EZ Puts You First, That’s Why Customers Rate Us #1

https://youtu.be/tpb2P6osirg Ever work with a company and feel like they are doing the bare minimum? We have been there, which is why EZ.Insure goes out of our way to make sure our customers come first, always. We value your needs before ours, because it is more than just making money. That is why our services…

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How EZ.Insure Can Protect Your Business From A Lawsuit

Accidents happen. If an employee gets hurt at work, not only can you lose a lot of money in a lawsuit, but you can lose your business as well. The best way to protect yourself is with a Workers’ Compensation Insurance Plan. This will protect your business in the event of an employee’s injury or…

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Get The Most Accurate Local Quotes From Ez.Insure

https://youtu.be/FXWGff0Voao The time has come, and you find yourself in need of a new insurance plan. A sense of anxiety sets in, and you slowly become overwhelmed with researching. When shopping for insurance, it can be hard to find a company that provides you with the best services. This includes providing you with accurate quotes…

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Can you Cancel a Commercial Insurance Policy?

You can cancel your insurance policy, but wait before you do. Read up on what will happen here should you cancel at the wrong time.

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How to Negotiate With Your Insurance Agent

Negotiating your insurance needs can be a hassle if you don’t know where to start. Here is a great list of tips you can apply to your meetings immediately.

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Cybercrime Stats and Why You’re at Risk

It’s no secret that the internet is changing the way society interacts. This goes from social media affecting our relationships and the way we view each other, to the rising rates of cybercrime on the web.  [caption id="attachment_4329" align="alignright" width="300"] The damage an act of cyber theft can leave on your business is crippling, it…

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Protecting Yourself from a Lawsuit

Need lawsuit protection? A good start is professional liability, but the list of actions you can take go much farther than just insurance.

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The Future of Commercial Insurance

The future for the industry is changing, and people should catch up with technology as it pushes progress forward.

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How Commercial Insurance is Changed by Risk Management

What does risk management do for small businesses? It can raise insurance rates on the one hand, but the other could increase safety for everyone down the line.

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Differences Between Commercial Insurance and Medicare

Ever wondered how Medicare and Commercial Insurance differ? This is an easy outline of how each coverage type helps you.

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What Could Climate Change Do to Commercial Insurance?

What does climate change mean for the insurance industry? What we know is this: hotter temperatures equal more intense storms. And these storms mean trouble.

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Headaches From Searching For Insurance, Saved By Ez.Insure

3 Insurance Headaches EZ.Insure Will Save You From

While disasters may strike your business, EZ.Insure has the expertise to assist you, whether it’s preparation, fraud, or property damage.

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