittle. This usually leads to a higher risk of spraining or breaking a bone. It is the reason for many seniors getting hurt, and fracturing or breaking a hip when they fall. CBD can help with this, because it promotes cell repair, and strengthens bones. 

Heart Health

Millions of people, especially older adults, suffer from heart-related issues. One study suggested that CBD can solve cardiac dysfunction, and help lower high blood pressure. Other studies found that the antioxidant properties of CBD can reduce cardiac inflammation, and deter cell death caused by oxidative stress. In layman’s terms, CBD can improve your overall heart health.

Caucasian hands with a set of handcuffs on oe and the other free of it.
CBD oil can help battle addiction, especially to pain medications. The oil will offer pain relief, reducing the need for medication.

Battle Addiction

Because CBD helps mitigate pain, it can be used as a pain reliever rather than having to take painkillers. Americans, including seniors, suffer from an addiction to painkillers due to over-prescription from doctors. CBD can combat the dependency of these medications by preventing relapses. Switching to CBD oil instead can help battle the pain you feel naturally, without the addictive properties.

Better Sleep

Sleeping disorders are common for seniors. Sleep is important for your brain to regenerate, and to prevent glaucoma and Alzheimer’s. But luckily, CBD can help with your sleeping issues. CBD oil calms you and can extend the deep sleep phase, so you get more rest. 

If you are considering CBD oil, do some research first, because it is only legal in 30 states. Consult your doctor as well, and make sure it will not have adverse effects on any current medications you are taking.