Autism At Any Age

autism at any age text overlaying image of hands holding a heart made of colorful puzzle peices Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complicated developmental illness. It’s characterized by chronic difficulties with social communication, limited interests, and repetitive behavior. While autism is a lifelong illness, the degree of functional impairment caused by these issues differs amongst persons with autism. According to the CDC, one in every 36 kids and over 5.4 million adults are on the autism spectrum. With boys being four times more likely to be diagnosed than girls. Autism symptoms are typically noticed at 18 months or younger that usually leads to an official diagnosis by age 2. However, doctors have just begun to understand that symptoms of autism in adults can differ from those in children. Which is why more adults have been diagnosed with autism in recent years. So, how do the symptoms of autism differ between children and adults?

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Autism In Infants and Toddlers

Autism signs and symptoms may be difficult to detect in this age group. But addressing the issue early will help give your child the best chance of success.  One of the most obvious indicators is a young child who does not speak by the age of two or begins to speak. But then appears to regress to a pre-vocal stage.  These children will also struggle to make eye contact with others. They rarely, if ever, initiate play with others and appear deafeningly silent when you speak to them. These children, unlike other babies and little children, do not desire to be touched or cuddled. They do not return smiles and are unlikely to respond to games that entail mirroring another’s action, such as patty-cake.

Autism In School-Age Children

This is the time when the signs and symptoms of autism are most visible. Children on the autism spectrum will not engage in pretend play.  These children never seem to master nuances like sarcasm or irony since they not only think in images. But also accept things literally.  When an autistic child is told to unwind after spinning in circles (a repetitious movement they may employ to self-soothe), they may literally start spinning in the other direction. Other self-soothing behaviors include constant rocking, watching a fan spin, or flapping one’s hands.


During this time, the inflexible personality that is characteristic of all varieties of autism manifests itself. When timetables are changed or a different route is taken to school, these children frequently get upset. They prefer their possessions to be in a specific sequence and will notice if something is moved. They may play alongside other children, but they rarely participate in group activities. Additionally, they may have an exceptional attachment to an inanimate object, such as a stuffed animal or blanket.  Touch and eye contact are still avoided. This is often because their senses appear to be heightened. And they become more readily overwhelmed when exposed to loud, vivid colors, and lights.  

Autism In Teens and Adults

By this age, your child may have learnt that avoiding making eye contact is considered impolite and has made changes. But may occasionally go to the extreme of staring.  During these latter years, the autistic signs and symptoms of inflexible behavior and social isolation are often more visible. It’s difficult to establish friends when you don’t know how to read social cues, and by the teen and adult years, many people with autism have given up trying.  


Your child may be timid, but the need for companionship might produce the opposite behavior, and he or she may become overly sociable.  The latter may speak loudly and stand too close to others, not understanding why the other person is uncomfortable. The one-track mentality persists, and rules are held virtually sacred. If rules are broken, he/she has no trouble in informing others.  Rigid devotion to routine has grown even more ingrained, and sudden change may cause annoyance or even fury.  Understanding office politics completely escapes the adult with autism, which may prohibit him or her from progressing in their employment.


Often, it is not until an individual reaches maturity that they discover they are on the autism spectrum. This is particularly common in high functioning or Aspergers individuals. Finally, the diagnosis provides spouses, significant others, and employers with information and a justification for some of the abnormal behaviors they may have observed, as well as tips on how to interact with the individual more successfully.

Types of Autism Spectrum Disorder

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) is the standard resource used by medical professionals in the United States to diagnose mental disorders. The DSM-5 specifies the criteria that must be met in order for a person to be diagnosed with a certain disorder. Such as autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, anxiety, and so on. 


Autism has varying degrees of severity, with symptoms including social and communication impairments, as well as confined or repetitive patterns of behavior. These autism levels represent the disorder’s main characteristics. Individuals with these features, however, can exhibit a wide range of symptoms associated with various forms of autism. Because of this variety, autism spectrum disorder is classified as a spectrum disorder. Furthermore, autism is divided into three unique levels to provide a more detailed knowledge of how someone experiences their individual type of autism in their daily life.

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Level 1

Level 1 autism is sometimes considered to be the least severe or mildest form of autism. Although there is no single set of qualities that someone with level 1 autism might have, there are some similar traits and experiences that people with this autism level may have. For example, most people (children and adults) with level 1 autism are likely to be able to communicate verbally using words and more complex language, whereas those with level 3 autism may not be able to speak using words at all (though some people with level 3 autism can speak using vocal language).


People with level 1 autism frequently struggle with speech and social interactions. They may struggle with small talk or understanding social signs. They may struggle to make or keep friends (although some people with level 1 ASD may have a friend or two. Transitions associated with changing activities may be difficult or distressing for someone with level 1 autism.

Level 2 

Level 2 Autism is in the middle of the spectrum in terms of the level of assistance a person may require to function more independently and productively in daily life. When it comes to level 2 autism diagnostic criteria, a person is stated to need “substantial support.” A person with level 2 autism requires more assistance or accommodations than someone with level 1 autism. They also frequently have more communication and social challenges than a person with level 1 autism. 


A person with level 2 autism may exhibit more obvious stimming activities (also known as confined or repetitive behaviors). Stimming actions are not something to be ashamed of, however it is important to remember that in some settings, some stimming habits might have a negative impact on one’s quality of life. For example, if someone’s stimming habit includes skin plucking, this could be harmful to the person’s health. It could also have a detrimental impact on work completion (if the person is focused on skin picking rather than executing important chores), as well as on relationships or social encounters. 


Skin picking, on the other hand, may be related to self-regulation and a coping activity for anxiety or discomfort, so it is critical that anyone assisting the person with autism understands the function of skin picking and is compassionate in their approach to helping the person address their stimming behaviors. Stimming behaviors should be addressed in ways that benefit the person with autism.

Level 3 

The DSM-5 considers someone with level 3 autism to “require very substantial support.” This means that the individual would benefit from extra help and accommodations in their everyday life – at home, school, work, in the community, in relationships, and so on – in order to operate independently and productively. People with level 3 autism may or may not use verbal communication (but some do). They may exhibit extremely difficult behaviors such as frequent meltdowns, violence, or self-harm. They may exhibit more frequent and intense stimming behaviors. Someone with level 3 may struggle to understand others. When compared to those with level 1 or level 2 autism, someone with level 3 autism may require significantly more monitoring even as an adolescent or adult.


While there is no “cure” for autism, there are some effective methods that can help them function better.


  • Applied behavioral analysis – This entails a comprehensive examination of the person’s functional issues in order to develop a structured behavioral plan for developing adaptive abilities and lowering inappropriate behavior.
  • Social skills training – This type of therapy, delivered in either group or individual settings, assists people with autism in improving their ability to navigate social situations.
  • Speech and language therapy – Working with a speech coach can help those with difficulty speaking develop speech patterns and further understand language in general
  • Occupational therapy – It can help the person work on adaptive skills with daily tasks as well as issues with handwriting.
  • Parent management training – Will help parents learn effective methods for dealing with troublesome conduct and supporting appropriate behavior in their children. Parent support groups assist parents in coping with the stresses of raising an autistic kid.
  • Special education services – Children with autism can reach their full academic potential if their school provides an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that fits their social communication difficulties, restricted interests, and repetitive habits. Special day classes for very young children are available to cover language, social, and life skills.
  • Treating co-occurring conditions – Children with autism are more likely than their peers without autism to suffer from sleeplessness, anxiety, and depression. They are also more likely to have ADHD. Autistic children may have intellectual disabilities, which must be treated. The severity of these diseases can be lessened with the right services, which include all of the above as well as psychotherapy and/or prescription treatment.

Finding Health Coverage

If you feel that you or your child may be on the autistic spectrum, it is important that you seek support so that you can learn how to live with ASD. Being insured will provide you with peace of mind. As well as the coverage you require to ensure that you can see any specialists and receive any necessary therapy. 


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Pregnant After 30? You May Be Raising Your Risk Of Autism

It is common knowledge that the older a woman gets, the riskier it is to have a baby. This goes for both the mother and the baby. The older parents are when they have a child, the more likely they are to have a child with autism. This falls especially on the mother’s age. New research and data from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) show that there is a link between a mother’s age when giving birth and a child’s chances of developing autism.

Autism is a developmental disorder that affects 1 in 59 children in the U.S.
Autism is a developmental disorder that affects 1 in 59 children in the U.S.

What Is Autism?

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder with a broad range of conditions from challenges with social skills, repetitive behavior, motor skills, speech, and nonverbal communication. According to the CDC, it affects 1 in 59 children in the U.S. It is believed that autism begins in the womb with abnormal brain development of the fetus. Every case is different, which is why it is a spectrum disorder. The way in which a person with autism learns, thinks, and problem-solves can range from highly skilled to extremely challenged. Some people need more help with daily living, while others can live completely independently.

The Research

In a study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, researchers reported that both the father’s and mother’s age had an impact on their child’s risk of autism. However, the risk was greater for older mothers compared to older fathers. When they compared the parents’ ages, autism risk grew steadily with the father’s increasing age but accelerated with the mother’s age after 30. If a woman who is younger than 25 has a baby with a man who is older than 40, they are two times more likely to birth a baby with autism than a father who was between 25-29. While the father’s age does take a role, it is the advanced mother’s age that is linked to significant elevated risk, regardless of the father’s age.

Research compared women of all ages that had children to women aged 25-29 who had children. It showed that mothers who had a baby at ages 30-34 were 12% more likely to have a child with autism than women aged 25-29. Women aged 35-39 were 31% more likely to have an autistic child, and women over the age of 40 are 50-70% more likely to have an autistic child.

Research shows the older a woman is when she has a baby, the higher the risk of autism in the baby.
Research shows the older a woman is when she has a baby, the higher the risk of autism in the baby.

Although there is no concrete reason, there are some theories for the increased risk of an autistic child in older women. Some range from environmental factors to genetic factors. One theory is that the older parents are, the more likely genetic mutations occur in the sperm or cell develop.

Many women nowadays are career driven and choose to wait until at least 30 to start a family. Some women just want to live before they can commit to having a baby. Whatever their decision is, it appears that the longer they wait, the higher the risk of their child developing autism. But experts stress that although the parental age is a risk factor, it is not the cause, and should not affect the decision to have children at any age. Maureen Durkin, an epidemiologist and professor of population health sciences and pediatrics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison states that “If a couple is faced with the decision of whether to delay childbearing until they finish school and are in a relatively stable position to provide parenting or rush to have children when they are young to avoid autism, I would say the weight of the evidence favors the former approach.”

No matter when you choose to have a baby, if they do have autism, it is okay. Autism does not make a baby, or child any less “normal”. Autistic people are different, not less. Instead of linking thoughts and discussions of autism to fear, pity, and tragedy, we should celebrate it. We should view autism with support, acceptance, and empowerment.

He Doesn’t Seem Autistic to Me: A Personal Account of Social Denial

My son was born on May 8th 2017. Beaming with light, he sprang into the world and he was EVERYTHING. His father and I instantly knew that everything we would or wouldn’t do in our lives would solely be to make his life happier. Over the course of the next 10 months, he knocked all his physical milestones out of the park. Rolling over, 

When our son was born, he was everything. Over the course of the next 10 months he was knocking all of his milestones out of the park. We were bursting with pride.
When our son was born, he was everything. We were bursting with pride. He was more or less a typical infant and I clearly remember gushing to my husband that we had the most well behaved baby I’d ever come across.

sitting, crawling, standing, perfecting the pincer grip, and walking. We were filled to the brim and bursting with pride as all new parents are or, at least, should be. He was more or less a typical infant and I clearly remember gushing to my husband that we had the most well behaved baby I’d ever come across. He rarely cried or whined. He didn’t require attention for long periods of time. He was content to sit in the same spot, play with the same toy, or watch the entire “Trolls” movie without so much as a few gleeful squeals and hand flaps. We’d created perfection. 

Our son has Autism. It is a part of what makes him, him
Our son has Autism. It is a part of what makes him, him.

One morning, about 5 weeks before his first birthday, I woke the baby, changed and fed him, gave him some watered down apple juice, played with him, and put his movie on so that I could do the dishes. Only this time he wasn’t so content. He started to melt down and it took nearly an hour to calm him. I thought to myself that he may just have been reaching a new developmental milestone, but I was concerned. This behavior was very odd for our son, so I began to watch a bit more closely. A few weeks passed and I began to notice small things. He stopped saying the few words he had, stopped making eye contact, and his hand flapping was getting more and more intentional. He also began to hum constantly. He lost all interest in other children and played in his own little world more often than not. Nothing seemed to exist or be of importance outside of “Bruno Land.” He was missing developmental milestones constantly and my big boy, who was so far ahead of the game in comparison to the other infants around me, started to lag behind.

I began doing some research on the signs of Autism in an infant. Everything I found was exactly what we had been experiencing with the baby. I did have a little leg up because a younger cousin of mine had been diagnosed with the condition when she was a toddler. I knew what to look for, so I looked for it. As time went on, I started to vocalize my concern to our families. While my husband was doubtful, he was always on board. He too wanted what was best for Bruno’s development. Our families and friends were harder to convince. Our guy was pretty much a typical toddler at this point. He climbed on everything he could and loved rough housing and cuddles. He was exceptionally well behaved and those of you with toddlers know how rare that is. He didn’t have tantrums or protest when you took a toy away. He simply happily existed and complied. I was told to count my blessings more often than not. The words, “He doesn’t seem autistic to me.” repeated over and over in conversations. “Boys are just slower.” “My son didn’t talk until he was three.” “How could you think that about your son?” “He’s a normal boy.” “Let him come into his own on his own time.” These phrases made me cringe. Despite feeling a bit guilty for assuming he was lacking, I was certain a connection was broken. I pushed forward and made all the appropriate appointments.

The fact of the matter is that I never thought anything was wrong with my son. He was just different.
The fact of the matter is that I never thought anything was wrong with my son. He was just different.

He was officially diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and a Language Receptive Disorder by a doctor at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) on October 25th 2018, just two weeks before he turned 18 months old.

The fact of the matter is that I never thought anything was wrong with my son. He was just different. There is such a massive stigma when someone hears the word “Autism.” Society in general tends to create its own definition for the word. “Wrong.” “Bad.” “Abnormal.” Expect to hear the phrase, “I’m so sorry,” when you inform a friend. Even now, after his official diagnosis, people will still tell me that he’s too young to be diagnosed or they’ll desperately try to 

think of a time when they noticed a typical connection. I understand this mentality and am aware I may not be able to change a person’s perception of the disorder, especially if all their knowledge of the condition was gathered while watching the film “Rain Man”; however, the spectrum is enormous. Imagine it as a color prism rather than a straight line. There are no two people with autism completely alike. Every person diagnosed may have similar symptoms, but very different strengths and weaknesses. One may be great at conversation, but may also be easily over stimulated. Another may not have the ability to look you in the eye for long periods of time, but might seek out thrill and sensory experiences, like Bruno does.

I will not talk down about the people who believe he was misdiagnosed. Their concern doesn’t come from a bad place. It’s simply how they were taught to perceive the disorder in their social corner. For me, what matters most at the end of the day is intent. I find more often than not that when a person has a concern about Bruno’s diagnosis, they aren’t trying to impose or sound rude. I am, however, human. I do get frustrated some days and I do occasionally boil over, as would most parents who feel the need to defend their child against ignorance. Nevertheless, we must remind ourselves that we live in a society that assumes the worst about uncharted territory and that this mentality is the norm. The long and short of it is that YOU are your child’s advocate and you will know him or her best. You will see the signs first because you know your child on the most intimate level. That is until you send them out in the world to start their own family. Advocate for them and make the appropriate appointments as early as possible. With ASD it is so important to obtain Early Intervention Services to help your child grow into their maximum potential. Make sure they receive the correct types of therapy, which they’ll need in order to adapt to the society that you and I navigate more easily. Forget the social norms and ignore every person who tells you how wrong you are for assuming such a thing could be possible. It is your job as a parent to shut down the naysayers and to do all you can to keep your child healthy, happy, kind, and able.

Forget autism awareness. It’s high time we begin talking about autism acceptance. If your child was your light a week before his or her diagnosis, they’re your lighthouse after it. Maintain them and help them shine as bright as they are capable of shining and they will breathe joy and life into every path they cross. Our son has Autism. It is a part of what makes him, him… and to this day I turn to my husband before bed and say, “We’ve created perfection.”

Written By Ellen Banning Lerro

Number of Children Getting Vaccinations Continues To Drop

Every parent has a right over what they think is best for their child. Some choose the herbal route when their kids are sick, while others choose the medicinal route. Over the past couple of years, there has been an increase in parents choosing not to give their kids vaccinations. The numbers quadrupled in the last 17 years. The reason for the decline in vaccinations is due to a study that was found to be fraud regarding autism. The study by Wakefield linked vaccines to the increase of autism in children over the years. The lack of vaccination in kids has caused some measle outbreaks all over the world, including in the U.S.

The number of kids getting vaccinated is decreasing every year.
The number of kids getting vaccinated is decreasing every year. This may cause an outbreak of diseases like the measles.

Vaccines & Autism

The study that was linked to autism was found to be untrue. The man who conducted the study, Wakefield, falsified data about the children’s conditions that he observed. Since then, at least seven large studies were conducted and found no association between the MMR vaccine and autism. But because of Wakefield’s falsified study, and the increasing numbers of autism in kids, parents are re-thinking vaccines. Parents are not reassured by the facts that vaccines are not linked to autism and other issues with children. The reason is because they have all met or know someone with an autistic child.

One in 59 kids are on the autism spectrum in the U.S. This is almost a 2% increased rate from the past 2 years. No one truly knows the reason for the increase of autism in kids. However, there are factors associated with higher risk such as mental illness during pregnancy, genetic mutations, birth before 37 weeks gestation, and having parents that are older than 30.

Measles & Vaccines

Due to the decline of kids getting the MMR shot, the number of kids getting the measles has increased. If a baby or toddler gets the measles, the outcome may be deadly for them and their weakened and undeveloped immune systems. The measles virus is a highly contagious one, it affects the respiratory system, immune system, and your skin. In the U.S. there has been a confirmed 137 measle cases among 24 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC. The CDC estimates that if there is a 5% drop in the measles vaccination, then the number of children aged 2 to 11 who would catch the measles would triple.

Why So Many Vaccines?

Nearly 1 in 4 people aged 19-35 have not received all the recommended vaccinations. Some parents are concerned about the number of shots that a child has to get, especially since it is so much more than when they were a child. The reason for this is because back in the 1970’s and 80’s, kids were vaccinated against only 8 diseases, Since then, kids are vaccinated against 14 diseases, which is why they receive more shots. Kids these days are protected against almost twice as many diseases. 100 children died from chicken pox the year before the varicella vaccine was introduced to us. Even though a lot of people got the chicken pox and were okay, others were not as fortunate.

Some parents think that herd immunity will help keep their kids safe.
Some parents think that herd immunity will help keep their kids safe. But kids and babies are at most risk if vaccination numbers drop too much.

Herd Immunity

Some parents believe that “herd immunity” will protect their kids from getting a disease, which is why they do not give their children immunization. Herd immunity is the idea that if a large number of the community is vaccinated, then the spread of a contagious disease will be low for those who are not vaccinated. The only problem with this theory is that the community must have 80-90% of them vaccinated, and a drop in this number will lead to the community becoming susceptible to the disease. Those who are at greatest risk of getting the disease are babies and kids.

Some children who are allergic to eggs, or have immune-system deficiencies can not receive certain vaccines. This puts that child at a huge risk of contracting a disease that could compromise their life. It is important that people around the kid are vaccinated so that the child is not in danger. But this can only be achieved if we shield our kids and communities from the diseases with vaccines.

When it comes down to the debate, it depends on the parent and what they believe and feel is right. Know the facts by doing a lot of research, and ask your doctor any questions you have before choosing not to vaccinate.