A Groundbreaking Drug For Postpartum Depression Is Here!

According to research, postpartum depression affects about one in seven women. It is a serious mental illness, and can lead down harmful roads like experiencing thoughts about taking your own life, or harming your child. The US Food and Drug Administration, FDA, has recently approved a drug targeted to help treat women with postpartum depression. While it hopes to help treat women in as quickly as two days, the drug Brexanolone, sold as Zulresso, comes with great costs.

A caucasian hand with an IV in it on a bed.
The new PPD drug will be given through an IV drip in a hospital or medical center.

Postpartum depression is usually treated with counseling and medication that can take weeks to work. If not treated properly, PPD can last months, or even years. Clinical studies showed that Zulresso will treat PPD within two days, and improve symptoms for over a month.

The Treatment

The treatment is given as an IV drip over 60 hours. Because it is not a regular oral pill, it has to be done in a hospital or medical center under medical supervision. The clinical studies found some mild side effects, such as headaches, dizziness, loss of consciousness, or excessive sleepiness.

Tiffany Farchione, M.D., acting director of the Division of Psychiatry Products in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research stated “Because of concerns about serious risks, including excessive sedation or sudden loss of consciousness during administration, Zulresso has been approved with a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) and is only available to patients through a restricted distribution program at certified health care facilities where the health care provider can carefully monitor the patient.”

The Results

The trials conducted in 2016 and 2017 involved more than 200 women who have symptoms of PPD. Some women were given Brexanolone, while others were given a placebo. At 60 hours, 75% of the women who received the drug either had symptoms completely cured, or at least halfway improved.  Among the patients who got the drug at 60 hours, 94% did not relapse at the 30-day followup.

The Costs

Sage Therapeutics Inc. is the drug’s manufacturer, and they confirmed that it will cost you roughly $20,000 to

Hands on a lptop wth an upward chart on the screen, and another hand's finger pointing at the screen.
Although the drug cost is high, Sage Therapeutics is hopeful insurance companies will cover it due to the great results.

$35,000 per treatment. This does not include the costs of the hospital or medical center. Each vial costs about $7, 450, resulting in almost $35,000 to complete the course of treatment. Although the drug is not yet covered by insurance, Sage Therapeutics said they are working on that aspect. “We’ve certainly been in encouraging conversations with insurance companies,” says Jeff Boyle, a spokesperson for the company. He added that the company expects insurance will cover it because “they recognize the value of this medication.”

Dr. Samantha Meltzer-Brody, a professor of mood and anxiety disorders at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine in Chapel Hill, who was a researcher in the phase III trials for the drugs said “My greatest hope is that this increases awareness. What’s heartbreaking is the number of women who suffer in silence and do not get the treatment that they need,” she said. “People need to reach out and get screened and get treatment, regardless of if treatment is with Brexanolone or not.”

Due to the drug’s severe treatment, scientists are working on other forms of the drug that will not require being hospitalized. Hopefully, it will be something that people can take orally, and won’t cost the price of a new car.

Glaucoma: How You Get It, How To Prevent It!

Did you know that glaucoma is the second leading cause for blindness in the world? While everyone is at risk for developing glaucoma, people over the age of 60 have a higher risk. Statistics show that over 3 million Americans have it, but only half know they actually have it. There are no known cures for the disease yet. However, there are precautions you can take to prevent glaucoma.

What Is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that develops in millions of Americans.
Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that develops in millions of Americans. Damage to the optic nerve causes vision loss over time.

The optic nerve has over 1 million nerve fibers, connecting the retina to the brain. Glaucoma is a disease in which the optic nerve is damaged, causing vision loss, and blindness. There are 3 main types of glaucoma diseases, open-angle glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma, and low-pressure glaucoma. Most cases develop slowly over time, but if it is detected early on, you can significantly slow down the loss of vision.

The Causes

As mentioned, when there is damage to the optic nerve, then glaucoma begins. Fluid constantly flows to nearby tissues, and whenever the liquid cannot drain, it adds pressure to the optic nerve, causing damage. Family history, and your ethnicity can increase your risk of glaucoma. If your parents or siblings have it, have diabetes, or if you are African American or Latino, then you have a greater chance of the disease. The three main types/causes of glaucoma are:

  • Open-angle (Chronic) Glaucoma– This is the most common type of glaucoma. There are no early warning signs for this type of glaucoma, because it develops slowly and is not noticeable. Most people feel fine and like nothing is wrong, because it is so unnoticeable. By the time a person notices vision loss, the disease is in its advanced stages, making the vision loss untreatable. Open-angle refers to the angle in your eye where the iris meets the cornea. The drainage canals become clogged causing eye pressure.
  • Angle-closure (Acute) Glaucoma– This type of glaucoma is less common, and occurs when there are blocked drainage canals. Because of the blockage, the angle between the iris and cornea is closed or narrowed. Symptoms and damage are usually noticeable when it occurs, and needs immediate attention.
  • Low-Pressure (Normal-Tension) Glaucoma–  This occurs when the optic nerve is damaged, possibly due to poor blood flow to the nerve. even though the eye pressure is not very high.

The Early Signs

There are many early signs of glaucoma. It is very important that if you notice or suspect glaucoma, or any of the following symptoms to see your doctor immediately. Symptoms include:

  • Vision loss, especially around the peripheral (side) vision.
  • Seeing halos around lights
  • The inability to adjust to darkened rooms
  • Foggy or blurred vision
  • Pain or pressure in the eye
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Tunnel vision (narrowing of vision)
  • Frequently switching glasses

If you are able to catch glaucoma early, then you have a higher chance of treating it. This usually occurs with eye drops, pills, laser surgery, and/or traditional surgery. The earlier you can prevent vision less, the better, because once you lose vision, you can not reverse it.


In order to prevent glaucoma, there are some simple steps to take recommended by medical experts. A healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent vision loss, and this includes:

Regular eye exams can catch early signs of glaucoma, or any damage to the eye.
Regular eye exams can catch early signs of glaucoma, or any damage to the eye. This gives you a better chance of fighting it and preventing it.

Regular eye exams- Early detection from frequent eye exams are one of the main ways to prevent vision loss and glaucoma. It is recommended that people age 55-64 go to the eye doctor every 1-2 years, and people 64 and older go every 6-12 months.

Exercise– Moderate exercise can lower your intraocular pressure, which is the pressure that causes optic nerve damage. Walking or jogging can help lower the pressure.

Prevent Eye Injuries– Always wear protective eyewear when you are in the sun. Make sure you are not straining to read or watch something. Wear eyewear when you are dealing with construction, or sports to prevent any injury.

Keep Insulin Levels Low- Diabetes creates a higher chance of developing glaucoma. This is because diabetes can increase blood pressure, which includes eye pressure as well. Avoid sugar and high-carb foods in order to keep your insulin levels low.

Eye-Healthy Foods– Some foods to consider eating for healthy vision are foods rich in vitamins A,C,D, E, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. A lot of these vitamins are found in leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits.

Once you have vision loss due to glaucoma, then the harder it is to go back to regular vision. More often, when vision loss happens, it becomes irreversible. So the main thing to do is to stay on top of your eye health. Visit the eye doctor regularly, eat healthy, exercise, and if you exhibit any symptoms, then seek immediate medical attention.

Speak Up! When To Talk To Your Doctor About Endometriosis.

Do you ever have menstrual cramp-like pain that can be so unbearable that you can’t go about your normal daily activities? Is it sometimes painful during sex? If you answered yes to either  of these questions, then you might be one of the millions of women who have endometriosis. Endometriosis happens when the lining of your uterus grows outside of the uterus and attaches to other parts/organs of your body, usually in the abdomen or pelvis. It is estimated to affect about 1 in 10 reproductive-aged women. If it is not spotted early on and treated, endometriosis can cause infertility. Nearly 20-40% of women with infertility will have endometriosis. Below are the symptoms and signs so you can seek the necessary medical attention.

The Warning Signs

Endometriosis has many symtpoms. One of the main ones is killer cramps, pain while having sex, and painful ovulation.
Endometriosis has many symtpoms. One of the main ones is killer cramps, pain while having sex, and painful ovulation.

The causes of endometriosis are unknown, and many women who have it exhibit no symptoms. Those who do experience symptoms may include:

  • Killer cramps- While most menstrual cramps are painful or annoying, endometriosis cramping is like cramps on steroids. The cramps are so strong that they can stop you from accomplishing simple tasks.


  • Longer and heavier periods
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Worsened allergies
  • Painful bowel movements
  • Severe migraines
  • Painful ovulation
  • Bloating
  • Pain in lower back
  • Painful urination
  • Infertility- If your tissue grows outside of the uterus, the scarring makes it hard for the sperm and egg to meet. If the egg does become fertilized, then the disease will stop the egg from implanting in the lining of the uterus.
  • Pain During Sex- Some women describe sharp or stabbing pain while having sex, or after sex. This is a possible sign of endometriosis. Sex should feel good, not painful. This should be a clear sign that something is not right.


Most of the time, the pain is worse right before or during your period. The pain improves after, but can occur when you are ovulating.

How Do I Get Diagnosed?

If you fear you are one of the many women who have endometriosis, go to your OB-GYN immediately and get checked. Your gynecologist can feel nodules during a rectovaginal exam. This is done when they put one finger in the vagina, and one in the rectum. While these exams or an ultrasound can show possible signs of endometriosis, the only sure way to know is from a biopsy. The doctor performs a laparoscopy, in which they go in through the belly button and take a sample of the endometriosis lesion. Lesions in the stomach will look like cigarette burns, or they

Forms of treatment for endometriosis varies from pills, to surgery.
Forms of treatment varies from pills, to surgery. If the medication does not work, then surgery is the next recommended step.

can appear on an ovary as a cyst.

Is It Treatable?

To treat endometriosis, the doctor can prescribe medications. If this doesn’t work or it is severe, then surgery is recommended.

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed to relieve pain. Doctors will prescribe Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs to relieve pain and reduce the size of the nodules. The GnRH reduces estrogen production, causing your menstrual cycle to stop, mimicking menopause. Birth control is another recommended pill , and if it does not help, the doctor will prescribe progestins.
  • Surgery is the next step if the medications do not work. The doctor simply burns the endometriosis lesions, getting rid of any scar tissue. This will hopefully alleviate any pain associated with endometriosis, and allow the ovaries and fallopian tubes to return to  normal. If the ovarian tissue and uterus can’t be preserved, then the doctor will recommend a hysterectomy in which the uterus is removed.

Most cases of endometriosis are in women from the ages of 25-35 years old. Unfortunately, there is no known way to prevent endometriosis. This makes it especially important to visit your OB-GYN regularly, and voice any concerns or pain you are experiencing.

Dementia or Depression? Beware An Easy Misdiagnosis

Diseases often get misdiagnosed due to similar symptoms. This is especially true for dementia and depression, because the symptoms mimic one another. Pseudodementia is a term used to describe symptoms that resemble dementia, but are due to other conditions, mainly depression. Misdiagnosis of these symptoms, such as memory loss, can lead to someone getting the wrong treatment, or no treatment at all. It is important to know the difference, because the symptoms of depression can be reversed.


The Similarities

Because a lot of people with dementia are also depressed, it can be hard to distinguish between the two. The common symptoms are:

    • Forgetfulness
    • Sleeping too much or not enough
    • Loss of interest of a hobby
    • Memory problems
    • Social withdrawal
  • Difficulty concentrating

The Differences

Despite their similarities, dementia and depression exhibit important distinctions. Some ways to differentiate the two are:

Memory:  One of the main differences in dementia is that memory will continue to get worse. People with depression may have trouble concentrating and be forgetful. Someone with dementia, however, will have problems storing new information, such as what they did a couple of hours ago. They may repeatedly ask the same questions, and forget where they placed things.

Language: People who are dealing with depression may talk slowly, but will speak properly. People with dementia will forget common names of things such as “chair,” or “picture.”

Negativity: Depressed people will appear more negative than people with dementia. Depressed people will talk about suicide more, and put a negative spin on things. People with depression also show less severe mood swings than those with dementia, who may show a wider range of emotions, such as laughing while others are sad, and mood swings that are all over the place.

Orientation: People who are depressed know who they are speaking with, and are aware of the day and time. On the other hand, people with dementia will be confused during conversation, and forget what day and time it is.

There are different screenings and tests you can take to determine if you have dpression or early dementia.
There are different screenings and tests you can take to determine if you have dpression or early dementia.


There are two screenings that can be used to determine depression and/or dementia in seniors. The Geriatric Depression Scale (GSD) is used to evaluate depression. Another option is the Cornell Scale, which can be used to identify depression and dementia.


There are multiple treatments available for depression. Typically these can include antidepressants, exercise, and counseling. Unfortunately, there is no cure for dementia. Medications (cholinesterase inhibitors) can help slow down the progression, however.

Depression is common among older adults because of the loneliness or isolation they can feel. More than 8 million senior Americans are depressed. Even more alarmingly, depression can actually bring on dementia. As depression worsens, small strokes break down the brain, eventually developing into dementia. If you experience any type of memory loss, it is in your best interest to see a doctor as soon as possible. Memory and concentration can be restored if the issue is depression. Seeking help and treating depression will not only help you remember and feel better, but it will also decrease your chances of developing dementia.

Habits To Adapt For A Longer Life

Studies show that bad habits can age you almost 12 years and shorten your lifespan. These things are smoking, drinking, not exercising, and not eating healthier foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Making small changes in those categories can help you live a longer healthier life.

Less TV Time

Too much tv is bad for your health.
Too much tv is bad for your health. Can decrease lifespan.

A 2010 study found that people who watched TV for 4 hours or more a day were more likely to die from any cause than those who watched less than 2 hours a day. Each additional hour you watch increases your risk of dying by 11% and dying from heart disease by 18%. Too much TV can lead to adding weight due to being a couch potato and inactive.

Quit Smoking

The most important thing you can do for your health and others around is to quit smoking. It reduces your lifespan significantly and others around you who inhale the smoke. A study in the American Journal of Public Health found that women who quit smoking by 35 added about 6-8 years to their lives. It is never too late to quit smoking, even if you have lung cancer or COPD.

More Fruits & Vegetables

Many people do not consume as many vegetables and fruits as they should in a day. But it is important to incorporate them into your diet every day because they can lower your risk of heart disease by 76%! Antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables reduce inflammation and boost circulation.

Limit Sun Exposure & Use SPF

Being out in the sun too much can lead to a high risk of skin cancer. Staying out of the sun will not only help protect your skin from cancer but reduce wrinkles, sagging skin, and fine lines, essentially keeping you looking younger. Make sure to use SPF when out in the sun to prevent skin damage.

Try to excercise 3-4 days a week.
Try to excercise 3-4 days a week. Eat healthy to fulfill your body with what it needs.

Stay Fit

In order to remain as young as possible, exercise is the key to this! Running and high-intensity exercises can add almost 4 years to your life! You can start out by just walking 30 minutes a day and work yourself up more. This will lower your risk of heart issued and help your mind function more effectively, and get your metabolism working better.

A Good Sex Life

Having sex 2-3 times a week can add as much as 3 years to your life by helping burn calories. A regular healthy sex life can lower your blood pressure, improve sleep, and boost your immune system.

All of these habits are achievable if you put a little time and effort every day, and remain conscious of your health.

New Fitbit App, Connects Patients To Doctors

Fitbit has created a new health care platform called Fitbit Care that will help coach people with their health and wellness. Now people can use this platform and the new app connected to it, Fitbit Plus, to stay connected with their doctors, employers, and social groups. This platform and app will even connect you to health coaches so you can stay on track.

The new FitBit app will help your doctor stay connected with you.
The new FitBit app will help your doctor stay connected with you, and updat your records.

What It Includes

The Fitbit Care platform will all people to track activity, sleep, heart rate, and more. It will have interventions for weight loss, smoking cessation, and helps manage conditions such as congestive heart disease and depression. It offers the management of other conditions, even chronic and complex ones.

Once you are enrolled in the Fitbit Care platform, whether through employer or health plans, they will have access to the new app, Fitbit Plus. Fitbit Plus will be able to track your blood pressure, and glucose levels. It will work on a lot of different devices, to which you choose to connect it to.

The Goal

Employers are interested in this new Fitbit app because it will help keep employees health on track. In turn this will essentially keep healthcare costs low. People with the app can connect to support groups if they need to. Employers can put motivating messages on it as well.  Doctors can stay connected with their patients and can check their

Keep track of your heatlh with the new FitBit app.
Keep track of your heatlh with the new FitBit app.

metrics. The doctors will be able to tell if a treatment plan they have set is working or if they need to adjust it.

This advancement in technology can help save someone’s life. The alerts can help those who are part of the platform know if a person’s metrics have dropped too low, or if something is wrong. Just like Apple’s new watch which has saved people from having a major heart attack, this app hopes to do the same, and more. The cost of Fitbit Care is not set, and is dependent on the case. For employers it will be based on the business and how many employees they have.